Rand Paul Leading in Kentucky Republican Primary

Rand Paul, son of Congressman Ron Paul, is leading in polls for the Kentucky Republican Senate nomination, according to this story. Rand Paul, like his father, is a friend of the ballot access reform movement. He was active in 1988 when his father was the Libertarian Party nominee, and he is well-informed about unjust ballot access laws. Four states kept Paul off the ballot in 1988: Indiana, Missouri, North Carolina, and West Virginia.

The Kentucky primary is on May 18.


Rand Paul Leading in Kentucky Republican Primary — No Comments

  1. Trey Grayson is grasping at straws to try and stay in this race. His latest pathetic attempt was to criticize Rand Paul about what basketball team he supported. Basketball teams? What a neo-conservative former democrat little weenie.

  2. Predict a Tray Grayson win all you want–he’s getting his butt kicked right now.

  3. Sure, Grayson could win. After all, he’s in charge of counting the votes.

  4. Better than Congress Bob, Rand would be in the Senate, which is sorely in need of a principled Paul to counteract all the lunacy that comes out of that chamber.

  5. Well I can support ballot access law reform bills, but most of what Congressman Ron Paul says tends to have little to do with liberty and everything to do with his own ego.

  6. Pingback: Rand Paul leading in Kentucky Republican Primary | Independent Political Report

  7. Pingback: Rand Paul leading in Kentucky Republican Primary | Lawyer Don Hecker Word

  8. #10, obviously you haven’t read the polls which show that Paul would beat either of the major Democrats running, at a higher margin than Grayson would.
    As one in Kentucky who sees the TV ads daily, it is interesting that all Grayson does is re-air attack ads that Paul has already debunked. For example, Grayson says Paul is too pro-abortion, even though Paul was endorsed by Sarah Palin, Concerned Women for America and the Northern Kentucky Right-to-Life.
    And Paul has MORE donators from Kentucky than Grayson has (although Grayson has more money).

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