Constitution Party Nominates on April 26 (Saturday)

The Constitution Party national convention in Kansas City will actually vote for a presidential nominee on Saturday, April 26, starting at 8 a.m. Nominating speeches will have been made the preceding day. There will probably be a strong vote for Alan Keyes, a strong vote for Chuck Baldwin, and a strong vote for drafting Ron Paul. Thanks to Glenn Brown for the details about the schedule.


Constitution Party Nominates on April 26 (Saturday) — No Comments

  1. I was a previous Republican that converted to Contitution Party until Ron Paul threw his hat into the ring then re-listed as Republican to vote for Ron Paul….

  2. 1) Have you heard anything about the nominating session being shown on C-Span? They don’t have it all posted on their schedule. 2) Since the vote is in Kansas City, is that 8 am Central or Eastern time?

  3. Just checked CSPAN and no Constution Party Convention listed for coverage. Saw on Third Party Watch they will try to have some feeds.

  4. Just saw Alan Keyes will have a live daily stream from the Constitution Party Convention at 8am Central time from a suite at the convention.
    Wednesday through Saturday from 8am to 11pm. At his web site http://WWW.ALANKEYES.COM

  5. NewFederalist:

    Constitution Party chairman Jim Clymer told during an interview last Monday that it was almost certain Moore would not run.

  6. Trying to draft Ron Paul is a waste of time. He’s already said that he won’t run as a third party candidate this year.

  7. I am a former Republican who re-registered as an Independent. I will have to register to vote in another state soon because we are moving. I’m thinking maybe I’ll register as a Centrist. The Constitution Party is a little too right wing for me.

    But keep in mind that we can vote for whoever is on our ballot come election day no matter what party we are registered with. And we need to remind people that pulling a straight ticket, especially for Dem or Rep without knowing who the candidates are is just plain lazy and, these days, stupid.

  8. I didn’t send $2,300 to Ron Paul to vote for anyone but him. Although my heart is with the Constitution Party, there is no other choice for Constitutionalists but to write in Ron Paul for President in November. Dr. Paul has sacrificed a year out of his distinguished life to run for President and deserves our vote, regardless of his party affiliation. If you want, draft Dr. Paul in absentia and encourage voters nationwide to write in his name on the Presidential ballot. Together we could make history.

  9. PREDICTION: The Constitution Party will nominate Chuck Baldwin over Alan Keyes because of issues of international interventionism. Keyes is a neo-con and this group is more traditional, Robert Taft conservative.
    But Keyes is a rule or ruin man. He willl announce that he was denied the nomination because he is a Roman Catholic. This was Bob Smith’s excuse when the CP did not rush to greet him in 2000.
    In reality, the CP would have no problem nominating a Roman Catholic, but Keyes cannot go quietly into the night.

  10. WE cannot write in a Presidential Candidate in SC.

    We have to an Absentee Vote to write him in.

    I will for Ron Paul.

  11. keyes is a fool anybody but keyes. bob smith would be a great candidate, so would either baldwin or clymer. the party would be destroyed if they choose keyes.

  12. This obssession with Ron Paul, to the point of thinking that he is the perfect candidate for every party from Republican to Green, is, to be polite, rather perplexing. What is there about legalizing marijuana, legalizing heroin, no more requiring prescriptions to buy drugs, no problem with flag burning, no Ten Commandments in public schools, etc. is so appealing to members of the Constitution Party? That is libertarianism, and that’s what you’re buying when you say you want a libertarian to be your presidential candidate.

  13. Ron Paul is the man. As Judge Andrew Napolitano put it, the Thomas Jefferson of our time. I like him even better than Ronald Reagan.

  14. He willl announce that he was denied the nomination because he is a Roman Catholic. This was Bob Smith’s excuse when the CP did not rush to greet him in 2000.

    Odd, seeing as the original VP candidate in 2000 was Joseph Sobran, before he decided to drop out and get replcaed by Curtis Frazier.

  15. Draft Ron Paul for President. According to Dr. Paul the big drawback to third parties was ballot access. I believe the Constitution Party is a fifty state party.

  16. I supported Alan Keyes eight years ago, but when he appeared for a Republican debate, he came across as an angry black man who was convinced everyone was putting him down. In interviews with Sean Hannity on radio and TV he didn’t come across much better.

    I like Chuck Baldwin. Ron Paul said he wouldn’t run third party. Ron Paul’s only hope this year is for a McCain meltdown. See for discussion about that.

  17. John Killian – Quote
    PREDICTION: The Constitution Party will nominate Chuck Baldwin over Alan Keyes because of issues of international interventionism. Keyes is a neo-con and this group is more traditional, Robert Taft conservative.
    But Keyes is a rule or ruin man. He willl announce that he was denied the nomination because he is a Roman Catholic. This was Bob Smith’s excuse when the CP did not rush to greet him in 2000.
    In reality, the CP would have no problem nominating a Roman Catholic, but Keyes cannot go quietly into the night.

    First, I’d like to say that unless any major event happens that will make keyes say it was because race or religion, he won’t do it.

    Second, Keyes will win this nomination. He has brought upon thousands of supporters to the Constitution Party, large media/press, etc.. It wasn’t much this election before a month ago or so.

    Trying to draft Ron Paul is a waste of time. He’s already said that he won’t run as a third party candidate this year.
    Total Truth, it’s a waste of time. He Will NOT Run. Simple.

    I supported Alan Keyes eight years ago, but when he appeared for a Republican debate, he came across as an angry black man who was convinced everyone was putting him down. In interviews with Sean Hannity on radio and TV he didn’t come across much better.

    I like Chuck Baldwin. Ron Paul said he wouldn’t run third party. Ron Paul’s only hope this year is for a McCain meltdown. See for discussion about that.

    He has changed only a little bit since 2000 in his speech patterns, but the way of life today and 2008 government wise was way different. There are more things to be mad about.
    Next, that is the way he presents himself. He is a gifted speaker, he is not mad. Every speech he does the same thing, conference calls with him on Tuesdays & Thursdays he does it, it’s the way he presents himself.
    Alan Keyes 2008

  18. You would think Pennsylvania being called the Constitution State (if state officals really believe that) would have no problem putting Constitution Party Chuck Baldwin on the ballot.
    To be labeled as a Constitution State and refuse a Constitution Candidate i find very hypocritcal indeed.
    Either put up or exit your position from Government. We have had it with leaders and officals espousing one thing and doing the complete opposite. Shame on you! Pennsylvanians know your leaders and their shady record,get smart and wake up,do the right thing and vote these self serving individuals out of office and we will have justice restored to our land.

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