Reaction to League of Women Voters' Lawsuit Against Pennsylvania Supreme Court

Yesterday, the Pennsylvania League of Women Voters filed a federal lawsuit against the former Chief Justice of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, alleging that he and other members of the Court bargained with state legislators. The complaint alleges that the justices said they would rule favorably on certain cases important to state legislators, if the legislature would raise judicial pay. Here is commentary about the lawsuit from John Baer, the political columnist of the Philadelphia Daily News. Current Supreme Court Chief Justice Ronald D. Castille said yesterday that the lawsuit is slanderous, and that the League of Women Voters has placed itself in danger of sanctions, and that its attorney, Paul Rossi, is in danger of disciplinary action.


Reaction to League of Women Voters' Lawsuit Against Pennsylvania Supreme Court — 1 Comment

  1. The Feds have a public integrity unit in the U.S.A. Justice Dept that routinely comes into corrupt rotten State / local regimes and does a RICO type operation — mass arrests and conspiracy convictions — see Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, etc. in the past — many ops involving corrupt rotted judges.

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