California Congressmember Co-Sponsors Birth Certificate Bill

California Congressmember John Campbell (R-Irvine, 48th district) has become a co-sponsor of HR 1503, the bill to require presidential candidates to submit a copy of their birth certificate when they file with the Federal Election Commission. Campbell is the first non-southern co-sponsor of HR 1503. He has been in Congress since a special election in 2005.


California Congressmember Co-Sponsors Birth Certificate Bill — No Comments

  1. today DOJ filed a motion to dismiss in Kerchner v obama USDC-NJ 09-253 returnable July 20th and of course Strunk v DHS/DOS USDC-DC 08-2234 is awaiting either partial dismissal (obama) and/or unstayed discovery of BO mom and father passport data including UK citizenship/ travel. The the politically coordinated effort is refocusing on the dual citizenship question (US citizenship of parents to be “natural born citizen” as McCain and not NBC such as obviously non-US citizenship of Obama father —

  2. Obama himself affirmed in US Senate vote Spring 2008 that McCain was constitutionally quallifed as a NBC based on fact of two US citizen parents no matter where he was born. SCOTUS will have a hard time with this issue (obviously) even with Sotomayor.

  3. If he is a natural born citizen then why not show the proof to the court. It need not be made public. The judge, attorneys for both sides and the plaintiff are all that really need to see it.

  4. Questions involved –

    Was Obama’s mother a U.S.A. citizen when Obama was born ???

    If yes, then is that enough to make Obama a natural born citizen (regardless of where Obama was born) — since his father was a subject of the British Empire when Obama was born.

    Note the definition of U.S.A. citizen in 14th Amdt, Sec. 1.

    Again – the natural born stuff is Dark Age tribal primitive — allegiance at birth to a regime — based on the Nation-State status of the father — and perhaps the mother (????) — highly dubious due to total male dominance in 1787.

    Obviously *foreign* folks in the U.S.A. — legal (ambassadors, tourists, etc.) and illegal (technically enemy invaders) — have NO allegiance to the U.S.A. regime.

    Allegiance transfer to a NEW regime is via *naturalization*.

    This stuff AIN’T atomic physics — except perhaps to the party hack Supremes who just love to mystify everything.

  5. NBC + NBC = NBC
    NBC + alien (can not) = NBC
    example: most of us concede McCain’s parent’s were (upon information and belief for the naval officer father for sure and mom assumed at least) natural born US citizens. Ergo the US Senate last year attempted “interpet” and possibly use new statute law/ bill to cloud the modern definition of Jefferson, Madison, Washington, Adams etc. of NBC.

    BUT, also apparently the Senate discussion backed up the modern day need for both parents to be natural born citizens when the birth is outside US territory. SCOTUS will soon be forced to “clarify” the constitution — as Roberts just stated the role of SCOTUS within the past several days.

  6. We had to have a certified copy of our child’s birth certificate to enter Kindergarten and to play t-ball. I think we should require the same for the president of the USA.

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