Montana Governor Enjoys Publicizing Ron Paul's Spot on Ballot

On September 18, Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer spoke at a voter registration rally in Bozeman, on the campus of Montana State University. He said, “Everyone, please vote. This is a marketplace of ideas, whether you vote for John McCain, or whether you vote for Ron Paul, or whether you vote for Barack Obama!”. Ron Paul is indeed on the ballot in Montana, as the Constitution Party nominee. Governor Schweitzer, a Democrat, did not mention that Ralph Nader and Bob Barr are also on the Montana ballot.


Montana Governor Enjoys Publicizing Ron Paul's Spot on Ballot — 24 Comments

  1. Ron and Ralph Fool’s Overture. History recalls how great the fall can be, while everybody’s sleeping the boats put out to sea. Borne on the wings of time, it seemed the answers were so easy to find. “Too late” the prophets cry, the island’s sinking let’s take to the sky. Called the man a fool, stripped him of his pride, everyone was laughing up until the day he died. And though the wound went deep, still he’s calling us out of our sleep.

    Apocalypse Now…

  2. I tried to donate to the RP campaign (ok the Constitution party campaign in Montana) but the web page didn’t have a donation link. How to do it?

  3. How did that happen?
    I want Ron Paul on the ballot here in SC!!!
    I wish he was on every ballot in America!

  4. I wished I lived in Montana. I swore I would vote Ron Paul, but now I’ll probably have to vot for Baldwin. Here’s an idea: New Hampshire can be the Free State Project and Montana can be the Seccession State Project.

  5. Hope our local media plays up this story as much as they hyped the “Ron Paul want’s off the MT ballot” story, That is all people seem to know about and it is hard to explain it and incourage them to vote for him.
    I know what I am doing on election day thats for sure.
    “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.” Barry Goldwater

    “A cadre of hard core believers is the key to success. The total numbers and percentages are less important. Our job now is to plan for the next phase. As was the case in the campaign, this continued effort will logically continue to be a grass roots effort and not a top down rigidly controlled central operation. Most important will be the continued emphasis on the message. That message, simply put, is the message of human liberty.” Ron Paul

  6. If The Costitution Party of Montana wishes to advertise that is fine, what i’m talking about is in my day to day and door to door interactions with people.
    I worked my precicnt before the Primary and Dr. Paul lost to McCain by 20 votes in my precinct.

    With economic news of late, one would think getting voters to send a message to DC would be a easy sell, but they all say “He doesn’t want us voting for him, he requested to be removed from the ballot”

  7. I would love it if I could vote for Paul in NM. Montana has things right. Give people a choice and see where the chips land. Awesome.

  8. It’s nice to see the constitutional folks supporting a Libertarian. Most people don’t want a socialist in the whitehouse, so you may see many folks in Montana voting for McCain as the protest vote, since Ron Paul has withdrawn his nomination.

  9. Have there been any polls in Montana recently that included Ron Paul’s name? I would be interested to see how high he is polling right now.

  10. No polls that I have heard about, but I don’t trust polls.
    If before the primary they showed polls of Dr Paul at 30% he could have won.

    Contact news papers and get this story about the governor helps get the Ron Paul voters out.

  11. This actually isn’t a good idea if he wants to help Obama. Ron Paul’s crazy right-wing views SHOULD only attract people who might otherwise vote for McCain but unforunately there are a lot of trendy/misguided left-wing college students who also support him.

  12. Why would the Governor of Montana want to get Obama Elected? The Governor of Montana is more American then
    anyone in Washington – he’s for Americans not for Parties. I’m Voting the Constitutional Ticket for President – this two party system NEEDS TO GO!! and all the scum in Washington need to be kicked out – we should never vote for the incumbent.

  13. This makes me want to move to Montana just to vote for Ron Paul’s name on the ticket! Great!

    I hope the folks in Montana will vote for Ron Paul and send a message to the crooks in DC.

    GO MONTANA! I visited Missoula years ago and had the time of my life!

  14. I am so jealous. To have Ron Paul as an actual choice on the ballot is a dream. Do you guys have handwritten ballots instead of the machines? I may have to move to Montana!

  15. Dr Paul came in second in the MT Rep primaries behind Romney. McSame was a distant third.
    I urge you check out the Constitution Party before you get behind them. They are are as far right as you can go, even advocate abolishing public schools.

    Here in MT we have paper ballots that are scanned right before your eyes.

  16. What’s wrong with abolishing the Department of Education? Their curriculum is filled with government propoganda, high school students can barely read, and they are trying to manditorily test kids in elementary school for ADD/ADHD to get them on meds as soon as possible. The private sector handles EVERYTHING better.

  17. The Dept of education should go, and the Constitution party correctly views school choice as the way of ensuring competition in educational institutions. Public schools are failing. There is no accountability to the parents. Even at the local level the school boards are ridiculous. There are so many politics (sex education, abortion, prayer in school, homosexuals, and every other imaginable issue) in these schools all the time is spent bicoring over this stuff and funding all sorts of stupid program, that the child gets left behind.

    I went to private school for 11 years/vs inner city public high school for 1 year. I saw the difference first hand. Private schools are not the same as private sector. There is no profit in a private school and no shareholders. There is also relatively less politics because the school doesn’t usually sit inside an even larger institution. The tuition payers(parents) provide accountability. The politics are confined to the parents with kids in the school. If the school is associated with a religion (catholic/protestant, jewish, muslim, atheist, etc) then at least the beliefs of the school are known to the parents before entry.

    Wake up America, Stop politicizing everything and insisting that bureaucracies be created to solve every issue that you can come up with. Tear down the burueacracy.

    Start minding your own business. Stop trying to inflict your views on everyone else. This country is supposed to be free. Free to live how you want unless you infringe on the rights of another to do the same. I personally think this country had hit rock bottom. Whether we can continue to be a great county will depend on our committment to get back to the government of the founding fathers: rule of law, strong defense, strong treasury, strong state department. Forget going all over the world policing it.

    I think I am having a pipe dream, no majority in this country will want this kind of freedom. Most want socialism or facism. They have a global view of things. Many are elitists that want power over the masses or potential competitors. We are supposed to be protected from a majority in a constitutional republic. This country has moved on to democracy and majority rule. Oh well, maybe Montana has it. If not, I think people will start to emigrate from America.

  18. Sell your Federal Reserve Notes. Vote Ron Paul. Doesn’t matter if it’s his name on the ballot or not. Just vote Constitution Party. Chuck Baldwin or Ron Paul. It’s the same vote. Neither will win, but your vote will send a message. The true collapse will come under Obama’s watch. This is what the neocons want, and it is they, not Bush, who have been writing our policy these past 8 years. Bush may be stupid. Neocons aren’t. Actually, they’re rather brilliant. They want Obama to win. They need Obama to win. They’ve planted the seeds of economic collapse, and he can do nothing to stop it.

    When the real shit hits the fan, under a Democratic President’s watch, desperately seeking answers, the people will once again turn to the only alternative, the Republicans.

    Republicans will say that Obama was wrong. They will say that Bush was stupid. They will talk of “new” “exciting” ways to rebuild this country. They will talk of illegal immigrants, terrorists, National RFID cards, North American Unions, and the Amero.

    The people, desperately seeking a way forward, will be intrigued. If they remain ignorant to reality and don’t understand the real causes of the collapse,, they will allow themselves to be duped yet again. Their few remaining liberties will be destroyed and their slavery ensured.

    Only truth will sway them in the other direction…sound money, freedom, liberty, free markets, no fiat money, no Federal Reserve, no deficit spending, no INFLATION!!!, no income tax, no sales tax, no war on drugs, no war on terror, no imperialism, no spreading our armed forces thin, no torture, no domestic surveillance, no secret prisons…

    Yes Ron Paul, yes Constitution Party, yes Thomas Jefferson, yes Benjamin Franklin, yes liberty. That or death. or so a wise man said.

    Think long and hard.

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