Prominent Michigan Republican Leaders Say They Intend to Change How Michigan Awards Electoral Votes

According to this story, influential Republicans in the Michigan legislature, and Ruth Johnson, the Republican Secretary of State, say they favor changing how Michigan awards electoral votes. The article seems to say that they may soon introduce a bill that will combine proportionality of the popular vote, and the vote within each district. There have been many proposals to determine how electoral votes are awarded, but this idea seems to be entirely new. There is a reference in the story to half-electors. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link.


Prominent Michigan Republican Leaders Say They Intend to Change How Michigan Awards Electoral Votes — No Comments

  1. How many new and different E.C. machinations per second to have a permanent minority rule Prez/VP ???

    How about have some TOP Donkeys/Elephants have a shooting contest for E.C.V. — i.e. shoot each other D-E-A-D ???

    Last survivor gets the E.C.V. for his/her gang ???
    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  2. Proponents of this thing reference “half” electoral votes. But hey, anything that furthers the association of the electoral college and the distribution of their votes with absurdity is good really. It’d be useful to see a candidate get a plurality of 269 & 1/2 votes. Do it MI republicans.

  3. Which half of an Elector would be doing the 12th Amdt stuff ???

    Left/Right, Top/Bottom, Inside/Outside ???

    How EVIL stupid are the EVIL corrupt Elephants in Michigan — and their counterparts in the other States / DC ???

  4. “You want to make it so that both sides can play in the state to make it relevant,” Lund told The Detroit News. “Because right now we’re not relevant.”


    I thought that the objection to the NPV was that it would cause the campaigns to focus on urban population centers? (Apologies to Republican readers for using the dirty, un-American word “urban.”)

    Michigan produced over four and a half million votes for president in 2012. ALL of them were relevant. You want your state and ALL of its voters to be “relevant?” Get behind the NPV compact. Who knows, you might even get a half dozen on so visits from the candidates during the general campaign.

  5. Rule by Divine Right… forget the Electoral College… forget the popular vote. Hereditary Monarchism the best way to govern. Restore the Hapsburgs and Romanovs and the Hohenzollerns, too! For America Emperor Obama has no son so too bad for him. Same for Clinton and Bush. Elect our Emperor in 2016!

  6. # 5 Yeah. Sure.

    Hmmm. What did the world get from having the MONSTER Kaiser Bill in Germany in 1914-1918 and the MONSTER Hirohito in Japan in 1931-1945 — Hmmm. Merely 2 World Wars — mass death and destruction from those DEVIL monarchs from Hell.
    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

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