Cort Wrotnowski, one of the voters who filed a lawsuit on the matter of Barack Obama’s eligibility to be President, has filed for injunctive relief from the U.S. Supreme Court. The Wrotnowski case had been refused by the Connecticut Supreme Court. The case in the U.S. Supreme Court is Wrotnowski v Bysiewicz, 08A469. The defendant is the Secretary of State of Connecticut.
Somewhat similar cases in the U.S. Supreme Court are the Berg and Donofrio cases. Thanks to Bill Van Allen for this news. MSNBC on November 26 mentioned those two cases; see here. UPDATE: this application for a stay was denied by Justice Ruth Ginsburg on November 26. Thanks to Bill Van Allen for this news.
Best explanation (following 2 you tube videos) I’ve seen for the total media blackout of what is the single greatest news event and domestic threat — let’s call it OBAMAGATE — since the outbreak of the American Civil War and for the sincere prayers of the American people that the United States Supreme Court — let’s call it OUR LAST HOPE — now to have the courage to save our great nation as we have come to know it:
Op: ‘WBII’
“…if Obama dares to take the Presidential “Oath or Affirmation†of office, knowing that he is not “a natural born Citizen,†he will commit the crime of perjury or false swearing (see Article II, Section 1, Clause 7). For, being ineligible for “the Office of President, he cannot “faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States,†or even execute it at all, to any degree. Thus, his very act of taking the “Oath or Affirmation†will be a violation thereof! So, even if the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court himself looks the other way and administers the “Oath or Affirmation,†Obama will derive no authority whatsoever from it.”
By Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr., Ph.D., J.D.
You poor people are so incensed through your conspiracy extremist views that your sense of reality has been warped. And because of these whack jobs filing frivilous lawsuits in no less than the Supreme Court of the United States, my tax dollars are again being wasted for a nonsensical reason. Trying to cloak yourself in the guise of a “True American” doesn’t negate the fact that you’re mentally deranged and are in need of professional help.
the fact is that Obama was born on Krypton, he admitted this on TV. According to Klingon law an interstellar person quilifies for US President. Check it out!
this is just as valid as your “born in Kenya” crap, 50 states certified Obama’s eligibility in the election, it’s over. Hate Obama all you want but it’s President Obama! Gallup shows Obama as having hight rating for trust and say his performance as presiden will be great (67%)
he won, is popular, election is over, Obama will take oath of office on Jan 20, you ridiculous conspiricy people don’t have to watch it, you can move to Iran (more suited for your intelligence)
There seems to be enough evidence agains’t OB if it is true he has no right to be the leader of this country, It also sounds like he has done some crimnal things to put him behind bars for a long time. he is not above the law,dispite what he or others might think.
Law? Law? Our rulers don’t need no stinkin’ law. ;>)
Obama will be pulled from the election in December.
America will riot over Marshall law having to be instituted resulting from the law and the riots in the streets from the removal of Obama from the Presidency.
Save this and let’s see if it happens, and if it does, know that it was orchestrated from the very beginning.
Then, think it through, all the way through. You may have been duped…
No. 08A469
Title: Cort Wrotnowski, Applicant
Susan Bysiewicz, Connecticut Secretary of State
Lower Ct: Supreme Court of Connecticut
Case Nos.: (SC 18264)
~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nov 25 2008 Application (08A469) for stay and/or injunction, submitted to Justice Ginsburg.
Nov 26 2008 Application (08A469) denied by Justice Ginsburg.
As a conservative Democrat I apologize for the other members of my party and their name calling..not the mark of an intelligent mind..If Obama is pulled out…imagine Biden as President…oh the horror.
Refutaion to richCares in comment # 7, November 28th, 2008 at 9:39 am.
For Barack Obama it does make a difference on place
of birth, because he was born outside the territorial limits and jurisdiction of the United States. Revised Stat. 1993 did not apply to
him, because his mother at time of the birth on the
Indian Ocean island named Mombasa was only 18 years
of age. For births between January 13, 1941 and
November 13, 1986, which cover the date of Barack
Obama on August 4, 1961 (if in fact that was his date of birth), his mother Stanley Ann Durham would
have had to resided in the U.S. for ten years, and at least five of those years would have to happen after she reached the age of 16 years.
The sovereign over the island of Mombasa on August 4, 1961 was the Sultan of Zanzibar which was under
a British Protectorate. That would made Barack Obama Jr. at birth a “British Protected Person” under the British Nationality Act 1948. On December 10, 1963, the British Protectorate ended
and Sultan Jamshid had full sovereignty over the
Island of Mombasa again. For those that have an
interest in Sultan Jamshid, he lives in Portsmouth, England now aged 79 years. On December 12, 1963, Sultan Jamshid ceded Mombasa and other territory to the new Republic of Kenya on the date
of their independence.
According to reports, I read, about Barack Obama Sr.,five of his eight great grand parents were Arabs, Only three were Luolander. That puts into
question Obama citizenship status, after the protectorate ended on December 10, 1963. At the
time of these events the CIA agent in Zanzibar was Richard M. “Rex” Preece. In 1975, Dr. Preece received a Ph.D from John Hopkins University.
If anyone wants to get into the nationality laws
as it effected Obama, I would start by reading
Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American Independent Party
You know, the whole thing about Obama’s citizenship is a crock of shit. He IS a US-American citizen. Get over it, folks!!
No one is above the law.
The Presidency is not a Long Island Wal-Mart on “Black Friday.”
Barry is a nothing but a shill, Rockefeller, CFR, Zionist, sock puppet. Barry has to do the right thing and disqualify himself now!
my president is black my lambos blue and il goddamned if my rims aint too
Barack Obama has spent nearly a million dollars defending lawsuits rather than producing the original copy of his birth certificate, which would supposedly cause all outstanding lawsuits to implode.
What’s wrong with this picture?
We The People Foundation runs ad 12/1 & 12/3
11/28/08 – We The People Foundation will be running their full-page Open Letter to Mr. Obama in the Chicago Tribune on Monday, December 1st, and Wednesday, December 3rd. This is Obama’s hometown and he’s known to be a regular reader of the Chicago Tribune. Daily circulation is over a half-million. We The People Foundation had originally planned on running a full-page ad in the USA Today, but the funds did not come in to support that. This was plan B. There will also be a press conference on December 8th for all main stream media outlets as ABC, MSNBC, CBS, and FOX to report on to acclimate the American people to the fact that Obama is not eligible to be president and to help curb the great possibilities of riot and violence that them and their Messiah has caused by their failure to respond to these allegations.
Several people filing lawsuits demanding proof of Obama’s natural born citizenship status does not surprise me or concern me. What DOES concern me is Obama’s hesitancy to simply ask the state of Hawaii to make his original birth certificate available for examination. That’s all it would take, and all this discussion, and all these suits would cease.
[[[“simply ask the state of Hawaii to make his original birth certificate available for examination. That’s all it would take, and all this discussion, and all these suits would cease.’]]]
You don’t know your conspiracy wackos very well, do you? If the state of Hawaii “came up with” a “valid” “certificate of live birth” “proving” that “Barack Obama” was “born” “there,” these foil-hat-wearing blind-to-reality Rush Limbots would immediately denounce it as yet another forgery and include the entire state of Hawaii, government, citizenry and all, in their Grand Conspiracy theory.
Doncha see, BJ, Obama is the AntiChrist! He directed this whole birth certificate conspiracy from within his mother’s womb! From half-way across the globe! From an island in the Indian Ocean! He’s already got the SCOTUS under his mind control!! They’ll dismiss all the lawsuits, or else they’ll ask to see the original CoLB, Obama will bring in something scribbled in crayon on a grocery bag, and they’ll say Looks fine, case dismissed!!!! HE’S ALL POWERFUL!!!!! ALL HOPE IS LOST!!!!!!!!! BETTER LEARN TO SPEAK MUSLIM!!!!!!!!!!!!
Forget all the “who I’m for BS.” Not everyone believes he’s legal because he says so. The most damming part is the certificate that posted on the Daily KOS, AND Obama’s smears site were forgeries. Now that alone is a felony, (altering federal ID certificates)…….how about proving the accusations wrong? Is there something wrong with that, without calling people names?
Now that the Donofrio case is toast, the next one is Wrotnowski on Dec 12, which has been distributed for Dec 12 conference
See it atâ€
It’s well known Supreme Court procedure that when a previously-denied application is resubmitted to another Justice — as was Donofrio and now Wrotnowsk, that Justice refers the application to the whole court. That’s because almost every single resubmitted application is brought by a crackpot, and is without merit. So rather than allow the applicant to keep re-submitting to every single Justice until at least six justices have separately denied it, the second Justice refers it to the entire Court, which usually spends about one second “considering†it, and then denies it as a whole, thus putting the application out of its misery once and for all.
This has been common practice for a long time, poor wingnuts keep on hoping and more importantly donating money! Curious, how many cases need to be dismissed before you wingnuts call it quits?
no dear wingnut “proving the accusations wrong?” is not the way the courts work!
link to “DENIED” from SCOTUS on Wrotnowski case.
This was destined for failure, only value of case was as fund raising drive from wingnuts, I suggest you ask for refund!
You’re all very funny. You amuse me. Obama ain’t going nowhere but the Whitehouse. Or should I call it now Blackhouse?