Nader's Independent Party is on New Mexico Ballot

The New Mexico Secretary of State’s office has finished checking the petition of Ralph Nader’s Independent Party. The petition has enough valid signatures. The Secretary of State is still working on verifying the Constitution Party petition.

Nader chose to qualify a new party in New Mexico, rather than qualifying as an independent presidential candidate, because the number of signatures for a new party is only one-sixth as many signatures. By contrast, in 2004, he did the independent presidential petition.


Nader's Independent Party is on New Mexico Ballot — 13 Comments

  1. One more separate is NOT equal ballot access system.

    NM was one of the marginal Electoral College gerrymander regimes in 2004.

    Everybody getting ready for a quite possible 269-269 Electoral College TIE due to Nader — and a possible Civil W-A-R II if enough MORONS shoot off their mouths on election night ???

  2. The Revolution should remain nonviolent, of course. We are taking over, though – slowly but surely. We will “yet win and Heaven help us when we do” – as the late Norman Mailer wrote at the end of his book, “Miami and the Siege of Chicago.”

  3. Is Nader’s new party in NM strictly just for ballot access or is there some plan to create a national agenda for these new state parties he is starting up?

  4. Go Nader ! strictly for ballot access otherwise he would not have gotten in as an independant. Nader lacks funds & volunteeers.

  5. i say put nader on the ballot on all 50 states in 2008. all of us need and deserve a choice.

  6. Nader won’t be on the ballet in half of the states. The deck is just stacked too high against independent candidates.

  7. Congratulations to the Nader campaign. Didn’t they also submit signatures to Hawaii recently as well?

  8. democrats-republicans are all the same.

    if you want change vote nader

    he is the only one offering single payer health care.

    and nader did not ruion the elections, it was the fault of the supreme court, and lack of the democratic candidate to pursue justice.

  9. Wonderful! Nader/Gonzalez is a dream team. If they could get into the debates, watch out. They have the issues(end the war NOW, single payer etc.) and the brains and the charisma and the ethics and the background…and…Oh if only.

  10. Ralph Nader has probably gotten more legislation through Congress than all the other Presidential candidates together – And they are good, decent laws like Clean Air and Clean Water – And he has never been in Congress!

    Number One American Citizen = Ralp Nader

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