New York Times In-Depth Story on how China Manipulates Elections so that Only Communist Party Nominees Can Win

This New York Times story explores the means by which China prevents candidates for local office from running, or at least from winning, unless they are the nominees of the Communist Party.


New York Times In-Depth Story on how China Manipulates Elections so that Only Communist Party Nominees Can Win — 3 Comments

  1. #1 Thanks. I follow your lead.

    ALL of US should know what to do — by now — if one has been reading this list for a while — and has ANY understanding of EVIL monarchy / oligarchy stuff – think Stalin (U.S.S.R), Hitler (Germany) and Mao (China) – each with their CONTROL FREAK dictator oligarch gangs wanting SLAVES to control.

    Makes the Donkey/Elephant ANTI-Democracy stuff regarding 3rd parties and independents in the U.S.A. seem trivial by comparison.

    EVIL monarchs/oligarchs at work in China since 1949 — and in many other EVIL regimes — claiming to be *democratic* and *republics*.

    e.g. the so-called People’s Republic of China.
    Democracy NOW in ALL regimes.

    Uniform definition of Elector.
    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.
    REALITY — NO ANY-THING (trade, etc.) with EVIL ANTI-Democracy regimes controlled by DEVIL monarchs / oligarchs MORONS from Hell.
    See the cutoff of trade in July, 1941 with the EVIL Japanese Empire (monarchy/oligarchy) — leading to 7 Dec 1941 — shortly 70 years later.

    Remember the cost to defeat the EVIL 1939-1945 Axis powers — about 70 million DEAD and much of the property in Europe and East Asia destroyed.

    Basically — Democracy or DEATH.

    See the 1775 comments in the Brit colonies – soon to be UNITED States regarding the EVIL Brit monarchy / oligarchy — esp. the July, 1775 Congress Declaration about Arms — leading to 4 July 1776 DOI — and in effect — the ability of this blog to exist.

    LOTS of take NO prisoners battles in 1775-1783 (esp. in the Southern States) — as in the Eastern Front in 1941-1945 between the EVIL Hitler regime and the U.S.S.R.

    Gee – how many U.S.A. businesses are keeping the China regime in power ???

  2. check out the “diversity” of the clerk offices of the 9th and 2nd Circuit USCA’s (and SCOTUS) — the PRC chinese red army has invaded the US via the staffing and corruption of the due process of natural born citizens election cases

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