John Boehner Says Rebellion is Brewing Against Both Major Parties

Congressman John Boehner, leader of Republicans in the U.S. House, told his caucus on May 12 that voters this year are angry at both major parties. See this Politico story. Thanks to ThirdPartyDaily for the link.

The article says Boehner made his remarks behind closed doors, so theoretically one of the Republican members of Congress must have leaked the story to Politico.


John Boehner Says Rebellion is Brewing Against Both Major Parties — 5 Comments

  1. P.R. and A.V. — to END the EVIL rule of the gerrymander / plurality MONSTERS in Devil City and in the State regimes.

  2. Well, well, well… is it just possible that somebody finally “gets it”? As much as I would like to believe it I just can’t seem to bring myself to get my hopes up once again. Besides, it may be too late now, anyway.

  3. The key issue is how much of this anger is actually going to be fueled into something productive, like electoral reform. Also is this anger that the far right and far left typically have with the major parties or something a bit broader?

  4. Good question ETJB!! We’ve been hearing about people saying that a 3rd party or independent can get elected President for a long time now. It’s like a bad joke for all of us who beleive in electoral reform because I’m sure that most of these people that say this are the same morons that get into the duopoly and cave in every now and then and accept their propaganda and have a tantrum when their “team” “loses” and then follow this cycle over and over again. If the same 31% that thinks a third party or independent can win Prez 2012 would actually stay as a block, that 31% would translate into many states left and right going to this candidate (unless you have regional support like Wallace or Trumond did when they ran, you usually need about 25% nationwide in order to start getting lots of Electoral Votes)

  5. Pingback: Political Scientist and Congressional Leader Predict Good Year for Alternative Parties | Independent Political Report

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