Maine Ranked-Choice Voting Defeated in Committee

On May 13, the Maine Joint Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee defeated LD 1422, a bill that would have established ranked-choice voting for congressional and state office, and also established a presidential primary. This was a peculiar bill, because those are two entirely different subjects wrapped up in the same bill. Thanks to FrontloadingHQ for this news.


Maine Ranked-Choice Voting Defeated in Committee — No Comments

  1. I must assume that when the term ranked choice voting is used, it refers to single-winner districts. That’s the same system being promoted and supported by BAN for the last 18 years.

  2. “Ranked-choice voting” doesn’t just refer to single-winner districts. That is the term that was used in New York city 1937-1947, when each borough chose multiple city council-at-large members.

  3. It would be wise to report on whether the ranked choice voting is single-winner or multi-winner in the future.

    Single-winner elections are winner-takes-all plurality and the implementation of such districts might result in a back-lash.

    For example, top two could be a Republican response to SF’s single-winner districts.

    The disenfranchisement of Republicans would hurt unity with large portions of voters.

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