Peace & Freedom Party Presidential Convention Details

The ballot-qualified Peace & Freedom Party of California will hold its state convention, which also functions as a presidential nominating convention this year, on August 4-5 at the Vermont Square United Methodist Church, 4410 S. Budlong Ave., Los Angeles. The meeting starts at 10 a.m. on August 4, Saturday.

The ballot-qualified American Independent Party of California still has not set an exact address for its convention, but it will be somewhere in Sacramento on August 11.


Peace & Freedom Party Presidential Convention Details — 17 Comments

  1. Thanks for the info. Where are the P&F and American Independent parties trying to get on the ballot for POTUS?

  2. Nowhere. They are parties that are on the ballot in California; they aren’t nationally-organized parties.

  3. I’ve heard some talk the PFP might go national. At this late date do they have any chance of getting on any other state ballots?

  4. #3, it’s just not realistic. I tend to think the party leaders aren’t even sure which presidential candidate they prefer. It certainly seems to me that it is an unpredictable convention.

    To petition in the easy states that have late deadlines, it is necessary to put a candidate on the petition, and with no idea which candidate to list, it isn’t practical.

  5. Who has announced that they are seeking the P&F and American Independent parties’ nomination for POTUS?

  6. #5 There was a report Roseanne Barr might run for the PFP nomination because she lost the Green Party nod. I’m guessing that one is a media stunt. AIP–two people I’ve never heard of. Or they could just go along with the Constitution Party and name Virgil Goode.

  7. Mr. Winger, I had a look at the last BAN chart and am guessing the PFP only have a chance of getting on the ballot in 6-7 states, if that many.

  8. Pingback: Peace & Freedom Party Presidential Convention Details |

  9. @2 The officer/secretary Markham Robinson of the California American Independent Party (AIP) is climing that he is also the chair of the national AIP, and I have been helping him understand the Hagenbach-Bischoff method for pure proportional representation.

    He is a math graduate of UC Berkeley, so he is able to grasp these mathematical equations as well as the top two math, and he supports top two. Many voting “reformers” like and BAN have been a strong supporter of IRV which is a “top one” system, which has been largely responsible for the failure of third parties. “Top two” is actually a pro-third party system, but people who follow BAN have been creating roadblocks to its success, and they should be held accountable!

    The AIP officers are of the psychology which I term “old school”. Although Robinson is a mathematition and is trying to be open, he is of the psychology like most other old school proponants such as BAN, and he isn’t able to bring down road blocks, so the AIP will continue to self-destruct similar to all other existing political parties. However, Robinson is researching new mathematical alternatives.
    * * *

    Tired of chasing your tail year after year? Try pure proportional representation (PR) under the 8th USA Parliament Election of 2012. The deadline is August 5th, 2012!

    Very Truly Yours,
    –James Ogle [Free Parliamentary], Secretary (One of Two)
    Volunteer Vote Counter for the 8th USA Parliament Election of 2012
    (415) 686-1996

    “Why do you THINK they called it Google?”

  10. #5, the announced candidates for the Peace and Freedom nomination are

    Stewart Alexander (Socialist Party)
    Rocky Anderson (Justice Party)
    Roseanne Barr (current relationship to the Green Party unknown)
    Stephen Durham (Freedom Socialist Party)
    Peta Lindsay (Party for Socialism and Liberation)

  11. If Peta Lindsay wins the nomination, is it possible that they won’t print her name on the ballots again because of age?

  12. @10 The elected 29 presidential candidates for the 8th USA Parliament are:

    The Twenty-nine Elected Members of the Presidential Debate Committee (PDC)

    James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] for President
    Roseanne Barr [Green Tea] for President
    Danny (Dan) Woodring [Independent] for President
    Miss Joy Waymire [Decline to State] for President
    Mosheh Thezion [All] for President
    Tina Cook [Independent] for President
    Mike Levinson [Republican / Independent] for President
    Rhett Smith [Green] for President
    JL Mealer [Constitution] for President
    Ralph Beach [Libertarian] for President
    Max Abramson [Libertarian] for President
    R. Lee Wrights [Libertarian] for President
    Diane Beall Templin [American Independent] for President
    Gary Johnson [Libertarian] for President
    Tiffany Briscoe [Green Tea-Rainbow] for President
    Sam Sloan [Libertarian] for President
    David L Wetzell [LT Party Movement] for President
    Captain David Frey [Independent] for President
    Gina Zenzola [Green] for President
    Mary Okorn-Jimenez [Free Energy] for President
    Dave Parker [Free Energy] for President
    Fred Donald Dickson Jr. [Unaffiliated] for President
    Joshua-Paul Angell [Communist] for President
    Charles Brannan [Independent] for President
    Elizabeth Warren [Republican] for President
    Carl Person [Libertarian] for President
    Robby Wells [Patriot Nation] for President
    Jim Duensing [Boston Tea] for President
    Stewart Alexander [Peace & Freedom] for President

    See their own votes cast and kept as proof posted on the bottom of the following web page:

  13. The Peace & Freedom Party member/mathematician Mike Ossipoff wrote the rules #3 and #4 for the USA Parliament in early 1995.

    Unfortunately, the P&F Party itself has not adopted such a system, and they are destined to be dysfunctional and self-destruct over and over again year after year until they reform their own process.

  14. @10

    Let it be known to all that the current relationalship between Roseanne Barr [Green Tea] and the national Green Party is based on the 8th USA Parliament and the team players elected based on votes cast as proof.

  15. #11, it is very possible that the California Secretary of State would not put Lindsay’s name on the ballot as our candidate. But I believe that the legal issues are somewhat different, and Lindsay (if she gets the nomination) would have a somewhat better chance of winning in court. Note that I said “somewhat better”. I didn’t say “good”. The federal case that was filed and lost at the trial court level is now being appealed. I think it could be amended to make new arguments appropriate to the November election. In short, it would be an uphill fight, but not hopeless.

    There a related but (I think) different question of whether the Secretary of State can refuse to allow someone who is underage (or a non-citizen) to run as a write-in candidate. In the June primary, Lindsay’s campaign chose not to try to get her certified as a write-in. Instead, they asked her supporters to cast write-in votes that could not legally be counted or reported. In my opinion, that was a major mistake. First, they missed an opportunity to raise an important legal issue. Second, they ended up asking people to, in effect, spoil their ballots, which I think was dishonest.

  16. Peta Lindsay’s right to be on the ballot should be supported in any case, I believe, but in particular for the November presidential

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