Americans Elect Plans Announcement on May 17

The Americans Elect web page has this statement, posted the morning of May 15. It says the organization will make a more important announcement in two days, about how it plans to proceed.


Americans Elect Plans Announcement on May 17 — No Comments

  1. AE appears to be DEAD for 2012.

    Type in AE in for the zillion latest death reports.

  2. I think AE was there in case the GOP didn’t nominate Romney. No longer necessary.

  3. I wonder if they will sell their ballot positions in difficult states to alternative parties to recoup some of their expenses? I could see the LP loving a shot at OK and the CP needs NC and TX and possibly CA. It could get interesting.

  4. Americans Elect is a defective concept. They expected to attract a stellar politician who would win millions of disaffected voters. Instead, they attracted only political failures or unknowns who obtained fewer votes than a small town city council candidate. Why would they expect anything different?

    All stellar politicians today are either Republicans or Democrats. A stellar politician who would attract millions of voters would know that it is politically impossible to win the presidency as a third party candidate. The most a third party candidate could do would be to act as a spoiler, splitting the vote of his own party, Republican or Democrat, so the other party’s candidate would win. No stellar politician would want to be the cause of that “treachery” to his party compatriots.

    If, by some miracle the AE candidate won, how could he/she ever accomplish anything as president? He would have no AE members in Congress to work with him. Every member of Congress would be in the opposition party, with his former party members hating him the most. There would be more gridlock than there is now as every member of Congress would want the AE president to fail, to prove that the whole AE idea does not work.

    AE should have started first at winning seats in state offices and Congress, before aiming at the presidency. No athlete tries his first race at the Olympics. Why did the AE donors think they could start first at the highest political office?
    – — –
    The only reason Buddy Roemer is seeking the nomination is that he has had a failed political career and could never expect to be elected to anything again. To learn the truth about him, go to the following web page and then scroll down to the comment of “Say Amen.” Read the citations that have been assembled there. They are excellent sources of information about Buddy Roemer, written by independent, objective, and reliable journalists and historians.

  5. Buddy Roemer failed to qualify for the AE online caucus. Yet, he had more supporters than any other person willing to accept the AE nomination.


    If you would like to learn the facts about him, go to this web page and see the FOUR comments of “SAY AMEN.” (There are other comments there covering a wide range of opinions, that you may also wish to examine.)

  6. The root problem with Americans Elect is that it does not stand for anything. As such, they could not even approach any kind of unity or enthusiasm. Particularly dumb was their requirement for their nominees to be from different political parties. They instead should have just made same party pres/VP non-mandatory. And, if they had instead taken a very populist America first position of jobs, trade issues, border security – Ross Perot on steroids (or Jesse Ventura without the conspiracy theories), they might have had a real chance.

  7. I’m thinking that the reports of Americans Elect’s demise may be exaggerated.

  8. I signed the Americans Elect petition outside a sporting event last Saturday in Houston, Texas. They are still going forward. With the investment made in ballot access an alternate nomination solution will assuredly be found

  9. Pingback: Americans Elect Plans Announcement on May 17 |

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