
Mary Ruwart to Seek Libertarian Party Presidential Nomination — No Comments

  1. From her website at

    Mary J. Ruwart, Ph.D. is
    a former pharmaceutical research scientist and Assistant Professor of Surgery. She has worked extensively with the disadvantaged in low-income housing and was a contender for the 1992 Libertarian Party Vice-Presidential nomination. Her scientific, political, and community activities have been profiled in several prestigious biographical works, including American Men and Women of Sciences, World’s Who’s Who of Women, International Leaders in Achievement, and Community Leaders of America.

    Dr. Ruwart is the author of HEALING OUR WORLD: THE OTHER PIECE OF THE PUZZLE, hailed by Visions Magazine as “what may be the most important book of the decade.” HEALING applies win-win strategies to
    the political realm, “bridging the gap between conservatives and liberals, Christians and New Agers, special interests and the common good with practical solutions to our economic, environmental, and societal woes” (Ron Paul, U.S. Congressman (R-TX) and 1988 Libertarian Party Presidential Nominee).

  2. Thank you, Robert. How about the Libertarian Party nominating Jesse Ventura for president and Mary Ruwart for vice president?

  3. Phil,
    Ventura has not sought the nomination and as far as I know he is not a registered Libertarian.

  4. Its is official. Her web site is active.

    Libertarian Presidential candidates do not choose their Vice Presidential running mate. Their running mate is nominated by convention like the Presidential candidate.

  5. Just wanted to comment, as I have been doing elsewhere, that Mary Ruwart’s entry into the Libertarian Party nominating mix for their presidential candidate is a breath of fresh air. She will (and has to a great extent already) ignited the contest for the LP nomination. She has a great shot at getting it, and will make a great candidate, with her unique talent at reaching voters from all points of the political map. Liberty is for everyone, so everyone ought to know how it works for them. I support her candidacy wholeheartedly, and I WILL be at the convention to help make her nomination happen.

  6. Regarding Jess Ventura. . . he is not an LP member, has never explicitly confirmed that he is a small “l” libertarian (though he has a few libertarian leanings) and is not sseking the LP nomination. Also, though he has the opportunity, he has never endorsed any libertarian candidate for federal office either.

    Regarding Mary Ruwart, she wouldn’t take second place to Ventura, nor shouldn’t, or IMHO be second on a ticket to anyone, with the small (very small) possible exception of Ron Paul.

  7. I was a dues paying member of the Libertarian Party from 1974-1988. I quit the LP in 1988 when Ron Paul cheated Russell Means out of the LP presidential nomination. Since the late ’80s there has been a right-ward drift of the LP. I don’t see how anyone can call themselves a libertarian if they don’t support abortion rights for women. I think either Mary Ruwart, Mike Gravel, or Steve Kubby could bring the LP back to its original roots if they get the presidential nomination.

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