Nevada Tea Party Remains on Ballot

Thanks to Independent Political Report for this news. On April 15, a state court in Nevada ruled that Tea Party U.S. Senate candidate Scott Ashjian should remain on the ballot, even though he didn’t change his registration from “Republican” to “Tea” until one day after he filed for office. See this story.

The outcome may be appealed to the Nevada Supreme Court.

0 thoughts on “Nevada Tea Party Remains on Ballot

  1. Big D

    Fasano is a area 51 guy I can’t believe IAB picked him to represent. I think Ashjian is the only official Tea Party in the U S A ?

  2. Mark Seidenberg


    Are you an elector in Nevada? Why is it just up to Mr. Fasano only? Cody Quirk has his own rights as a person,
    because Ashijan could receive more votes than Fasano and
    Cody Quirk would lose a right to win.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American Independent Party.

    P.S. Do you now understand that the “other officers” in the California Election Code are the officers of the day
    at the State Convention?

  3. Don Lake, .......

    Oh, come on Mark, even when Captain Cody has some ethical traction, Quirk makes it up as he goes along. What an empty, lonely journey Quirk’s life seems to be!

    Even when he is right, he’s wrong …………

  4. Cody Quirk

    Big ‘D’umbass,

    Fasano is polling better then Ashjian right now, and has several speaking engagements going on, including addressing the Tea Party rally in Carson on Thursday.

    The Tea Party movement has been exposing Ashjian for who he is, including running those ads against him.

    And it’s ‘IAP’ you moron!

  5. Cody Quirk

    Are you an elector in Nevada? Why is it just up to Mr. Fasano only? Cody Quirk has his own rights as a person,
    because Ashijan could receive more votes than Fasano and
    Cody Quirk would lose a right to win.

    = Mark, seriously, have you been smoking weed on a constant basis? I keep hearing from people how loony you have become, and reading post # 5 is more then proof that you are losing it.

    Fasano filed the lawsuit on his own, with Joel’s help, that’s it, I or Janine don’t have the say and what further action is taken.

    And the only “elector” in Nevada is a ‘Presidential Elector’.

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