Ralph Nader's Ballot Labels

It appears that Ralph Nader will qualify for the ballot in 45 states, plus the District of Columbia, without having filed a single ballot access lawsuit. Nader is expected to be on the ballot as an independent candidate, with no partisan label, in 34 states, by his own choice. Also by his own choice, he will have a partisan label in eleven states. Those labels are: Independent Party in Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, New Mexico; Peace & Freedom Party in California, Iowa, Utah; Populist in New York; Peace in Oregon; Ecology in Florida; Natural Law in Michigan.

Not every state lets an independent candidate use the word “independent” next to his or her name on the ballot. Some states insist on shunning that word and instead requiring an independent candidate to be labeled “by petition” or “nonpartisan” or “unaffiliated”, or “no party candidate” or other such unattactive labels. The State Supreme Courts of Minnesota and Massachusetts, many years ago, both ruled that “Independent” is such an important generic term, that the Constitution requires that independent candidates be allowed to use that word, if they wish it. It is possible that a similar lawsuit will be filed soon by Robert Owens, an independent candidate for Ohio Attorney General. He wants “independent” next to his name on the November ballot, but the state will only print “no-party candidate”.

Assuming Nader is on in 45 states this year, he will have exceeded his previous best showing, that of 2000, when he was on in 43 states plus D.C. The 45-state ballot access will be the best for a candidate who is universally perceived to be clearly of the “left”, since Henry Wallace in 1948 also appeared on 45 state ballots (except that Lenora Fulani was on in all 50 states in 1988). Some people might say that John B. Anderson in 1980 was to the “left” of both major party nominees, but that is not a universally accepted notion; most people would say Anderson had been a centrist (Anderson was on in all 50 states).


Ralph Nader's Ballot Labels — 40 Comments

  1. Nader will likely get a higher percentage of votes this year, than he ever did. He will at least do far better than he did in 2004. Go Nader Go!

  2. Wasn’t Lenora Fulani on in all 50 states and DC in 1988? At that time, if I recall correctly, she ran as a leftist.

  3. Anderson started out as being a Conservative Republican Congressman, but seemed to become more socially liberal.

    As a presidential candiate he was — basically — socially liberal, fiscally conservative and pretty hawkish on defense.

    He was a part of the ‘old guard’ of the GOP — Rockerfellers & Country Club Republicans — who lost power to a group of reactionary social conservatives and foreign policy luantics.

  4. Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States regarding the political right of citizens of the United States.

    Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, (two-thirds of each House concurring therein), That the following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States:

    Section1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State on the account of a citizen of the United States political thoughts, political opinions or affiliations. Every individual citizen of the United States shall have the right to self-determination in their own political thoughts, political opinions and affiliations.

    Section2. No law be enacted or enforced by the United States or any State that denies or abridges the right of citizens of the United States to political expression, namely; the Freedom of speech, press, communication and other forms of mass media, and Freedom of peaceful expression, assembly, association, protest, picket, and petitioning to promote a political cause, candidate or organization or to lobbying the government for a redress of their grievances and the freedom to access all public laws, regulations and court opinions through a timely publication and electronic means.

    Section3. Every individual citizen of the United States, who is eligible to vote, shall have the right to, in full and equal freedom, organize, associate with, recruit members and campaign for their own political organizations, and, in particular, political parties and interest groups. The law shall provide all political organizations with the necessary legal guarantees to compete with each other one basis of equal rights under the law and before the authorities.

    Section4. The right of citizens of the United States to seek public office, as a write-in or as a ballot access candidate, individually or, in a partisan election, as a freely chosen representative of a political party and the right to, if elected, hold public office shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State on the account race, color, creed, faith, national or ethnic background, sex, gender, sexual orientation, physical disability, indigent status, martial status, political or other opinion or membership in a political organization.

    Section5. No political organization shall be required to endorse, nominate or support any particular candidate or cause that is in violation of their, own freely chosen, philosophy, platform, internal rules, regulations or bylaws. Nor shall a political organization be denied the right to decide its own membership rules and regulations. Nor shall any citizen of the United States be required to belong to a political organization or be compelled, against their beliefs, to campaign for any political cause, candidate or organization.

    Section6. The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article with appropriate legislation.

  5. As John Anderson was Nader’s campaign chairman in 2000, one can reasonably call him a left candidate.

  6. Go Nader!
    All my family are pretty much dissappointed in GOP that they used to support. Bush goverment distroying middle class in US. They tell us they support free market but that is not true. They are supporing the market that gives unfair advantage to conpanies that uses underqualifired labor from countries that have lower regulations on labor and enviroment. As a result we have now less quality goods, sometimes even dangerous to use. And it works against really good competitors that care about quality safety and enviroment. I don’t think Obama is able to confront the corporations. He is telling whatever to be elected.

    My family is voting for Ralph Nader! Even if he will not win at least it would be a statement. And one day we will overcome!

  7. I was a volunteer to get Nader on the ballot in Nevada. It’s hard work! Independent and emerging-party candidates have to jump through a lot of extra hoops just to get their feet in the door. This is a serious problem with our democracy. Don’t expect democrats or republicans to point out stuff like this. Let’s demand real change this November:


  8. John Anderson was on Nader’s honorary campaign committee, along with Michael Moore, Cornel West, Susan Sarandon, etc. etc. etc. See the relevant appendix in RN’s book “Crashing The Party.”

  9. I think it’s fair to say that John Anderson became progressively more liberal during his years in politics. Remember he was fairly conservative during most of the 60s (even voting against some civil rights legislation) and, yes, his independent bid in 1980 was in the center between Carter and Reagan. He also backed Mondale in 84 and Perot in 1992. His work with the World Federalist Association in the 80s and 90s shows his increasingly liberal drift.

  10. I’ve always wondered why someone like Ralph Nader, who has spent a lifetime championing basic human rights, fair treatment, and equality, should be considered to be “on the left.” If Independent means independent of corruption and corporate financing, I’d like to see more Independent candidates on more ballots.

  11. With so many problems in America, it is extremely difficult for me to understand why any American would consider Obama and/or McCain an ideal Candidate. Than I read from time to time, that people don’t like either though they are choosing a Democrat due to past Republican failures. Why don’t they just stick their head in a hole? It is obvious to (Me) that Nader is our solution. He wants to fix the very issues that plague us. Onward…..

  12. i will continue to vote for ralph in every election he runs in. if he can continue to build support, you never know. we need this man in office.

  13. Ralph is polling from 6-8 percent in many states and 5-6 nationally. We need a pressure the media and the commission on presidential debates to let Nader Debate! Please contribute any amount to the campaign! votenader.org!

  14. Thanks so much for all of the hard work that people are doing at the grassroots level to get Nader on the ballots in these states. I’ve been there and I know it’s hard work! The Dems and Reps have so many local ballot access laws written in their favor (people would be shocked if they knew) that they try to make it almost impossible for anyone else to get on the ballot! That in itself is a huge story for the media someday if they would ever cover it!

    THE POWER SHOULD BE IN the “WILL OF THE PEOPLE”! It is our live, our destiny and IT should be decided by OUR WILL – the “WILL OF THE PEOPLE”
    and NOT by the dysfunctional CONGRESS, SENAT, EXECUTIVE ORDERS or
    corrupt JUSTICE SYSTEM!

  16. Nader brings issues to the people that the major parties won’t. Single-Payer healthcare, two state solution to Arab-Israeli conflict, tax stock speculation, reverse American policy in the Middle East. Any person who calls
    themselves “progressive” and votes for Obama is delusional.

  17. Nader’s public interest track record for safety, whether it is the Federal Auto Safety Act, (making the industry have to have minimum federal safty standards in their car designs, and proven before consumers buy), environmental protections (EPA, CLEAN AIR ACT, CLEAN WATER ACT), and a long list of public interest accomplishmnts is now proving it is necessary to run as a candidate himself, because the political view of politics is due for a people’s mandated correction in November, voting to uphold the U.S. Constitution and for democracy.

    Nader as an Independent is challenging corporate rule which has no place in our U.S. Constitutional democracy and which is not serving the public interest.

    38% are registered in the two parties, the public can vote independent and net a legendary track leader into the office of President. It is not a dream, it is a reality check, and “happening” in spite of the corruption!

  18. Voting for Ralph Nader is voting for the only candidate on the ballot of principle (I say Chuck Baldwin falls under this line but I don’t support Theocracy). Ralph Nader wants to end illegal wire-tapping, end corporate welfare, and promotes the National Initiative for Democracy. Which at the moment is the only sensible idea to put cracks in the Federal Government. I can’t wait for this election, I hope Nader does better than the 2000 election. Now Nader needs to groom Matt Gonzalez to be the next mainstream Independent or Jesse Ventura needs to man-up and run in 2012.

  19. I agree, kombayn. When Ralph is gone, who will pick up the banner and carry on? I hope it’s Matt Gonzalez because I think he’s got the “right stuff”. I just wish we were seeing and hearing more of him on the campaign trail.

    Go Nader/Gonzalez ’08!

  20. I am very happy to be voting for Ralph this year. He’s my third candidate this presidential election. I am SO happy that he has picked up the torch that Senator Gravel passed regarding the National Initiative. If you all aren’t aware of this, please go to http://www.ni4d.us and make sure to vote for this wonderful piece of legislation. Nader officially supports this on his issues page now, but he doesn’t have the link (or didn’t last time I checked). It will allow the people to be the 4th branch of government and add checks & balances that the lobbyists won’t be able to pay off in their favor.

  21. “4. ETJB Says:
    August 25th, 2008 at 8:34 am
    Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States regarding the political right of citizens of the United States….”

    The amendment proposed by ETJB ia already on the books in the form of the “Bill of Rights.” I sympathize with the feelings expressed by ETJB, but the enforcement of the laws on the books would fully implement everything in his/her proposed Constitutional amendent.

    We need to replace special interest money with ballot access for the people to elect Public Servants who will enforce the law. Ralph Nader is one such person. Ralph is a non-partisan independent who is not owned by the Incumbent Two-party system (dictatorship) we have had in power since the ’90s, acutally the 1790s.

    We each have the legal power to participate. But we need an organized mass political movement to gain ballot access for our people.

    I am one of 25 OH Electors for Ralph Nader and I will vote for Ralph in Ohio. Vote Nader for Change We Can Trust.
    Rich Stevenson, Independent Voters Alliance (USAIVA)

  22. The major problem here is the ignorance of the common man. You will much hootin and hollerin about how we live in a democracy and that is just not the case. We live in a REPUBLIC. Our goverment has fooled/lulled the people into believing that they have some power over who is in office and through redistricting, the electoral college, superdelegates, caucusing, and an extremely limited 2 party system, we have very little say at all.

  23. I don’t understand why they call Nader left because he is for limited government and restoring the US constitution. He is for limiting corportes, but not the people. Corporates act as their own governments because of their special status by government including an extra vote in the elections calle “corporate personhood”. This is illegal, but our government allows it.


    You can check out Ralph Nader’s page and it will show you what he stands for, and none is leftist. Leftist is communism, and Nader has never been for communism. He has been for consumer rights, citizens rights, and the right to have unions. Some unions do promote communist types of poltiics, but they are exactly the same as corporate politics, but no on has yet called corporates communist.

    Ralph Nader is not leftist. That is for sure.

  24. I personally feel that the nader campaigne should be on all fifty state ballots!!! its only fair!!! I say keep it going until we get fifty!!!! whats five more states????? when you get to forty five why stop!!?? Nader needs to win!! this country needs Nader/Gonzalez in 08!!!!!!

  25. Oh no, not again.

    Give us a break. I sure hope he’s not responsible for putting McCain in the White House as he did for Bush in 2000.

    I wonder if the GOP is secretly contributing to Nader’s campaign.

  26. Brent: “I say keep it going until we get fifty!!!! whats five more states?????”

    No, Brent. Every state has different filing requirements. Signature filing dates are past now. Some state requirements have become impossibly difficult unless you can afford to field a huge number of trained volunteers. Nader’s team did an excellent job of choosing which ones had to be left out without jeopardizing getting other states finished on time.

    I like Nader’s effort to give other almost unknown 3rd parties a “leg up” for future ballot access for candidates for lesser offices by running this time himself in 11 states under a variety of different party banners. Nader is looking to the future possibilities of more choices available to voters and more chances for younger people to get their feet wet running for office in down-ballot races.

    I’ve been “listening in” on discussions among some Libertarian retired attorneys who seem very knowledgeable about ballot access rules in the various states. I’ve learned a lot I did not know before. I had noticed that the Libertarian Party seemed to always hold on to its ballot lines, election after election, even when it wasn’t clear that they were winning much, if any, of the down-ballot races. Now I know how they do it. Again, the rules are different (but not onerous) from state to state.

    Anyway, back to Ralph, I am so glad he found a two-step way to get listed on my state’s ballot. I had about given up.

  27. Paul,

    I can’t imagine why the GOP would give Party money to Nader’s campaign. Although many Republican MEMBERS likely are. They are not real happy with McCain and are looking at alternatives.

  28. Rosemary,

    I said that because I believe that – as was the case in 2000 – Mr. Nader is much more likely to take votes from the more liberal Democratic Party candidate than from McCain. Hence, McCain would more directly benefit from a strong Nader showing.


  29. If anyone wants to work together to help Nader/ Gonzalez contact me. I’m in New York. I’m already trying to work with his official votenader.org people but I want to do independent things. Especially New Yorkers….my email is ceo@iancarpenter.com

  30. I voted for Nader in 2000 in the state of Ohio. I appreciate where many of you are coming from; the two party system has become adept at providing candidates that are difficult to embrace. But I must urge you to please VOTE FOR OBAMA. If those of us who had voted for Nader in 2000 had gone with Gore (for whom I have no great love), we could have avoided many of the past eight years’ disasters. No war in Iraq. No Abu Graib. No Guantanamo. No doubling of the national debt. We could have handled September 11th with the dignity and courage that makes our country great, not the fear and greed that motivate the Republicans. BE SURE THAT A VOTE FOR NADER PUTS MCCAIN CLOSER TO THE PRESIDENCY. While you may not love Obama, there are stark differences between him and McCain regarding our economy, the war in Iraq, and other important issues. Please, think about it.

  31. I just want to thank Nader and all of his supporters for all of their work getting Republican presidents elected in 2000, 2004 and 2008.

    Nader: Come clean about how much hard right wing support you are getting to serve as a tool of Bush, Cheney and McCain.

  32. It depends on which state you’re in. In California, New York, and Illinois, for example, a vote for Nader does no harm because it won’t alter the outcome of the election. But in the handful of states where the race will be decided — Colorado, Florida, New Hampshire, Nevada, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Wisconsin, and 1 or 2 more — a vote for Nader may result in McCain’s election. If you’re in a battleground state and are thinking about voting for Nader, please remember what happened in Florida in 2000. Every vote counts!

  33. Despite Ralph’s great contributions to consumer protection, his legacy will be for only one thing: He personally gave us George W. Bush – that is an unchallengable fact. Don’t let it happen to us again. We cannot afford 4 more years – literally, we can’t afford more tax cuts for the wealthy and national policy set by the oil industry. A vote for Ralph is a vote for McCain. Nothing more need be said.

  34. You people urging us to vote Obama….have you really done the research on this guy?? I’ve heard people say that they don’t think that Palin is ready for the white house, but Obama is? That’s BS. The man has logged 143 active days in the senate and has no accomplishments that he can speak of. He votes present on most issues instead of actually logging any sort of vote (you can look up the site that shows every single reps vote). And what about his links to known terrorists and the fact that his wife has publicly stated that she will “use all of her resources to help the African American population”? Do you really want a man that has a (reverse) racist wife in the white house? Or his ties to a church where their mission ON THEIR WEBSITE states that they are all about their “commitment to Africa” and how they are the “chosen people”, and a pastor that actively hates America? What about the fact that you never, EVER, hear him refer to his background as anything but black when he was raised in a white household? And the fact that he wants to vote yes on a global tax which would lessen this country’s standing globally? The fact that he refuses to wear a flag, and just barely even has one visible on his jet or refuses to put his hand over his heart for the national anthem? Are you all just blown away by his pretty speeches or what?

    Seriously, I’m not what anybody that knows me would call a racist and would have no problem with a black man in the white house, but this man is using his race as a platform, so those things must be considered. This man is not a patriot.

    Don’t get me wrong, I am by no means a McCain/Palin supporter but I refuse to help put Obama in the white house either. The man has no idea how to deal with foreign issues and won’t be able to stand up to any other countries. Putting him in charge will only make our country weak.

    And yes, the McCain/Palin ticket has major issues as well, but there is nobody here actively pushing that vote.

    Personally, I think this country is screwed more than it has ever been in the past. If there is another option to vote for when I go to the ballots, I will be voting for that option. Otherwise, maybe I’ll just write in the name of someone that I think would be best.

  35. Отлично! Все очень понятно и грамотно, и в то же время без излишних умствований и самолюбования, и на доступном языке. Редкий случай когда человек делится актуальной и полезной инфой. Спасибо автору!

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