U.S. Resident Aliens Sue to Gain Ability to Make Contributions to Federal Candidates

Several residents of the United States who are not U.S. citizens have sued to win the ability to make campaign contributions in federal elections. On January 7, U.S. District Court Judge Ricardo Urbina ruled that they have standing to pursue their case. Here is the decision in Bluman v Federal Election Commission, 10-1766, in Washington, D.C. U.S. law already lets permanent resident aliens contribute. But aliens who are here legally, and may work in the U.S. legally, but who lack permanent status, are barred from contributing.

Judge Urbina also ruled that the case should go to a 3-judge U.S. District Court, to challenge the law itself that makes contributions from aliens illegal. But, a separate lawsuit will be needed if the same plaintiffs also want to challenge the regulations on that subject, because a lawsuit against the regulations must go before a single U.S. District Court, not a 3-judge court.

See this news story from Courthouse News Service, which gives details about the individuals who brought the case, and why they are so passionate about their desire to make campaign contributions.


U.S. Resident Aliens Sue to Gain Ability to Make Contributions to Federal Candidates — No Comments

  1. Citizens and FOREIGN ALIENS.

    Difficult ONLY for the party hack MORON SCOTUS folks ???

    One more fiction to have *permanent* resident aliens — the former alien regime was wiped out in outer space ???

    Some giant impossibility of such *permanent* resident aliens from becoming naturalized U.S.A. Citizens ???

    Has the entire New Age system gone N-U-T-S ???

  2. 1. How does a Canadian know if they are not United States Citizens, in respect of the Garfield Act of 1872?

    Where they born East or West of the Rocky Mountains?

    2. It does not take an act of Congress to make Candians
    United States Citizens, because of the grandfathered terms of the Articles of Confederation.

    3. No one has enforced the Act of Congress on either
    Obama or McCain. Obama was born “patrus sequitur patrem” on August 4, 1961 as a subject of the Sultan
    of Zanzibar. He was never a citizen of Kenya nor that
    of The United States. John McCain was born on August
    29, 1936 out of wedlock and never acknowled by his putitive father in Court in Panama City. His mother
    was never employed by either the Panama Railroad Company
    or the United States Government on August 29, 1936.
    Therefore the Panama Collective Naturalization Act of August 4, 1937 did not apply to John McCain III, so the
    terms of the terms of the 1930 Convention of Nationality
    apply here and John McCain is a Citizen of Panama and
    Obama is still a subject of the Sultan Jamshid now in
    Portmouth England (See:CALVIN’S CASE (1608), 7 Coke 1, 6
    James I).

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American Independent Party

  3. Richard Winger:

    My suggestion is read OUR STRUGGLE FOR THE FOURTEENTH COLONY, by Justin Harvey Smith (Professor of History,
    Darthmouth College, 1907 in two volumes).

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg

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