The Real and the Fake Web Pages for the Alaskan Independence Party

The actual web page for the Alaskan Independence Party is Opponents of Sarah Palin have recently created a fake web page for the party, One tip-off that the fake site is fake is that the party’s actual name is “Alaskan”, not “Alaska”.


The Real and the Fake Web Pages for the Alaskan Independence Party — No Comments

  1. I’m not too fond of people who drop F-bombs on sites open to children, myself. So much for family values.

    It’s called “smart political tactics.” Sarcastic and snarky the website may be, but then I wouldn’t exactly confuse Limbaugh, Coulter, Savage, and Hannity with Alexis de Tocqueville or Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. either. And I’ve seen just about everything cited there corroborated by people who know her and actually live up there.

  2. Hey,

    Tell them to fix the code. It wouldn’t let insert my membership number so that I could vote for Alaska joing opec.

  3. “I’m not too fond of people who drop F-bombs on sites open to children, myself. So much for family values.”

    How many children do you know frequenting this site, or looking at any site dealing with ballot access issues?

  4. Me!
    I’m 17 and from the Uk
    I love reading about the difficulties facing American third parties, in the Uk if you have £500 you can be on the ballot in a constituency, so £332000 would mean everyone could vote for you
    anyway,keep up the good work Richard

  5. Mike – It’s not just the children. A lot of us read this site on our work breaks and during lunch. Many workplaces have filters that refuse to let you go to a site that has that kind of content. Whether some people on this site refuse to realize it or not, that type of language usually leads to a reduced amount of people coming into the site simply because they are blocked from doing so. The less readers, the less opportunity to hit them up for donations. Also, the less readers, the less advertisers willing to pay to advertise on the site because they know a lot of people will be blocked from seeing the ads. And if you end up blocking the ones who read this during the day at work, then those are the serious people you are losing because they are the ones who have decent jobs and are more able and willing to donate. I brought this fact up to Ron at Politics One when he was including some of that language on his main page. He took all of it off within two days, so obviously he agreed with me. He may have used appropriate astericks (sp?), but he still did it.

  6. David,

    actually no, she didn’t ban books, didn’t claim to debunk any climate theory, didn’t give a ‘subsidy’ she worked out a business deal, and the web site also dually tries to claim that she increased taxes on consumers through oil, and somehow unrelatedly and irresponsibly gave a rebate back to Alaskans.

    I didn’t get involved in third party politics because I was OK with bullshit attacks, but then again I’m not a Green Party supporter.

  7. Richard Winger, Thanks for your efforts to educate Americans.
    Whether children read this or not is immaterial. I read it and find improper words offensive when not edited.
    I would suggest everybody get involved in third party politics. The third party called, The Constitution Party, initiated public debate on socialism and FDR implemented it. I hope you are happy paying 15.3% flat tax on SS.

  8. Oh Nuts! I wrote Constitution Party when I meant Communist Party. Self editing has its drawbacks.

  9. Actually, Carl, FDR and the Democrats saved the capitalist system during the Great Depression. The economic and political system in this country is referred to as “mixed capitalism.” It is unfair to blame the failings of the capitalist sytsem on socialism. We do not have socialism, unfortunately. What we do have is imperialistic monopoly capitalism.

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