Kansas Reform Party Files Paperwork to List Baldwin as its Presidential Candidate

The ballot-qualified Kansas Reform Party held its state convention back on May 31, and nominated candidates for office, including presidential electors pledged to Chuck Baldwin for president. On June 27, the party turned in the paperwork for these nominations.

The Kansas Secretary of State has hinted that he won’t allow the party to do this. He has not ruled definitively, however. Now that the party has finalized its choice, he will need to either honor the nominations, or explain precisely what provision of Kansas law purports to tell the party that it cannot nominate the presidential candidate of the Constitution Party. In 1980, the American Party of Kansas was allowed to nominate Frank Shelton for president, even though the national convention of the American Party had chosen Percy Greaves. Also, in 1968, the Conservative Party of Kansas was permitted to nominate George Wallace as its presidential candidate, even though the Conservative Party was not affiliated with George Wallace’s American (also called American Independent) Party.


Kansas Reform Party Files Paperwork to List Baldwin as its Presidential Candidate — 22 Comments

  1. Also there was one once in Alabama, and one in Texas in 1966, and one in Illinois in 1992. The Illinois one in 1992 ran Chad Koppie for US Senate in 1992, and now this year he is the Constitution Party candidate for the same office. Also there was one in Iowa in the 1960’s.

  2. Yeap, I am pretty sure NJ had a conservative party too. Actually, not too long ago.

  3. Conservative Party is still active it seems. I don’t know if they are running candidates, but they are still active and you can register to their party in Jersey.

    http://www.njcp.org is their website. Seems like they are Ron Paul and Perot fans there.

  4. Some of these secretaries of state seem to take joy in their arrogance. There is no moral way that the Secretary of State of Kansas can tell the Reform Party of Kansas that they can not nominate Chuck Baldwin for president.

    Yes, the Conservative Party of New Jersey started out as a reformist minded party in the vein of Ross Perot and the Reform Party.

  5. I recall watching on C-SPAN several years ago a debate among New Jersey candidates for a statewide office– U. S. senator, I believe. Minor parties, including the Conservative Party, were allowed to participate. The CP candidate was a tall, balding man who looked like a professor.

  6. The NJ Conservative Party is wanting to place Alan Keyes on the ballot–says so on their blog.

  7. Does anyone know who the leading candidate(s) are for the Reform Party convention in July/is this an indication the national RP might support Baldwin?

  8. I don’t think the Reform Party convention in Dallas in July expects to nominate a presidential candidate. I think the main purpose is just to sort out who the officers are, and also maybe to come up with a strategy for dealing with the FEC’s demands to be repaid $330,000.

  9. Any one going to do a book length review of the glorious/ sordid brief history of the late 20th Century reform movement? [Or may be a daytime drama screen play?]

  10. Richard, as someone attending the convention I can tell you right now I’ve been told they will nominate someone for president. Probably only be on approximently 8-10 states, but it’s a start somewhere.

    I get the drift most of it though is to get the connections going and learn about how to build the party up.

  11. It sure would be nice if the Reform Party Convention nominates Ralph Nader for president and Matt Gonzalez for vice president!

    Please, Reform Party members in California: Join up with the Peace and Freedom Party. We have ballot status and we are in the process of reforming politics in California!

  12. The bruised and battered reform movement sure has problems. [I mean with ‘friends’ like John Blare and Frank MacKay….]

    Once open to stealth Bible Thumpers and moral midgets like Patrick and [sister] Bay Buchanan, the Murkie Middle is obviously ‘fair game’ to any used car sales person or flim flam artist.

    Apparently the stealth not so Green, Independent Green Parties were just Frank MacKay, John Blare, Donald Trump, Micheal Bloomberg, Unity 08 fronts.

    Pennsylvania is pushing back:

    Citizens For A Better Veterans Home, struggling to warn the public about the ongoing failure of veterans programs, not just more lethal, politicized, uncaring programs that create hack patronage jobs, spend taxes in constituent communities, while doing little or nothing for real veterans, their real families, with their real problems…. ..

    So the folks at so called Third Party Watch have allowed this Independence Party shill to pretend to be a more of less ‘Green’ activist! No wonder Gail Parker and the Virginia shills quit contacting/ responding to Citizens For A Better Veterans Home an d promptly ‘disappeared’ their mailing addresses!

    Frank MacKay, John Coffey, John Bambey, Valli Sharpe Geisler, Gail For Rail Parker, and John Blare, fake, fake, fake….

    Reform Party of Pennsylvania *

    72 Fernwood Avenue * Bartonsville, PA 18321
    http://www.reformpa. net
    Thomas McLaughlin
    State Committee Chairman

    Christopher Hollenden
    State Committee Vice-Chairman

    January 10, 2008

    Virginia Independent Greens Affiliate with Independence Party of America
    Many Other Independent State Parties Moving Toward Affiliation

    Frank MacKay, Chair of the Independence Party of America (IPOA), Chair of the Independence Party of New York (IPNY) and Executive Director of the Reform Party of the United States of America (RPUSA) announced today that the Virginia Independent Greens under the leadership of Chairman Carey Campbell have reached an agreement to affiliate with the Independence Party of America.

    The Virginia Independent Greens have the distinction of having in the field the first 2008 petition for Mayor Michael Bloomberg for President of the United States.

    “We look forward to being part of this team headed by Chairman MacKay to ballot access an independent presidential candidate who will move this country toward unification and away from the polarization of the present two party system in Washington. Of course the candidate that can do this is Mayor Mike Bloomberg,” stated Chairman Campbell.

    Virginia Independent Greens, previous to this, had not been aligned with any national party organization and does have a long history of ballot accessing by petition Virginia statewide candidates.

    At meetings in Washington, attended by Chairman MacKay, Chairman Campbell, Vice Chairman of the Independence Party of America and Chairman of the Reform Party of Pennsylvania Tom McLaughlin and Tom Connolly, National Director for Ballot Access for the Independence Party of America and Vice Chair of the Independence Party of New York, the Virginia organization became the latest affiliate to join this ever expanding group of independent state organizations.

    Pennsylvania Reform Party like Virginia Independents has a long history of ballot accessing statewide candidates and like Virginia has affiliated with the IPOA.

    “We have many organizations like these petition access states headed our way as well as over a dozen states that have instant ballot access,” stated Chairman MacKay

    “Instant ballot access is achieved when a state party or a group of state parties, i.e. RPUSA, hold a presidential convention of state delegates and vote to nominate a presidential candidate,” stated Director for Ballot Access Connolly.

    “We covered all options to bring together the many states with independent movements for the common goal to elect an Independent President of the United States,” stated Vice Chair McLaughlin.

    Today, Chairman MacKay leaves on a southern tour of Reform/Independent state organizations, several of which have instant ballot access. On January 26th, the Independence Party of Minnesota is holding a meeting to affiliate with IPOA.

    “There is a growing swell of anticipation within the independence / Reform movement that big things are about to happen. As I have said before, 2008 will be the Golden Age for Independence Politics,” MacKay continued.

    “The plan is multifaceted and the personalities, at times, can be difficult but that is all being overcome by our leader, Frank MacKay and our dream to elect an Independent President while establishing another national party, a national party of independence and reform,” concluded Director Connolly.

    IPOA Chairman Frank MacKay — 631-741-8518
    IPOA Vice Chairman Tom McLaughlin — 610-906-2252
    IPOA Director for Ballot Access Tom Connolly — 518-598-4026


  13. 25-301 “… Party nominations for presidential electors can be made only by a delegate or mass convention or caucus of qualified electors belonging to a political party having a national or state organization.”

    Is the Kansas Reform Party affiliated with a national organization?

  14. Looks like what was the Kansas Reform Party has gone out on their own. Their web site now only says “Vote Kansas”, it no longer references, Kansas Reform Party. What was the Reform Party, RPUSA or whatever has two choices, there is a scheduled Reform Party Convention in Texas that is being supervised by a Judge under a Court appointed Receiver, Kansas can attend this Convention which is supposed to Unify the Reform Party, or it can join the Independence Party of America like other dissatisfied Reform Party Members did who didn’t want to have an election that was monitored and might be fair.

    Something is obviously fishy, as there are too many reports of this guy in New York (MacKay) claiming to be Chair of both his Independence Party and the Reform Party and money changing hands and right after him receiving a Reform Party title.

    Appears that so called Reform people are hypocrites, they are selling titles and don’t want open and fair votes in their own Party???? This guy Blare in California obviously has learned from Robert Mugabe about democracy.

  15. Most Americans are not happy with the direction our nation is going. We seem to be unable to achieve any sense of unity in a direction that will preserve America in its identity as was established in the Declaration of Independence.

    I am a Kansas Reform Party candidate for U. S. Congress. I am a veteran who honors my military oath of enlistment and I have always had a deep sense of patriotic pride in what that oath stands for. My campaign is to help, as I believe I must, preserve the national identity that our nation’s Founding Fathers won in our war for independence.

    In the Kansas Reform Party Convention, I voted along with the rest of the majority to support Chuck Baldwin as the best alternate to our favorite candidate, Ron Paul. Most of us had been personally supporting the campaign of Ron Paul.

    I, as does Chuck Baldwin, defend the issues and principles that Ron Paul continues to stand for.

    Some of my campaign words have been put in a campaign letter. We can hope that we can reach enough Americans to preserve the great American national identity. The letter follows:

    Independent and 3rd party candidates are receiving much support from people who recognize that our nation’s political standards have become corrupted.
    Americans were warned of major corruption in President Eisenhower’s Farewell Address to the Nation. In the following words from that January 17, 1961 speech, President Eisenhower warned of an un-American agenda promoted by special interest individuals and groups. He said:
    “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”
    “We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.”
    “The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present – and is gravely to be regarded.”
    “Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”
    What President Eisenhower spoke of involves secrecy. It is likely linked to the worst corruption against the principles America was founded on, against the spirit of the Declaration of Independence and the law of the U. S. Constitution. The corruption can be described in terms of a “New World Order” with an agenda against mankind’s unalienable rights through means of population reduction, abortions and control.
    We invite all Americans to recognize this problem and join in the campaign to promote greater public unity against it. Stand with those who believe in mankind’s unalienable rights as declared in the Declaration of Independence. Stand with those who support the laws of the Constitution and the unalienable rights of mankind for our people.
    Join with other Americans in the Committee of Correspondence at http://usiap.org/CofC/CofC.htm . Join to help raise the voice of a united people that will be able to properly influence the actions of our U. S. Congress. Join to oppose those who ignore the laws of our Constitution because they have little or no trust in God to manage the affairs and populations of a world that choses to reject His Word.
    Stand up America. Stand up and promote the cause of American patriotism. Stand up in patriotic pride for our laws of independence and liberty. Stand up in Committees of Correspondence to campaign and petition for right and for following Constitutional laws.
    To promote an American future based upon our great American Founding Documents that any freedom loving American would expect, support the election of candidates who stand for preserving American independence and liberty. Support the election of such candidates as Ron Paul and Chuck Baldwin who stand to continue America’s heritage of a people who have promoted America as one nation under God, united by the voice of a people who honor liberty as confirmed by the laws of the Constitution. Another such candidate is Roger Tucker at http://www.RogerTucker4Congress.com .
    As America’s Founding Fathers felt need to express faith in God, should we do less?
    “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.” In this expression of the American faith, we can see God’s handiwork in America’s establishment.
    We also see God’s handiwork as far as man can see in the stars above. Their number and distance strain man’s ability to comprehend. Scripture tells us that God put them there on day four of the creation of our world.
    Through instruments of science, man looks in upon himself and his environment in God’s creation and finds a marvelous tapestry of interchangeable mass and energy. Through the law of E=MC², man has harnessed this relationship to create blinding heat.
    The word of God tells us that we should not put our trust in man or in the arm of flesh. In like manor, neither should we put our faith in the laws of science that learned men of this world rely on, except as those laws are agreeable with the will of God.
    Jesus Christ taught that the will and word of God is the law upon which all creation exists. By His law, He walked on water. By His law, He fed over five thousand people from five loaves and two fishes. Fragments that remained from this feast filled twelve baskets. By His law, comes our resurrection and judgment. Jesus said, believe, repent, forgive, love your enemies, pray for them, follow me.
    The word of God is the law and as His word is spoken, so goes the law. The laws of science throughout our universe exist only by the will of God. The fact that man is free to explore and apply these laws for either right or wrong is a miracle.
    Stand up for America where the rights and beliefs of all are protected under our Constitution’s law.

  16. As a person who will most likely be representing New Jersey at the Reform Party Convention,I will tell you guys straight up that Chuck Baldwin is not my first choice at all. I think though, if other state and del. believe Chuck Baldwin is the right person then I believe in party unity first and will go with him.

    To me party unity now means more.

  17. I [am not Rodney Martin] was not at the late December 2007 so call national ‘speaker phone’ convention, but I know folks who were. They said a check was whipped out by MacKay and handed to John Bambey.

    I personally have a state complaint against John Blare from the 2004 state convention. I have attempted to serve and sue Blare and Valli Sharpe Giesler in court.

    Gypsies, tramps and thieves…..

    No, no, I am Rodney Martin.

    No, no, I am Rodney Martin.

    No, no, I am Rodney Martin.

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