Rob Richie, in Huffington Post, Publicizes Need for a Right-to-Vote Amendment to U.S. Constitution

Rob Richie has this article in the Huffington Post. Although the column at first seems to be a thoughtful commentary about bills in state legislatures requiring voters at the polls to show government photo-ID, the real point of the column comes at the end. Richie makes the case for Congressman Jesse Jackson’s proposed constitutional amendment, affirming the right to vote for adult U.S. citizens. Jackson has repeatedly introduced the amendment in past sessions of Congress, and will re-introduce it again shortly. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link.


Rob Richie, in Huffington Post, Publicizes Need for a Right-to-Vote Amendment to U.S. Constitution — No Comments

  1. I wonder if this has been tried at the state level. I would think a bill or even initiative would be a far easier path, and a good test of the viability of the effort.

  2. It seems to me that the Right to Vote Amendment is a good idea, but its current wording makes me pause, mostly in Section 2. As much as I think states do a poor job of setting standards, etc, I don’t know if I want the US Congress telling each state what standards they have to meet. Hmmm… It also seems from Section 1 that it would still give states the ability to get judges to decide that their requirements are alright even when they are not. I lean to liking it though a lot.

  3. Thanks to Richard for picking up on this item. HJR 28 has now been introduced, along with another proposed amendment to establish direct of the president, HJR 36.

    As Jordan mentions, the Amendment’s language needs review — likely put in more simple terms along the lines of the First Amendment. But it’s time to initiate the debate.

  4. I agree, we need to start this debate. What blows my mind is the way the regime in the US calls for free and fair elections in other countries when the US doesn’t have free and fair elections at home. The Republicrats don’t rule the US because that’s what the people want, they rule because people aren’t permitted to vote for opposition parties such as the Libertarians and Greens. The same goes for peaceful protests.

    This country desperately needs a pro democracy movement because things are getting worse. We have gone beyond bad ballot access laws to the point where the Republicrats are literally outlawing the opposition parties.

  5. For constitutional law MORONS —

    Having the definition of Elector-Voter in a constitution gives that Elector-Voter the *right to vote*.

    See Art. I, Sec. 2 for U.S.A. Reps. and the 17th Amdt for U.S.A. Senators.

    HOWEVER – No POSITIVE UNIFORM definition of Elector for purposes of voting in ALL Elections in the U.S.A. — lots of negative stuff — 15th Amdt, 19th Amdt, etc.

    Thus- Const. Amdt.
    Uniform definition of Elector-Voter in ALL of the U.S.A. — for self-defense against monarchs/oligarchs.
    Equal ballot access laws

    Abolish the gerrymander Senate and the gerrymander Electoral College and all the negative stuff.

    ALL part of ONE package — to END the EVIL ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander regimes in the U.S.A. regime since 4 Mar 1789 and in ALL 50 State regimes since 4 July 1776.

    This stuff AIN’T atomic physics.

    Will the pending economic collapse of the U.S.A. due to deficits since 1929 cause marching in the streets ??? Duh.

    What just happened in Egypt ???

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