Michigan Democrats Give Up on Re-Vote

On April 4, the Michigan Democratic State Executive Committee decided not to try a presidential caucus, or a party-run mail-in presidential primary, this year. Michigan elections officials had held a presidential primary in January that, under Democratic Party national rules, was too early, so the national party rules eliminated Michigan delegates this year. The Michigan delegates could still have been seated if the party had managed to find a “legal” way to choose them, but the state party has now given up. Thanks to Thomas Jones for this news.


Michigan Democrats Give Up on Re-Vote — No Comments

  1. This is so easy to figure out, it isn’t even funny.

    Step 1 – There HAS to be a punitive reduction of the total number of delegates that Michigan gets to send to Denver. Currently they get to send Zero, which is unacceptable to anybody, even Obama. Michigan’s Hillary supporters want 100% of the delegates to be seated in Denver as if no rules had been violated at all. There has to be some punishment for Michigan, or the Democratic Party will lose all control over the states. The ensuing war to move forward primaries will have us all voting and unwrapping Christmas presents back to back. The answer is to cut the number of delegates sent to Denver in half. This is the same as what the the Republicans are doing, so nobody can accuse the Democrats of treating their voters any worse than the Republicans are treating theirs.

    That means Michigan gets to send 80 delegates.

    Step 2 – How to assign these 80 delegates? Clinton wants the delegates to be assigned in proportion to exactly how they voted, even though Obama wasn’t on the ballot. Obama wants them distributed 50-50 to each candidate. So give them both half of what they want. Of the delegates left, assign half proportionally according to the vote results. Assign the other half at a 50-50 ratio in acknowledgment that the first vote wasn’t entirely valid without Obama on the ballot.

    40 delegates assigned per the vote=
    22 Clinton 16 Obama 2 Kucinich

    40 delegates assigned at 50/50=
    20 Clinton 20 Obama

    The Michigan delegates going to Denver are:
    42 Clinton Delegates
    36 Obama Delegates
    2 Kucinich Delegates


  2. Only a half machination as a reward for being arrogant and LAWLESS ???

    ZERO delegates to teach arrogant and LAWLESS party hack MORONS a lesson — if party hack New Age MORONS can be taught anything.

  3. It’s a shame all those people in Michigan threw their vote away by voting in the Democratic/Republican Primaries…maybe they should have voted 3rd party and had their vote counted.

  4. The votes in the Michigan GOP primary counted just as much as those in the New Hampshire GOP primary.

  5. The Michigan Democratic Party is the biggest collective group of have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too whiners I’ve ever seen, which is really saying something considering how many whiny Democrats I had to deal with on the Nader campaign four years ago. They have only themselves to blame for openly and knowingly violating their own national party’s rules. Then when the national party actually does what it said it would do and punish them, they have the hilariously unmitigated gall to scream “not fair!”

    This whole episode was greed on steroids, the lust for power that had every state, Michigan included, scrambling to see who could hold its primary earliest, when if they had just left it where it was there wouldn’t be any issue. They assumed everything would be wrapped up by February 5th and they were dead wrong. Now they need to deal with the consequences of being greedy and disobedient, like petulant little children who need to be taught a lesson. And people wonder why so many of us are fed up with the two major parties.

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