Fox News Has Best Returns for Minor Party, Independent Presidential Candidates

The only network that seems to have election returns for minor party and independent presidential candidates is Fox. Use this link and click on any state to see presidential returns.


Fox News Has Best Returns for Minor Party, Independent Presidential Candidates — 14 Comments

  1. Actually the AP map which is all over the place on various political sites seems to give better info on third-party contestants. It isn’t pretty – but Nader has his 1% in most states.

  2. I think the story of the night, from a 3rd party competitive perspective anyway, is that its possible the LP will come out of the night ahead of Nader.

    And as a secondary story, that the CP…and its really surprising if it turns out to be true, will do worse than 4 years ago.

    They did get the Paul endorsement. They did engage in a very successful swiftboat campaign against Bob Barr. They also, were included in 3rd party debates and given more free media than years past.

    They can look for success in some states, and bemoan their ballot access woes, but that doesn’t explain not doing better than this…this has to be disappointing.

  3. ah so much for my prediction abilities, looks like Nader is already ahead of Barr in the latest tally.

    Nader is not on the ballot in Texas, so thats a state where Barr would gain ground on Nader, and it has some votes left to count, but with California yet to come, I have to think Naders lead is going to stick.

    But Baldwin is still at .12%, so far, although Baldwin will do well in Utah, and some states like that, but he’s not on the ballot on the AIP line in California…as far as I know, so I don’t see his numbers changing much.

  4. The Canadian Broadcasting Company at has a simple but useful map with third-party results included. Isn’t it funny how we can’t get any honest returns from the US media?

  5. The NYT state map of NY state shows 73% of ballots counted, and Nader is only at .5%. Not so exciting.

  6. Nader is third – somewhere around 650,000 – they had hoped for a million but the fact those on the left got squeezed should surprise none.

    Just done a quick check and its VERY late so I could be wrong but I believe where both were on the ballot he beat Barr in every state except Arizona and South Carolina. He beat both Libertarians combined vote in New Hampshire. He beat McKinney everywhere but Louisiana (presumably due to her work in New Orleans).

    It might be noted that Nader was beaten by Ron Paul in both states where they were both on the ballot. Paul polled 0.5 in Louisiana and 2.1% in Montana.

    Outside of Paul the best votes were Nader’s 1.4% in Maine and the Constituton Party’s 1.3% in Utah (a bright spot in an otherwise poor result for them).

    The squeeze on the left was very predictable – that on the right was perhaps less so but proved just as efficient.

  7. Google actually had some third parties (Nader and Barr) listed prominently on their election coverage/results page, it was even updated live as the votes were counted.

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