Florida Reform Party

The Florida Reform Party is ballot-qualified, and sent 7 delegates to the national Reform Party meeting in Dallas held on July 18-19. The Florida delegates believed that the party should not nominate a presidential candidate, and therefore abstained on the vote for a presidential nominee. Leaders of the Florida Reform Party are unhappy with some aspects of the Dallas meeting, and believe that at the next state convention, the Florida Reform Party will disaffiliate from the national Reform Party, at least temporarily. However, only a state convention can make that decision, so for now, the Florida Reform Party is still affiliated.


Florida Reform Party — No Comments

  1. You would think an SPO that is running candidates and has ballot access might be looked on with some respect for their accomplishments. Sadly, if you look at the trend of the Kennedy group, whenever a success is measurable, they attempt to step in, take over and negate whatever positive growth with a vengence. Saying nothing, standing for nothing is pretty much a declaration that they are nothing. A few rules do not make a party, unless they are the governing federal and state rules. All others are….,well……. nothing. It’s a hard way to learn and I was wondering what “surprises” were coming at the convention.

    It would be of better understanding if the Floridians posted what they saw happen. Probably not much we haven’t already figured out but for the record, it would be good.

    It was a good decision Florida made based on the information I have read. They should be commended for this as they appear to have woken up to the antics that are a-foot.


  2. O.K. I did post on the first Blog, but here is the jist. Beverly and Ted controlled the convention. Beverly with her meandering and endless debates with her self. Ted by bringing in his employees that were credentialled to vote for him. So we had a sour taste in our mouths from the beginning. We had no intentions of voting for a Presidential Nominee when we arrived as we want to preserve out ballot in Florida as we are running viable candidates and do not want to make them look bad. We will for sure disaffiliate in Feb. at our convention, everyone is in agreement. God bless David, if he can get rid of Beverly and get rid of the Blare faction’s frivilous lawsuits once and for all maybe, just maybe the National Reform Party would stand a chance but it is unlikely.

  3. How’s it going truereformist? I hope your travels went well. You know who I am, and well I know who you are probably… but that is not the point of discussion here. First off, I must disagree with you on some issues there, but I don’t want to make a huge debacle about it. My email is mountieman2005@aol.com and you could email there and we could talk there.

    Just wanted to say I voted with you all on immigration and it was close yay vs. nay there so maybe it was closer then we all thought. I would love to have Florida still with the National Party, and I would have loved to had you guys during the party building session or meetup, because I feel we could have bounced off ideas great with eachother. Good luck with everything, and I hope to see you next time.

    There is no sourness coming from me. I understand your ticked off a bit, but I think in the end we both will be seeing each other again and not in a court room(lets stop with that stuff in the party), but at conventions and eventually working as candidates together possibly.

  4. Hello Jake,
    Now that we have talked, I know you understand better what has happened. God bless you brother and keep up the faith.

    Skip, I agree with you. You should have come to the convention and maybe things would have been different. Unfortunately, it went pretty much the way I had figured it would go before we went to Dallas. Where we go from here is; States organize and make your state strong as we have in Florida and at some point we’ll figure out what to do on a National level. It looks like we have another 4 years to figure it out.

  5. It looks like Florida will be having a meeting on August 23rd to decide what their future holds when it comes to the National Party.

    This should be one interesting month or so.

  6. If I was looking for ethics, and I am, I would look beyond John Blare, John Bambey, John Coffey [1998 founder of Citizens For A Better Veterans Home], Valli Sharpe Geisler, Gail Parker and Frank MacKay. Not only is the some what centrist Independence movement sneaking around the reform movement SPOs like a wolf near a meat packing plant, but the so called Independent Green Parties are not green at all, or just enough to be concealed! They are Donald Trump, Michael Bloomberg, Independence Party stalking horses.

    I literally hate the Dems and GOP, but MANY of the Independents and alternative parties have horrible, horrible advocates. ‘Gypsies, tramps and thieves!’ And the Reform movement, the Independence movement, and the fakey dakey Green Independent Parties are among the worst. Just terrible!

  7. I would like to respond to the many emails that I have been getting from New American Independent Party members and other interested folk.

    People have been wondering if the New American Independent Party will now be working with the Reform Party since our nominated Presidential candidate has accepted the VP slot with the Reform Party.

    The simple answer to that is NO. The New American Independent Party has no interest and will have no interest in working with any faction of the Reform Party. The NAIP views the Reform Party and it’s many twisted factions as a tumor, infecting everything it touches. The NAIP will not allow the nutcases at the Reform party to infect our new party.

    I am sure that the Reform party has some very good and decent rank and file members. However, we feel that we cannot trust any of the Reform Party leadership from any and all factions.

    We are interested in solving problems, not creating them.

    I will have more information to bring all of you in the coming days concerning this matter.


    Michael Thompson
    National Chairman
    New American Independent Party

  8. Michael:
    My question to you is: Then why is your Presidential Nominee, seeking the VP slot in Ted Weil’s campaign and why did he come to the Reform Party seeking our nomination at all? Personally, your views are too liberal for those of us who do have good organized SPO’s. We are not and will not be seeking affiliation with the NAIP and neither Frank or Ted will get our ballot access in Florida. Over my dead body!!!!!
    Jake: That info travelled fast, I didn’t even tell you last night. Yes, we will be disaffiliating in August. You have my word on that!!!

  9. A Republican runs for president and a Democrat running for president is asked to run as vice president. So now we have two parties on one ticket.

    Question: When it comes to matching funds who gets credit? Me thinks the Republican.

    A Republican runs for president and a Democrat runs for vice president on the same ticket.

    Question: Since the VP of the ticket stated he was still running for President as a Democrat, then where would that leave the Democratic Party in this mess?

    Answer: Pretty much out in left field. Can’t run for two federal offices at the same time in most states amd if this ticket won, the VP would have been on the Republican Ticket and hence no credit given to the Democratic Party.

    Question: IF the Democratic Presidential Candidate accepted the VP position from the Republican Presidential Candidate, how long do figure it would take before the Democratic National Committee dumped than guy like a hot potato and chose someone who would stick with the party who nominated them. For that matter, how long would it take the Republican national committee to dump that Republican?

    Answer: The Democratic Party, if say it happened last weekend, the weekend of July 18-20, 2008, The Democrats would have already had their meeting yesterday and the Democratic Presidential candidate would have been a guiness book of record winner but not their presidential candidate.

    As for the Republicans? I’d suspect they would be laughing all the way to te White House because as soon as the VP was dumped as Pres in the D’s party, the R’s party would discover some past issue making the poor idiot step down in shame.

    Of course, that couldn’t happen, could it.

    I’m beginning to see Florida might have been the only smart group of people who visited Dallas. I’ll bet at least one of them saw this scenario and if he/she didn’t shudder, he/she definitely rolled their eyes and shook their head.

    The New American Indepenant Party, you know the one who didn’t look at the state laws and discovered many states do not allow the word “American” in a party name and still more won’t allow “Independant” on their ballots because, like Bev, the rules don’t matter as long as you feel good and have a title, should have dumped this guy yesterday, giving grace that they couldn’t meet on Sunday.

    How is he going to explain to the Federal Election Commission that his committee will be co-mingling donations with another poltical party? What do you suppose they’ll say to him? What do you suppose they’ll do to him? I can only say, he will probably be fine but eh Treasurer will at minimum be on probation by February. That would be on both sides of the equation.

    hey True Reformer, you got a list of all the people who attended or do suppose that will be another state secret? Inquiring minds want to know.

    Hope Ted has a stalwart treasurer because I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy…. or maybe Bev(LOL)


  10. TrueReformist: It was posted on your website. I check up on the various Reform Party websites for SPO every week. Rhode Island, Kansas, Florida, etc.

    Right now, I was asked by McEnulty if I would have been interested in petitioning for him. I still like McEnulty and will probably help out to the best that I can.

    I really can not comment on Florida and what they are doing until my state actually does something. When that happens or if it ever happens then I guess I can be stronger in an opinion, but hey you gotta pay the cost to the boss. Florida has done that. They have elected officials, run for office, update their website, etc. To be honest, if they were aligned to the GP, LP, or CP they would be considered one of their top states too.

    Probably the only state that could possibly level up to Florida right now is Kansas or maybe Rhode Island that has a Reform Party.

  11. Very observant Jake.

    Skip, I agree with you 100% and yes, I was coming out of my skin…

  12. It was the decision of Frank McEnulty to attend the Reform Party convention. He did so in hopes of gaining more state ballots. I did warn him of the circus atmosphere around the Reform party. Frank is an independent candidate that sought and won our nomination. He sought the Reform Party’s nomination on his own and he is free to do so.

    The NAIP has reached out to other parties in an effort to work together. However, we have avoided the Reform party after observing the circus atmosphere from afar.

    It is simply not in the best interest of the New American Independent Party to be associated with the Reform Party.

    Who can blame Florida for wanting out? No one. The Florida Reform Party made the smart choice.

  13. Nelson “skip” Foley,

    Maybe you didn’t understand my previous posts. The NAIP is not and will not be working with the Reform party. We want nothing to do with them. The NAIP will be seeking to run our own (NAIP) ticket in Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi.

    The NAIP is not mixing funds with anyone. We haven’t given Frank McEnulty any campaign money. We are a new party and we simply don’t have money to give even if we had wanted to.

    Also, I do not know the reason why you are commenting on our name. You have no reason to be hostile towards the NAIP. We have no quarrel with you.

  14. Well, now that is an act of desperation by the crew in Dallas. But then again, thinking things out is their way. Imagine nominating a person who has no interest, no desire and apparantly lots of contempt for the Reform Party. At least in the larger scheme of things, this gathering won’t count for anything other than in Dallas and that only as long as no one challenges the procedures and other fun things associated.

    Michael, as an observation, just like Weil is anything but a candidate with conviction, I would state that based on the posts I would say this Reform VP candidate and your presidential candidate offer the same things to all of us and it is rather sad, but that is sometimes the way of desparation. Oh well.

    Good luck.

  15. Nelson skip Foley,

    what is your problem? As I said, don’t take out your long held frustrations with the Reform party on the NAIP. We have nothing to do with the Reform party or you. NOTHING. I have never spoken to any members of the reform party.

    I seen enough of Richard’s posts on reform party news and the childish comments that usually follow to know to stay away.

    I have no beef with you. I could care less what the reform party does. Why attack me or the NAIP? I am simply on this forum to let people know that we have nothing to do with the refom party.

    If you want to have an adult conversation that’s fine. But, I don’t have time for games.

  16. Michael Thompson: why do you insist on seeing the world as it actually is? Why do you insist on telling the truth? Why do you insist on reasonable logic and plain spoken, rational logic? You have no real place in the so called reform movement. You are wise to stay away!

  17. The call to the Dallas meeting is defective in that the call was not made by the Chairman of the RPUSA nor was he asked to make the call.

    The call to a Convention in Dallas Texas on July 18, 2008 issued by Kay Crews is also defective in not clarifying who could participate.

    Could a group of voters from another party be credentialed for the Dallas meeting and potentially take over the party or would they be required to be registered as a Reform Party member in a SPO that qualified to participate? Logic would indicate that they would need to be registered as a Reform Party member somewhere.

    Arizona may have been affiliated with the RPUSA in 2003 however Rodney Martin was not a member of the RPAZ at that time. Currently Rodney Martin is expelled from the RPUSA. Last I heard he was registered as a Democrat.

    It has been reported that Rodney Martin did not attend this meeting; yet Rodney Martin was listed as being elected Vice Chairman.

    Questions that need to be answered are did he supposedly qualify to be elected under the 2003 Constitution and rules? Did Rodney Martin supposedly qualify be elected under the current Constitution and rules? Did Rodney Martin accept the nomination before he was elected?

    The True Reformer stated that Nebraska, Oregon, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey was represented. Did RPRI and RPPA attend this meeting; conflicting information needs to be brought forward?

    From information reported here; how can we conclude that all the delegates were properly credentialed as delegates from the states supposedly represented at the Dallas meeting?

    Ken Jones

  18. At the July State Committee Meeting of the Reform Party of Pennsylvania the State Committee gave the State Chairman, Chris Hollenden, the authority to authorize Observers at the Dallas event. Mr. Hollenden did not authorize any Observers nor did anyone from Pennsylvania request to be an Observer. The RPPA is not affiliated with the RPUSA and sent no Delegates. Anyone who may have attended from Pennsylvania was there only representing themselves.

  19. Ken,

    To be fair, a judge ordered the convention. Your group does have strange thinking. You feel that your ‘official’ resolutions have the force of law, but a federal judge means nothing.

    I can certainly blame some of the people on the other side of being close minded, but your group offers nothing other than trouble. I remember in 2004 when you guys had it so there were constant several hour long teleconferences each night. Also, there is a set of rules that makes the US Tax code look small.

    Give me a break. This is all about ego for so many of the people involved. Move on and get a life.

  20. Greetings Michael & NAIP…From the looks of things, and your “platform”, the NAIP is offering little to nothing new for alternative politics, so you are correct, there will most likely be little to no contact or cooperation between the NAIP or any “factions” of the RPUSA.

    As for a Ted Weill & Frank McEnulty “ticket” — that most likely will ONLY occur in Mississippi and maybe Louisiana — but nowhere else. Kansas has already chosen Charles Baldwin, Constitution Party candidate, and Florida will either have none or perhaps Ralph Nader as in 2004. The RPUSA has been reduced to only four States with ballot access in 2008! And as for Ted Weill, he is now the oldest of mankind to ever seek the presidency of the USA in the history of mankind on this planet — so McCain can now boast that he is NOT the oldest person pursuant to last weekend!

    As for the name of the NAIP, one would have thought that someone would have done some research FIRST & FOREMOST before that name was chosen since a fair number of states prohibit the use of the words “American”, “National”, “Independent”, etc., and many others limit only two names per/ballot line: thus “New American”, or “New Independent”, or “New”, etc., depending on the respective laws of any given state. The so-called “America First Party” has run into this fact and if seeking ballot access would be limited to just the name “First” in some states!

    Normally in states like New York, where “fusion” is permissible, the same candidate of one political party can be nominated for the same office on the ballot line of another political party, and the total votes of that candidate, regardless of party label, are added together for a total vote. But the number of states that permit “fusion” of candidates are few and far between.

    So there is a good chance that the SOS of Mississippi may REJECT a Ted Weill (Reform Party) ticket with Frank McEnulty (NAIP)since they represent two different political parties — that is of course IF the NAIP is even registered as a SPO in Mississippi and/or with the FEC!

    Nevertheless — welcome to the vary HARD ROAD of alternative politics in America these days!

    NatSec, http://www.rpnc.org

  21. There are two shames in Jerry’s dialog.

    Literally millions of American citizens yearn for a Radical Middle Non Dem Non GOP viable political option!

    Hard road? So many of the pot holes are self produced!

  22. Jerry,Jerry,Jerry,

    Why are you addressing me about the Reform Party. As I stated before, the NAIP has NOTHING to do with the reform party.

    You do not need to tell us where a McEnulty/Weill ticket might or might not take place. Why are you telling me and the NAIP this???

    We don’t care. We have nothing to do with a McEnulty/ Reform Party ticket in Mississippi or anywhere else. Why can’t you get that through your thick head?

    Frank McEnulty is an independent candidate, not a NAIP candidate. The NAIP ticket in Florida, Mississippi and Lousiana will not be McEnulty/ Weill. We will NOT support such a ticket and will NOT support any cooperation with the Reform party. It is clear to me that the Reform party is hell bent on destroying each other and keeping the Democratic and Republican parties in charge. If the Reform party factions put even half of the energy they waste in their childish bickering, they could have a powerful party. But instead of trying to solve the problems facing the American people, they would rather try to infect others with their disease.

    Don’t you have other more pressing items to worry about?

    We do NOT care what the Mississippi SOS has to say on the matter of a McEnulty/Weill ticket. Do you understand? It has absolutely NOTHING to do with us. We don’t care if it accepts or rejects such a ticket.

    The NAIP has NOTHING and will have NOTHING to do with a McEnulty/Weill ticket. The NAIP will NOT support a McEnulty/Weill ticket. period.

    The NAIP has given Frank McEnulty 0 dollars. NAIP members will not be encouraged to support a McEnulty/Weill ticket, which is a Reform party ticket. Instead, they will be instructed to run away from anything having to do with the Reform party. That includes any and all factions. We want no part of the Reform party disease, so keep your infection away from us.

    Also, why are you commenting on our name?? Again, don’t you have your own party to build??? I can only imagine what rank and file Reform party members think about the fact the the Reform party is NOT addressing the many problems facing this nation. Our middle class is being squeezed into extinction. We are losing our manufacturing base. We are importing more food than we are exporting for the very first time. Our toys and food are not safe. Our trade policy is a disaster. Our energy policy is suicide. I can go on and on. My point is that our nation is in deep trouble.

    With all of these problems facing our nation, the Reform party would rather worry about the name of another political party.

    What is the Reform party doing to try to solve the REAL problems??

    The name of the NAIP is not a REAL problem. We will work our way through any name conflicts or re-name oursleves down the road if that is what it takes. Again, this is a minor issue. Please don’t let it keep you awake at night. We are deeply touched by your concern for us. But, we would much rather that the Reform party address the REAL problems.

    And your opinion that the NAIP platform has nothing new to offer will be tested in future years by VOTERS as we move forward. You can judge us now, as an infant political party that is still developing and finding our own identity if you wish. But, the real test will where we stand in 2012, 2016, 2020 and beyond and have we helped to solve problems and help the lives of Americans.

    With the current state of the reform party, I would say that you have some nerve judging other parties.

    But, again I guess that we have different priorities.

  23. With all due respect Donald, but the RADICAL CENTER has already been represented since 2002 when the National Committee of the Northeast Region (NERRP) of the Reform Party USA prepared and circulated the “10 POINTS of REFORM for AMERICA” as found at http://www.rpnc.org and http://reformpartyusa-ag.org respectively.

    The key to restoring America is economic reform and the restoration of the U.S. Treasury Banking system and interest-free U.S. Notes (USN’s), and the abolition of the privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) and its usurious FRN’s along with its privately-owned collection agency, the IRS! Check out the 10 REFORMS / POINTS and you will see that EACH of them takes the best & strongest position of any political party in America! We have both the strongest economic program and the strongest environmental program of any political party — thus we are neither “left nor right” but RADICAL CENTER!

    Just imagine IF & WHEN a real political party like the NEW RPUSA with the “10 POINTS” actually NATIONALIZES all NATURAL RESOURCES in America (as already in place in Alaska) and forms Public Corporations in each State over Natural Resources and Utilities staffed with accountable Public Civil Servants to manage them as was once done here in America! No more Enrons stealing energy, no more Oil Cartels sticking up every gas station around the world! Check out this example: >

    …In Venezuela, just 10% of CITGO oil profits are being used to build 60 new universities, a new infrastructure of roads, homes, schools, hospitals, universal health care for every Citizen, and food distribution every week for everyone depending on income level! Up to 40% of the cost of food subsidized by the oil profits for middle to upper-class folks, and FREE for low income families! Homes being built for every Citizen/Family — NONE IN FORECLOSURE as here in America under the “Bush-regime”! And gasoline is 12 CENTS per/gallon!

    And for those that might remember, during the “Eisenhower Era” everyone could afford a new or used home for just the COST OF MATERIALS & COST OF LABOR — NO 30-year mortgages — no interest/usury — just 2% service charge of the remaining balance each year — no compound interest/usury! Just ask Mom or Dad or Grandmom or Granddad! That’s exactly what was accomplished in the Colonies under Our Forefathers BEFORE the privately-owned Rothschild Bank of England demanded King George III force the Colonies to use Bank of England Bank Notes!

    All we need do is take the best of the past and bring it forward once again! Why? Because while it may have been policies of the past — THEY WORKED & America Prospered! Onward to Victory!

  24. Geewiz Michael, no need to spazz-out! It’s clear that your mind is made up and no amount of FACTS will change your opinion! Come to think of it, that sounds like you’ve become a “faction-of-one” already — not much different than the “Dallas-faction” attempting to raid the RPUSA!

    There are two ways in life to learn things: (1) from the mistakes of others; and (2) the hard-way making the same mistakes yourself! If there is one thing that Ballot Access News has proven over the years, it’s that alternative political parties HAVE MADE THE SAME MISTAKES over & over — yet expect different results simply because they have a different or new name from anyone else! Seems to me that’s the very definition of a particular WORD that may be applicable once again!

    Want a suggestion? READ all the back issues of BALLOT ACCESS NEWS on this website, as we have done, and then maybe, just maybe, your bravado and self-styled-importance will pale in comparison to the political reality that really faces you ahead! Or don’t, we don’t care — we’ve been there, done that!

  25. Jerry,

    I have no illusions that creating a strong third party will be easy. This undertaking has been one of the toughest and most challenging things in my life and I have been through alot in my life.

    I do not have all of the answers and will never claim to. Ideally, I would rather that we didn’t even have political parties. But, after much thought we felt that it was the best course in our current situation. I do not consider myself important. If you knew me, you would not say that. My point is not that I am important or that the NAIP is. It is others that keep commenting on me and the NAIP. It is others projecting importance upon me and the NAIP by trying to drag us into some argument that we are not apart of and don’t want to be apart of.

    If someone has a problem with the McEnulty/Weill ticket, then complain to the Reform party, Weill or McEnulty. But, please don’t drag the NAIP into it. That is the point I am trying to make.

    I have made that point several times, and people still keep commenting on us for whatever reason. I have other things to do instead of reply to all of these comments.

    I have read quite alot of Richard’s BA News posts from the past and they are a valuable learning tool. I firmly believe that third parties themselves are most responsible for their lack of success, more than any restrictive ballot access law or lack of media coverage.

    I am not sure what you mean by my mind is made up and no facts will change my opinion. I am simply trying to let people know that the NAIP had absolutely nothing to do with the McEnulty/Weill/Reform party agreement. I, nor anyone from the NAIP have ever spoken to Weill or the Reform party about such a ticket. People have been writing me and calling me with angry messages about our co-operation with the Reform party, which never happened.

    I don’t know how many times I have to say it. Am I missing something or am I not clear? Can you blame me for being annoyed.

    I do not know what opinion you are trying to change? My opinion is not of importance to the reform party. We simply want to be left alone, that’s all. Can the RP please respect that wish?

    I am sure that the reform party has some good people. But, with all of the bickering and court cases, we simply cannot take chance on trusting any of them and would rather seek our own path. The reason that we came to that conclusion is from reading past Ballot access news posts. So, we are taking your advice. Without reading past issues of Ballot Access News, we (NAIP) would likely not had a problem with co-operating with the RP or others. But, it was Ballot Access News that alerted us to the problems within the Reform party. So, we are trying to learn from past third party mistakes by not associating with the RP.

    I wish the RP well as they follow their OWN path and hope they find success in their future efforts. I hope that the RP can now allow the NAIP to follow our own path.

  26. Michael Thompson
    National Chairman
    New American Independent Party:

    Don’t you get it by now? These folks are still arguing that the Earth is the center of the universe. They do not care about facts, as they create their own. They [Rubin Hernandez, Jerry Heimemann] hide behind smoke screens, such as ‘Action Group’ and so called ‘True Reformer’!

    The so called reform movement is basically ‘smoke and mirrors’, but then so is every thing else in the ‘Murkie Middle’…

  27. Michael…Frank McEnulty dragged the NAIP into this convoluted MESS since he is on the ballot as a NAIP presidential candidate in Colorado and now supposedly thinks he will be on the ballot in Mississippi & Louisiana as a VP candidate under the Reform Party ballot line! So this discussion really has nothing to do with you, your title, your opinions or anything else — IT HAS TO DO WITH LEGAL FACTS! And those FACTS are what creates the controversy about having two different people from two different political parties claiming to be running together — it cannot be done legally!

    I would suggest that you might want to check out some of the FEC-Advisory Opinions pertaining to these kinds of questions raised in the past! What Ballot Access News has accomplished is a showing of JUST HOW HARD it is for alternative political parties to get their feet on the ground — unless they billionaires willing to spend their own funds for 15-sections of fame as did Perot, etc.

    By the time alternative groups find a QUALIFIED candidate, obtain ballot access via signatures, fight lawsuits along the way, etc. — they barely have enough funds available to buy a single bumper-sticker let alone mount any kind of “campaign” with rallies, media advertising, and the like! There is NO LEVEL playing field! It’s all work and no play…that’s for sure!

    As for you Donald, the RPUSA-Action Group is a legally registered & recognized PAC (political action committee)! Can you say the same in regards to your “Citizens For A Better Veterans Home” that you apparently “hide behind”? So instead of taking cheap “pot-shots” try providing something of substance for a real change!

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