Spiegel In-Depth Story on Liberal Democratic Party Leader

Spiegel, the English-language version of the famous German news magazine, has this article about Nick Clegg, leader of the British Liberal Democratic Party. Thanks to Gene Berkman for the link.

The headline of the story, about the possible destruction of the two-party system in Britain, is not a good title for the piece. Don’t let the title prevent you from reading the article.


Spiegel In-Depth Story on Liberal Democratic Party Leader — No Comments

  1. I heard several of his speeches on Youtube and was actually pretty impressed. Their current leader not only has the right image, but also comes off as being very smart, witty, charming, compassionate and able to communicate his message in the modern media.

    The Liberal Democrats are probably a major reason why ballot access laws in the UK are pretty fair and why electoral reform issues such as proportional
    representation are, treated as a possiblity.

    In the 1980s, comedian John Cleese did a wonderful broadcast for them advocating proportional representation, which can also be seen online.

  2. I am very impressed by some of the policy issues you have mentioned. But one very important issues that the people need to Know is will there wages be increased to reflect the rate of inflation, rents and council tax increasing every April and many people like myself do not recive an increase in their wages eventually we wont be able to afford to go to work. The council tax I pay per week plus my rent is practically a full weeks wage a traditional Sunday roast is becoming a luxuary in many English homes. I dont trust the Labour Party or the Tories anymore they are just liers and theifs I am now fifty years old and I have a son in the Army and I would like my vote to count to secure him and many other young people a better country to live in and be proud off.

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