No Disobedient Presidential Electors This Year

For the first time since 1996, no presidential electors voted differently than they were expected to vote. On December 15, Barack Obama received 365 electoral votes and John McCain received 173.

In 2004, one of the Minnesota Democratic electors had voted for John Edwards for president instead of John Kerry. And in 2000, one of the D.C. Democratic electors had abstained rather than voting for Al Gore.


No Disobedient Presidential Electors This Year — 14 Comments

  1. all fine, he will continue to survive the technical definitions of “natural born citizen” and just as long as no one soon proves in court or in congressional hearings that Obama was in fact not born in HI, USA but rather Obama was born somewhere else — somewhere outside USA jurisdiction; i.e. Kenya

  2. Is everyone aware of the Press Conference that was held outside the California State Capitol just prior to the meeting of the state’s electoral college?

    Here’s the press release …

    For Immediate Release – Event Notice – Press Conference
    Time: Mon 12-15-08, 12:30 PM
    Place: California State Capitol, Sacramento California at the Corner of “L” and 11th Streets

    Topic: Unlawful Occupation of Presidency and Invalid Electoral College Process

    Conference Contact: Tony Andrade, 916-230-2123;
    Media Contact: Markham Robinson, State Chairman, American Independent Party; Party HQ: 707-359-4884; Home: 707-448-7062; Office: 707-451-8985; Temp Cell: 707-761-3009; Fax: 707-222-6040

    Questions from Press following statement.

    The American Independent Party insists that Barack Obama prove that he is a “Natural born” American citizen. There is no personal testimony that Obama was born in Hawaii as there is that he was born in Mombasa District, now part of Kenya. The burden of proof is on Obama.

    Hawaii’s unique laws allow for birth certificates to indicate foreign birth. Is that what his indicates? We have not seen it. Instead of spending tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars resisting its production and even defying a court order to do so, why not spend the $12 to produce a copy for us all to examine? Is the answer, just possibly, that Barack Obama is afraid of what it would reveal?

    Similar doubts concerning possible Indonesian citizenship exist. These, too, urgently need to be resolved.

    What is about to occur in the State Capitol is fatally flawed in three ways:

    1. The likely result is that a man whose qualifications to assume the office of the President are quite dubious will receive our California Electoral College vote because of a judicial disinclination to give the People their right to be heard.

    2. Electors apparently not individually nominated by Democratic Congressional Candidates as required by the California Election code will vote in the Electoral College.

    3. Electors will be constrained to vote as a block rather than individually as is their right and duty according to procedures set down in the Constitution and will thereby deprive California of a legitimate voice in the Electoral College.

    On all these grounds and more, I fear greatly for our People. Unlawful occupation of the Office of the President means no new valid legislation. No valid nominations, including to the Supreme Court. No valid Executive Orders. No lawful commands as Commander in Chief.

    Such a situation paralyzes legitimate government. The longer the imposture is maintained, the worse it becomes. Reliance upon eventually voided legislation is extremely perilous. Reliance upon the actions of appointees unlawfully occupying offices will prove equally disastrous. But worse is the debilitating distrust of our democratic processes that will ensue. Our democratic system depends upon trust. As Obama swears to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, if he thereby takes office unlawfully, he is actually attacking it. This puts our entire Constitutional order in peril and may destroy the Republic.

    Attorneys Representing Alan Keyes, Wiley Drake and Markham Robinson

    Orly Taitz DDS Esq
    26302 La Paz, Suite 211
    Mission Viejo Ca 92691
    29839 S. Margarita Pkwy
    Rancho Santa Margarita Ca 92688
    Work: 949-586-8110 Cell: 949-683-5411 FAX: 949-586-2082

    Law Office of Gary G Kreep, Esq., 932 D St. Suite 2, Ramona CA 92065
    Office: 760-787-9907

  3. Really there were all the electors were disobedient since they all voted for someone who is not Constitutionality qualified.

  4. So, does this mean that if I now come forward with the 5,000 Gore votes I’ve been sitting on since 2000, showing my idiot brother to have been an illegitimate President, then there will be no Iraq war and no financial crisis?

    Dad said I was supposed to be President not that coke-snorting, beer-guzzling fool.

  5. The onus is on the people who believe President-elect Obama is not a natural born citizen to prove that. I invite them to try.

  6. Let’s not forget the most important “disobedient” elector of all: Roger Lea MacBride. His vote for John Hospers and Toni Nathan in 1972 helped the Libertarian Party become America’s foremost alternative to the Beltway parties.

    Jeff Daiell

  7. #6: Logically proving a negative requires fallacious reasoning. A candidate does not have a presumption of qualification under the alleged Constitution of the Disintegrating States of America.

    I do not claim to know if Mr. Obama is or isn’t a “natural-born citizen.” But it once was a legitimate question to ask of any candidate. This affair seems to have degenerated into a quasi-religious controversy in which reason is irrelevant.

    Perhaps one day the political class will give a member of the British royal family as a President. Why not?

  8. (1) President Elect Barack Obama is a natural born citizen of the United States of America.

    (2) Two far-right wing minor parties; American Independent Party and the Constitution Party are now claiming that he is a, possibly, illegal immigrant from Kenya, which makes about as much sense as the, “he is a secret Muslim terrorist” spin.

    (3) Both minor parties are probably just looking for some media attention. They will probably hurt efforts at electoral reform. For his part, Alan Keyes is also motivated, IMHO, still upset that he lost to Obama in the US Senate race and is probably hoping to avoid corruption charges.

  9. Questions on who the electors were for California and why a non-elector voted on December 15th has created an
    additional question of the Electorial College of California had a legal vote on December 15th, because
    Ilene Huber did not vote and was not replaced by vote
    of the present electors under the California Constitution and the California Election Code.

    Article 2, Section 2.5 of the California Constitution states: “A voter who casts a vote in an election in
    accordance with the laws of this State shall have that
    vote counted.”

    Yet, I have been informed the Governor of California has
    issued a false “Certificate of Assertainment” that does
    not show “Ilene Huber” as a Democrat presidential elector, even though millions of electors in California
    voted for “Ilene Huber”.

    On December 15, 2008, I went to the Governor’s Office and gave to Mr. T. M. Scott a request for a certified
    copy of the “Certificate of Assertainment” of on or about December 13, 2008. Plus a request for certified copy of the registered mail receipt that show that either three orginal copies or one original copy and two certified copies were sent to the Archivist of the United States. No answer back from the Governors Office.

    I also informed by the Mailroom Staff at the State Capitol that no-registered mail came out of Governor’s
    Office. Therefore, how did the Governor post to the
    Archivist of the United States in Maryland the Certificate of Assertainment by the legal requirement that it be posted by registered mail, viz., under lock and key in transit?

    The American Independent Party will see that the laws
    governing the election process be complied with by both
    the Governor and Secretary of State.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American Independent Party.

  10. “Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American Independent Party”

    Mark- You lost. Get over it. You are free to try agin in 4 years, though. Best of luck

  11. ETJB Says:
    December 17th, 2008 at 7:04 am

    (1) President Elect Barack Obama is a natural born citizen of the United States of America.

    Prove it.

    I have just as much proof that pigs can fly

  12. I’m not on any particular side of this flap over Obama’s birthplace. However, I would like to know why it is so difficult for someone to get his birth certificate. Isn’t it public record? It seems like the government is so eager to give away the personal information of the “average Joe” to anyone who wants it. Seriously, my state government sells my personal information to private enterprise all the time. They disclose who I make campaign donations to. They regularly send out mailings with people’s Social Security numbers on the outside of the envelope! However, when we want information on our politicians, it becomes next to impossible to get. Sounds like many state governments (including Hawaii) operate in the dark ages.

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