South Carolina Republican Party Presidential Primary Filing Fee Goes Unpaid So Far

The South Carolina Republican Party has set a filing fee to appear on next year’s presidential primary ballot at $25,000 if the candidate pays by May 3, or $35,000 for candidates who pay later. The primary itself is expected to be in February 2012. As of mid-day April 26, no candidate has paid yet.

The 2011 session of the South Carolina legislature still has not finalized the state budget, so it is not certain whether the taxpayers will pay for administering the primary, or whether the party will, or whether both will help pay for it. In 2008 the state government paid for the primary administration, and the party turned over the filing fees to the state treasury. Before 2008, the party paid for the administration of the presidential primary.

Fox News is hosting a Republican presidential debate in Greenville, South Carolina, on May 5, at 9 p.m. Candidates must have paid the filing fee in order to be admitted to the debate, and must have filed with the Federal Election Commission. Also, they must be at or above 1% in public opinion polls. The party and Fox News say they expect Ron Paul, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Buddy Roemer, and Tim Pawlenty, to participate. However, none of those candidates has met all the requirements for participation in the debate yet. Some observers believe the debate will be postponed.


South Carolina Republican Party Presidential Primary Filing Fee Goes Unpaid So Far — 6 Comments

  1. How about LESS as time goes on ???

    Since when should ALL taxpayers be paying for ANY party hack primaries ???

    Gee – lots of voters HATE all/most of the party hack stuff in the various party hack platforms.

  2. * * * * *

    The Haines Washington Letter

    “In God We Trust”



    April 27, 2011
    Columbia, SC

    Presidential Candidate Robert Haines has been campaigning in South Carolina for 20 consecutive days.

    Robert Haines
    For President

    and Commander in Chief

    of the United States of America

    Land of the Free and Home of the Brave

    In God We Trust

    Live Free or Die

    Google: robert haines white house shooting

    Google: white house shooting video


    Administrator, Chairman,

    Texas Military Institute,
    Cadets from many nations from

    The Americas, NATO, Asia, Africa, Europe, Libya, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Cadets are now 48 year old Generals;

    Four Star General Ralph Haines, Commander of all Pacific Forces was a 1931 Graduate

    Five Star General Douglas MacArthur was an 1896 Graduate

    Scored the Highest in region on

    USAF Pilot Exam


    Commanders in Chief

    Ford, Bush, Bush, Clinton;

    All Military Joint Chiefs of Staff, numerous Generals and Admirals,

    Former Secretaries of Defense Cheney, Schlesinger; National Security Advisors Kissinger, Brezinski;

    Directors of the CIA Gates and Bush

    Chairmen of House & Senate Select Committees on Intelligence

    Chairmen of the Senate Foreign relations Committee

    RNC Chairmen, Barbour, Gillespie,

    Stelle, Preibus

    Political Experience
    Campaigned as Candidate for President
    in 36 states

    Candidate for United States Senate

    Wrote several Legislative Initiatives

    Speaker at Legislative Hearings

    Capitol Hill Resident, Washington, met
    Speakers of the House; Senate and House Majority Leaders, over 300 Members of Congress,

    Independent Scholar,The Library of Congress, The World’s Largest, Capitol Hill,

    Experienced the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Branches in hearings, decisions and sessions of Congress:

    Committees on Foreign Affairs, Armed Services, Commerce, Judiciary

    Helped Republicans win both the US Senate and House for the first time in 50 years

    Publisher: The Haines Washington Letter,

    and Energy Report, monthly for Colorado State University and USA

    Producer and Host of America, The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, the 2003, 2007 Internet Television series

    Campaign to Save America

    I solemnly affirm that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, Preserve, Protect and Defend The Constitution of the United States.

    Reduce the size of Government.
    Increase Personal Liberty.

    Reduce the Deficit and Begin Budget Surpluses to pay down the National Debt.

    Update our infrastructure to create millions of construction jobs.

    Energy Security.
    Create a Strategic Energy Reserve.
    Enlarge the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
    Create a Strategic Food Reserve.

    Develop our energy resources that are cost effective, especially Clean natural gas.
    Transition from oil heat to natural gas.
    Use more natural gas as a transportation and electric generation fuel.

    Continue research at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

    Re-evaluate our aging nuclear power program and plants.

    Increase National Security with technology and redeployment of troops on our borders.


    Married 3 sons, Wife is Native of Iowa and worked for RNC, USDA,
    1 daughter, 3 grandchildren. Son is a Marine Major and Pilot, with 4 tours Iraq

    M.S., Trinity University, Texas
    B.A., East Stroudsburg State College

    NSF Grant, University of Scranton
    Marywood College
    The Pennsylvania State University

    Administrator, Department Chairman,
    Texas Military Institute,
    Cadets from many nations

    Assistant Professor Energy Extension,
    Energy Office in Denver for Colorado State University and The USA

    Head of Energy Management,

    Solar Applications Program,

    Western Iowa Technical College

    Security Consultant

    Businessman, Energy Consultant, Real Estate Broker, General Contractor.

    Helped build America;
    5 Interstate Highways, US Highways, Bridges, Industrial Parks, Pipelines, Petroleum Storage Facility, $3.1B Power Plant, Housing Developments, Resort Development, Shopping Malls, Airport

    The Future of America Depends on US.

    Work with US to Restore America’s National and Financial Security,

    as One Nation Under God with Liberty and Justice for All, with the Inalienable Rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness,

    in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.


  3. * * * * *

    The Haines Washington Letter

    “In God We Trust”



    Google: robert haines white house shooting

    Google: white house shooting video

    April 29, 2011

    South Carolina

    Presidential Candidate Robert Haines

    Campaigns in SC

    Presidential Candidate Robert Haines is Campaigning today. It is his 22nd consecutive day campaigning in South Carolina. He campaigned in downtown Greenville and the Poinsett Club Yesterday.

    April 28, 2011

    Columbia, SC

    Presidential Candidate Robert Haines

    Campaigns in Columbia, SC

    Presidential Candidate Robert Haines is Campaigning in Columbia, which is his 21st consecutive day campaigning in South Carolina.

    He is campaigning at the Capitol today. In the Morning, he attended committee hearings and visited legislators offices in the Blatt and Gressette Buildings. He visited the Secretary of State’s Office, the Capitol, the Lutheran Synod Office and the U.S. Secret Service Office.

    Tuesday he had breakfast with the House Republican Caucus. He campaigned inside and outside the Capitol and at a reception for legislators by Florence County at the Columbia Art Museum. He visited a local church, federal buildings and the Offices of the Lutheran Synod.

    Wednesday he had breakfast with the Blind Association. He met hundreds at a Rally for our Veterans, the State Championship Basketball Team, all candidates for Miss South Carolina, attendees at lunch by Jasper County and and attended an evening event for legislators.

    April 26, 2011

    Richland County, SC

    Presidential Candidate Robert Haines

    Campaigns in Central, SC

    Presidential Candidate Robert Haines is Campaigning in Richland, Newberry and Lexington Counties, which is his 19th consecutive day campaigning in South Carolina. He began campaigning at 5 am in Lexington County, Lake Murray Area.

    He has attended approximately 20 SC GOP Events, which includes many County Conventions.

    April 25, 2011

    Richland County, SC

    Presidential Candidate

    Campaigns in Central, SC

    Presidential Candidate Robert Haines is Campaigning in Richland, Newberry and Lexington Counties, which is his 18th consecutive day campaigning in South Carolina.

    He will attend the Richland GOP, in the Suggs and Kelly Community Room.

    He has attended approximately 20 SC GOP Events, which includes many County Conventions.

    April 24, 2011

    Newberry County, SC

    Presidential Candidate

    Campaigns in Newberry County, SC

    Presidential Candidate Robert Haines Campaigned in Newberry County, which is his 17th consecutive day in South Carolina. He has attended approximately 20 SC GOP Events, which includes many County Conventions.

    Professor Haines attended Resurrection Sunrise Church with breakfast, another Church Service, other Churches, and a family dinner at a Church member’s home.

    April 23, 2011

    Newberry County, SC

    Presidential Candidate

    Robert Haines Leads Impeachment,

    Campaigns in Newberry County, SC

    Presidential Candidate Robert Haines Leads Impeachment of the President and Campaigned in Newberry County, South Carolina.

    Professor Haines met with local veterans for breakfast, which included the former State Controller, who is a retired 1 star General, who was Commander of the SC National Guard; a DAV with a Ph.D, from Iowa, and 2 World War II Veterans.

    He met 2 Pastors, business people and a retired President of Newberry College, which is supported by the Lutheran Church; and he visited the Sumter National Forest.

    April 22, 2011

    Columbia, SC

    Presidential Candidate

    Robert Haines Leads Impeachment,

    Campaigns in Columbia, SC

    Presidential Candidate Robert Haines Leads Impeachment of the President and Campaigned in Columbia and Saluda County, South Carolina.

    Professor Haines met with local veterans for breakfast, which included the former state controller, who is a retired 1 star General, who was Commander of the SC National Guard; a DAV with a Ph.D, from Iowa, and 2 World War II Veterans.

    He campaigned in Columbia at the State Museum, Palmetto Building, downtown stores, a Lutheran Church, and was interviewed by The Times Newspaper.

    April 21, 2011

    Newberry and Saluda Counties, SC

    Presidential Candidate

    Robert Haines Leads Impeachment,

    Campaigns in Saluda, Newberry Counties, SC

    Presidential Candidate Robert Haines Leads Impeachment of the President and Campaigned in Saluada and Newberry Counties, South Carolina.

    Professor Haines met with local veterans for breakfast, which included the former state controller, who is a retired 2 star General who was Commander of the SC National Guard, a Livestock Rancher, a DAV with a Ph.D, from Iowa, and 2 World War II Veterans.

    He toured the local lake region and farmland and met with the Chairman of the Saluda County GOP . He visited 2 churches, met the Pastors and the Congregations and acquired a Body Guard.

    April 20, 2011

    Newberry, SC

    Presidential Candidate

    Robert Haines Leads Impeachment,

    Campaigns in Newberry County, SC

    Presidential Candidate Robert Haines Leads Impeachment of the President and Campaigns in Newberry County, South Carolina.

    Professor Haines met with local veterans for breakfast, which included 2 World War II Veterans. He toured the local farmland here, known as the Egg and Milk Capital. He was graciously invited to church by a local farm couple and given a tour of their livestock farm.

    He was invited, and attended another church service by a Pastor and met 20 other Pastors there to help establish a fund for church improvements. They all Prayed for Professor and Mrs. Haines; and their Glory of the Lord Ministry.

    April 19, 2011

    Greenville and Newberry, SC

    Presidential Candidate,

    Robert Haines Leads Impeachment,

    Filmed By Fox News in SC, Speaks at Newberry County SCGOP Convention

    Presidential Candidate, Professor Robert Haines was filmed by Fox News in Greenville, SC at the Library of Congress Mobile Exhibit. Professor Haines is a former Independent Scholar at the Library of Congress and Attorney Pro-Se.

    He is leading the Impeachment of the President. He spoke about The Library, Constitutional Legal issues of Impeachment, Impeachment of Presidents Johnson and Clinton; and the Resignation by Nixon before he would have been impeached.

    The story may air on the 6:30 pm and 10 pm Fox News on Charter Cable Channel 12; or Direct TV Channel 21 in Greenville, SC; and may air nationwide. Email in Greenville, SC.

    Professor Haines Spoke at the Newberry County SCGOP Convention in Newberry, SC;

    regarding him leading the Impeachment Proceedings of the President, solutions and causes of the financial crisis.

    Professor Haines recommended the book and the Academy Award Winning Documentary, both named Inside Job and the PBS Documentary Series, Frontline on this topic.

    Candidate for State Party Chairman, Chad Connally, was campaigning in Saluda, SC and arrived later.

  4. * * * * *

    The Haines Washington Letter

    “In God We Trust”



    News Release

    Google: robert haines white house shooting

    Google: white house shooting video

    Google: Robert Haines Osama

    May 3, 2011


    Presidential Candidate Haines Back on Trail in SC After Being Injured and Robbed

    Presidential Candidate Robert Haines is immediately back on the Campaign Trail for the 26th consecutive day in South Carolina, after an auto accident on May 2nd around “High Noon”. Haines’ car was “broadsided” by a female driver and the car that he was driving was a total loss. Haines had his left turn signal on, when he was hit on the right side. He was forced to go to the hospital, where he refused treatment. He is recovering from whiplash injury to his neck and back and an injured wrist.

    At 10:00 pm, his travel bag was stolen at the Hot Spot Gas Station in Downtown Spartansburg, SC.

    It contained an Acer Laptop Computer, and an Official, one of a kind, Blue Ball Hat with USA and an American Flag on the front and multi-colored Olympic Rings on the back, a see through plastic Radio Shack Wall Phone and new black Wing Tipped Shoes, size 10 1/2.

    Haines arose at 4 am today and found the alleged thief near the Library and a witness in 30 minutes, there is a second suspect in the theft.

    Search continues for the Black Leather Travel Bag 18″x14″x9″ with a shoulder strap. Citizens should call 911, a reward is offered.

    Haines was unable to make is scheduled visits on May 2nd, but his campaign continued at the hospital, police station, library, downtown and city hall.

    May 1, 2011


    Haines Mission to Get Bin Laden Concludes

    Robert Haines’ Mission to Get Osama Bin Laden has concluded. Bin Laden has been Killed in a mansion in Pakistan by the U.S. with the help of Pakistani Intelligence.

    Presidential Candidate Haines is former Administrator at Texas Military Institute, where he trained

    Cadets from Many Nations including Saudi Arabia, Libya and earlier Iran.

    He recruited 25 men, marines, special forces, a Peruvian Naval Officer, female nurses and an Australian Marine. Haines attended the 911 Commission Hearings in 2004 at the Capitol, where White House Counter Terrorism Chief, Richard Clark testified thet Administartion Officials were warned of the coming attacks, but failed to stop them.

    Haines also campaigned at the World Trade Center Construction Site and Federal Hall across from the New York Stock Exchange from September 12th to 18th in 2007, where he gained the support of the construction workers.

    Haines continued to pursue Bin Laden from 2001 until today by gathering more information.

    As an Independent Scholar at the Library of Congress, Presidential Candidate Haines received assistance from a person with a Ph.D. in Southwest Asia Geography who supplied Haines with atlases and detailed maps of key areas in Pakistan, which included languages, climate, terrain, animals, vegetation and much more.

    Haines designed a training curriculum and has designated sites at the Bretton Woods, NH, Olympic Biathlon Range and the 10th Mountain Division Training area Near Camp Hale and Museum in Vail, Colorado.

    Congratulations to all involved.


    May 2, 2011


    Presidential Candidate Robert Haines

    Mission Scheduled in South Carolina

    Presidential Candidate Robert Haines’

    Mission today is as follows; campaign on Main St. and at Library: Attend these GOP Meetings:

    11:00-11:30 am: Spartanburg GOP at Yannis, 2600 S. Main St., Spartanburg;

    12:30-1:00 pm: Greenville at Poinsett Club,

    105 E. Washington St. Greenville;

    2:00-5:00 pm: At Capitol, Columbia

    7-8 pm Lexington County Council Chambers, 212 Lake Dr., Lexington

  5. Pingback: Ballot Access <b>News</b> – South Carolina <b>Republican Party</b> Presidential <b>…</b> | Radio Slot Network

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