New Egyptian Ballot Access Law Proposed

The Egyptian Committee that has been suggesting new constitutional amendments has proposed changes in ballot access for presidential candidates. The suggestion is that a presidential candidate qualify for ballot access if he or she submits 30,000 signatures, with a certain number obtained from each of 15 provinces. Egypt has 29 provinces. Alternatively, a candidate can qualify if he or she is endorsed by at least 30 members of either house of the national legislature. A third method is that if a party has at least one member of the national parliament, it can place a presidential nominee on the ballot with no petition. See this story.

Egypt has an estimated population of 77,119,000.


New Egyptian Ballot Access Law Proposed — 33 Comments

  1. Not a level playing field, but it strikes me that in practice it would be very much more democratic than the bitter dose cumulatively prescribed for ballot access by the discrete laws of the 50 U.S. states.

  2. Why not do it the simple why? King Fouad II of Egypt is
    not doing enything important now. He has been in Exile from Egypt since 1953. Put him back in power and bring
    back the Mixed Court.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg
    Vice Chairman, American Independent Party

    P.S. I remember having this discuss in Los Angeles in the late 1960’s or early 1970’s with one of the owners
    of the Cleopatra’s Restaurant on Third Street in Town &
    Country near Fairfax in Los Angeles. He was an Egyptian
    monarchist and had a picture of several former Kings of
    Egypt on the walls.

  3. I think the Egyptian people would not take too kindly to the installation of a sovereign who has been out of the country for nearly 60 years.

  4. How many ANTI-Democracy monarchy/oligarchy folks are on this list — perhaps genetic relatives of some old/new KILLER monarchs/oligarchs ???

    Any body read the 4 July 1776 DOI recently ???

  5. Libertarian Voter,

    Why would you think that King Fauod II is a dictator?

    Also, King Muhammad as-Senussi of Lybia could take over
    Lybia with the removal of Qadaffy Duck with his high support of the Cyrenaican.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg
    Vice Chairman, American Independent Party

  6. Please, we have enough unislamic Monarchs as it is, returning Egypt into one will be a step backwards, we’re trying our best to get rid of the ones we’ve got!

    Egypt is going the right way, an elected leader who hopefully doesn’t cheat his way in.

  7. Mr. Winger, what is the current state of Egypts ballot access laws?

    The idea of re-instituting a sovereign in Egypt is appalling. Hopefully the people o Egypt have more sense than that.

  8. The old law is: (1) independent presidential candidates need 250 signatures, but the only people who can sign are members of parliament or local government bodies; (2) parties can’t get on the ballot unless a commission that is controlled by President Murbarak’s party approve them.

  9. In places without constitutional or democratic traditions a monarch makes much more sense than most Americans are ever likely to accept. If the monarch is an autocrat then of course not. If the monarch can command the support of the people and be a calming influence in times of political turmoil, the institution of monarchy is not necessarily a bad thing. The monarch would have to share power with an elected assembly and cede to it most real authority but stand ready to dissolve it in times of upheaval to prevent chaos. It is a balancing act but potentially far better than one strongman deposing another. In the absence of a tradition of self rule a monarch can somewhat act like a constitution to keep the playing field level.

  10. Casual Bystander

    I am a libertarian. You state that if the “monarch is an autocrat then of course not” to the issue of places
    with “constitutional or democratic traditions”.

    Let’s take the country of Luxenbourg. It is a country
    with a long tradition of having a constitutional monarch and a democratic tradition. Its Chamber of Deputies approved an Euthanasia Bill (in the Obama tradition as part of that countries socialized medical
    plan). Yet Grand Duke Henri of Luxenbourg would not
    sign the bill into law, because he had a high moral standard against the murder of his subjects. Of course
    he was an autocrat here. Grand Duke Henri knew he had
    an obligation to protect his Subjects. The Chamber of
    Deputies then strip Grand Duke Henri of Luxenbourg of
    his powers to approve bill to get it to become law.

    Both Kings Fauod II of Egypt and Muhammed as-Senussi of
    Lybia support their Subjects and want no harm to them
    from the press interviews they have taken in the last
    week. I believe returning Egypt to the Mixed Courts would be a good thing for now to protect the Subjects
    of these two Kingdoms. Remember the U.S. State Department screwed up on these two Kingdoms in the
    conducting of foreign policy in the 1950’s and 1960’s.
    Let’s not let the fools at the Department of State
    again create Socialist governments in Africa any more.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg
    Vice Chairman, American Independent Party

  11. Two things… an autocrat shares power with no one. I do not believe it is up to the U.S. government to “return” anyone to power. It is up to the people of the country involved. Our interference is what gets us into trouble in the first place.

  12. Casual Bystander

    You believe it is not up to the U.S, government to return anyone to power. Why is that? What should
    the United States Government do to make it safe for
    Americans from Gadaffy Duck? We have a moral obligation
    to hold the murders responsible of the Lockebie Bombing
    of Pan Am 103. English leaders did not help, they assisted Gadaffy in getting Abdel Baseral Megrahi out
    of prison in Scotland. Then ban Michael Savage
    from Britian because of his outrage on the release of
    Megrahi from the Scotland.

    King Muhammad as-Senussi would be a fresh air of Freedom
    to Lybia and would help bring the mass murderer to justice for Pan Am 103.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg,
    Vice Chairman, American Independent Party

  13. Thought you self identified as a libertarian. No libertarian I know favors interfering in the domectic affairs of another nation. You sound more like a neo-con to me.

  14. Casual Bystander

    I know of many libertarian that would do just that. I will start out with Tibor Machan, who I first meet in the in 1960’s. He is of the school that believes the
    Confederate States of America had no right to leave
    the United States. I have a different view on the
    subject. However, my belief is the United States Government must have a just foreign policy and try
    to increase freedom in the world. Some times that
    requires a just king and other time not.

    It was the State Department that cause Gadaffy Duck
    to take power over his dealing with the Wheeler Air
    Force base and some Communists in the Nixon Admistration
    that were holdover from the Johnson Admistration. I
    am convinced that the Cyrenaican support of King Muhammed as-Senussi would bring about some freedom in
    Lybia and return the stolen property to American Citizens.

    Look how the State Department told off Italy in 1912
    on its request for recognation of its taking of Cyrenaica from the the United States. On this issue
    the State Department did the correct thing.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg
    Vice Chairman, American Independent Party

  15. Again, Republicanism is much more favourable than Monarchs, its quite clear that Egyptians want to go this way, and despite use of the old Monarch flag in Libya, I’ve not yet seen any support going down that road either; they simply identified with the only flag they had in the past that didn’t represent Arab nationalism/socialism.

    What the commission has chosen for new ballot access law is reasonable giving the population and the state of play. Its quite likely that the Parliament will end up with several localised parties at first which will gradually nationalise and merge with time (as per the situation with Iraqi national parties).

  16. Yes, Mark, and while we are at it we could restore the British monarchy into power over the US again. I’m sure our founding fathers would be thrilled.

  17. NE

    Are you a Cavalier? I heard this before when I lived in

    Remember, Virginia elected King Charles way before England did.

    My suggestion is for you to join the United Empire Loyalist.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg,
    Vice Chairman, American Independent Party

  18. Neocon, neoconfederate, neomonarchist. What a combination. All of that is authoritarian, the opposite of libertarian.

  19. Democracy – majority rule versus monarchy/oligarchy – minority rule for 6000 plus years.

    Any body on this list have ANY knowledge about Stalin in the ex-U.S.S.R. and Hitler in Germany ???

    NO SELF-DEFENSE *right* to intervene and stop such mass killers from getting power and staying in power ???

    See the about 70 million dead in 1931-1945 – due to the EVIL monarchy / oligarchy tyrant regimes in Japan, Italy and Germany.

  20. Any body on this list have ANY knowledge about Stalin in the ex-U.S.S.R. and Hitler in Germany ?


    NO SELF-DEFENSE *right* to intervene and stop such mass killers from getting power and staying in power ?

    Interventionism does far more harm than good. It’s like giving power tools to brain damaged monkeys and hoping they will perform successful surgery.

  21. Would the deaths of Hirohito, Mussolini and Hitler in 1931 have prevented World War II in 1939-1945 ???

    Ditto for EVERY killer monarchy/oligarchy regime in the last 6,000 plus years – causing domestic oppressions and inter-national wars ???

    How many delusional utopian libertarian NO government anarchists are on this list ???

    Would P have objected to the intervention of France in 1777-1778 into the American Revolutionary WAR ??? — noting that such intervention allowed the U.S.A.-French forces to defeat the EVIL King George III regime in 1781 at Yorktown, VA and to get the 1783 U.S.A.-Brit Peace Treaty — which in turn allows this list to exist.

  22. If they pass any law requiring petition signatures in order to place candidates on the ballot, I hope that they include with it a law that protects the rights of people to obtain signatures on those petitions. They should add something in that makes it a crime to harrass or prevent anyone from gathering signatures on petitions.

  23. @ 24 if the US had stayed out of WWI, there wouldn’t have been a WW 2, most of the dicators including Hitler would never have come to power.

    As it stood, it would have been better to let Hitler and Stalin destroy each other.

    Foreigners should intervene in wars as individuals and free associations of individuals, not as governments. Not in my name – not with my money.

    Utopian statists misconceptions aside, such invasions have unintended and sometimes unforeseen consequences that can dwarf any good they ever do.

  24. # 26 What about that French intervention in the U.S.A.-Brit War in 1777-1778 ???

    NOT so good for the French top guys in 1789 — later losing their heads in the French Revolution ???

    Any intervention stuff going back to the Garden of Eden — by the EVIL Devil ???

  25. # 26 Any innocent Americans killed on the high seas by German submarines before April 1917 ???

    See the infamous Zimmerman Telegram affair in 1916-1917 — proposed German support for Mexico to retake the SW U.S.A.

    A FATAL intervention by the German monarchy/oligarchy regime ???

    Any difference between PRO-Democracy and ANTI-Democracy interventions ???

    Any Democracy in Germany, Italy and Japan due to the U.S.A. interventions into such regimes — by the U.S.A. Army and Navy in World War II ???

    Of course U.S.A. support for ANTI-Democracy regimes is routinely FATAL — U.S.A. support for the EVIL Shah of Iran in 1941-1979, U.S.A. support for the EVIL Diem regime in S. Vietnam before 1963, etc.

  26. @ 27 Asked and answered at 26. Foreigners should intervene in wars as individuals and free associations of individuals, not as governments. Not in my name – not with my money.

    “Any difference between PRO-Democracy and ANTI-Democracy interventions ?”

    Nope. Keep the government out of it. Drop the neutrality act and let US citizens voluntarily assemble, with no coerced taxes, to intervene wherever they want.

    “Any Democracy in Germany, Italy and Japan due to the U.S.A. interventions into such regimes — by the U.S.A. Army and Navy in World War II ?”

    Again, asked and answered. It would have been better to let Hitler and Stalin fight it out.

    The US regime can’t be trusted to figure out who the good guys are, much less not to cause more harm than good.

  27. NO shortage of utopian delusional folks on this list.

    Monarchs/oligarchs (with their robot stooge gangs) are the very deadly ENEMIES of REAL Democracy — since day 1 of recorded history.

    REAL Democracies have no real reasons to attack other regimes.

    Attacking/oppressing is apparently genetic in the primitive EVIL reptile brains of monarchs/oligarchs — only very slightly different than the so-called brains of serial killers, robbers, etc.

  28. Real free humans gave no reason to cede their individual sovereignty to any tyrants, individual or collective.

  29. paulie

    I got you point by post # 26. Ron Paul made a good point that “600,000 American Died in a senseless Civil
    War” between 1861 – 1865. It all came down to the Radical Republicans rejecting the $400 million dollar
    offer advanced at the secret Peace Commission talks in early 1861 with no counter offer on the issue of slave
    reperation to free the slaves.

    When President Jean Pierre Boyer signed the Treaty of July 11th 1825 with Charles X of France for 150 million
    gold francs to cover the loses of France Subjects on the
    freeing of the slaves in Haiti it was fixed in sand,
    because the amount was lowered to 90 million francs after 13 years of negotiations in 1838. Lincoln place
    little value on American lives by not giving a counter
    offer to the Peace Commission.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg,
    Vice Chairman, American Independent Party

  30. # 29 Who did the 911 stuff ???

    Some folks in a private group in Afghanistan (i.e. the A.Q. gang) intevening in the U.S.A. ???

    If yes, then was the U.S.A. totally evil in attacking the Afghan regime for harboring the A.Q. gang of suicide-killers ??? [taking note that Bush II subverted the Const. some more by ordering acts of war without a Congress Declaration of War – Art. I, Sec. 8.

    Would it be up to the relatives and friends of the dead and injured folks on 911 to counter-attack the A.Q. folks whereever they are ???

    i.e. to have TOTAL world anarchy — Stone Age tribal stuff – law of the jungle stuff ???

    Any counter-attack on Cain for his alleged murder of Abel ???

    Does the Middle East still have Stone Age tribal *thinking* — tribal gang monarchs/oligarchs ???

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