Indiana Senate Passes Bill that Will Keep Secretary of State's Office in Republican Hands

On April 21, the Indiana Senate passed HB 1242. Current law says if a general election winner is found ineligible, the runner-up takes the position. The bill changes that, for state office (other than Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and judicial posts) so that if the winner is found ineligible, the position is deemed vacant and the Governor may appoint someone. Indiana has a Republican Governor, Mitch Daniels. See this story.

Most observers expect the current Republican Secretary of State, Charlie White, to be found ineligible. He was elected in November 2, 2010, but he had registered in a precinct in which he didn’t live, and then he voted in that precinct.


Indiana Senate Passes Bill that Will Keep Secretary of State's Office in Republican Hands — 4 Comments

  1. I suspect a Muslim conspiracy to allow an Arab governor (Daniel’s grandparents are Syrian) to appoint a state-wide official. Wait until those whack jobs Bachmann, Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, Trump, Cain, Jindal, etc get a hold of this!!! What next…Sharia law in Indiana?!

    Worse, its like the Manchurian Candidate…Daniels is a Republican!!!! Oh, the irony.

  2. How many MORON States have runner-up replacement stuff ???

    Obviously the winner party hack may be BAD but the runner up may be DEADLY worse.

  3. If the winner gets booted there should be a coin toss or better yet a card draw to determine the new winner. If there is more than two remaining candidates then go to the card draw. If more than 52 remaining candidates then let the Lieutenant Governor decide from a list not to exceed 99 names submitted by the parties that lost the election just so long as the list contains sufficient numbers of minority groups and speaking or reading English is not a qualifying condition for selection. On the other hand… perhaps it is easier to let Mitch choose.

  4. My prediction: Just as the Massachusetts legislature re-wrote the law so that there would be an election so that the Republican Governor of the time could not appoint a successor in the U.S. Senate, with the main goal of keeping the Senate seat in Democratic hands, yet when actually implemented resulted in a Republican victory (Scott Brown), I predict that someday this legislation will bite the Republican Party in the rear just like the Massachusetts law did the Democrats.

    That said, if Mitch Daniels is serious about running for president, he won’t appoint someone too extreme.

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