
The Latest on Counting Alaska’s November 4 Ballots — 3 Comments

  1. As a Independent, I’m biased toward Walker, and hopes he holds on to this narrow lead. Probably would find disagreement with him on some issues, but we need more Independents in public office. Both major parties have failed the common people, and it’s time we give someone who isn’t more interested in serving the party line than serving the people.

  2. Walker was a registered Republican until earlier this year. (As he was when he ran in the Republican gubernatorial primary in 2010, and when he was elected mayor of Valdez.) His running mate is still a registered Democrat. This is still very much a two party ticket, it just happens to have members from both of those parties.

  3. This “fusion” of Republican Walker and Democrat Mallott was a winning decision on the part of the Democrats and the Independent ticket. It appears the Independent ticket of Walker-Mallott is going to pull it out, even though I’ve yet to learn of any official proclamation.

    This kind of “fusion” is something 3rd partisans and Independents should consider in gubernatorial as well as presidential elections. Not suggesting which parties could pair up in such a fusion, but as ballot access becomes harder, and fighting to get media attention absorbs more time and effort, this may be the answer.

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