
Description and Transcript of U.S. Supreme Court Oral Argument in Alabama Legislative Redistricting Case — 11 Comments

  1. Some voters will not be satisfied, no matter what kind of districts designs are adapted.

    What about the rights of the some 30% to 40% of Independents in Alabama who are forced to choose between Democratic and Republican candidates at each election?

  2. Jim, we at the 9th USA Parliament are trying to raise the guaranteed voter satisfaction to 99.99% (plus 10,000) votes in the USA in 2016.

    That will solve the representation problem on a national level.

    In regards to Alabama, the same mathematical equation can be applied there too. Let me know if you have any further question about the math. It’s actually a lot easier than you think.

  3. James Ogle:

    Not disrespect to you or the USAParliament, but I want a tangible ballot in Alabama that is legal, with the expectation of finding Independent and 3rd party candidates at each and every election listed on such ballot, and I can cast my vote for the Independent candidates and/or 3rd party candidates of my choice at every legal election held in this state.

  4. You want such a ballot in real life, but real life won’t give you one. That’s because elections laws which regulates such elections have crushed the spirit.

    Therefore, we start all over and do it right outside the legal or real system.

    It may be small, and actual activists my be difficult to attract, but the results would be so much better for organizing that the real or legal system existing there.

    To me it’s better to have a small group of activists organized under pure proportional representation than it is to have the state elections on a larger scale which will exclude everyone except larger political parties with money and clout.

  5. 1. Nonstop BRAIN DEAD gerrymander cases since 1964 — NOT using Art. IV, Sec. 4 — Republican Form of Govt clause.

    2. The 15th Amdt is ONLY about Electors — not the value of their votes.

    3. P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

    For any math MORONS on this list —

    Party Seats = Total Seats x Party Votes / Total Votes.

    Algebra 001 math.

    Exact – the Party Seat Winners would have Voting Powers equal to the final votes each gets (directly and from losers).

    See corporation stockholder meetings — 1 share = 1 vote.
    Various proxy persons vote multiple shares – pension funds, etc.

  6. I realize that we’re on a downward trend towards December 31st and that that is the bottom of the dip.

    Then next year we begin an upward trend into spring.

    So perhaps more people will be responsive to political activism in the spring of 2015 when flowers start budding and new eggs are hatching?

  7. Even if I were of the frame of mind to participate in this USAParliament, I perceive that from the listings of parties and organizations you claim among your membership, that I would find myself on the opposing side of any vote on most issues. I would be like a “fish out of water.”

    Thanks for the invite, but for now I’ll stay in my little corner of world, perfectly happy as Alabama Independent.

  8. As an executive or coach, with team psychology, you’re able to nurture the right chemistry for victories.

    Team psychology is an advanced science that I’ve been studying for more than 25 years. Without teamwork the alternative is dictatorship.

    Many of the fundamentals in pure American proportional representation (PR) are totally sustained and supported by teamwork.

    In a parliamentary assembly of many diverse people who self-categorize under political parties (and independents), multi-member executives and the “vote of confidence” to hold them accountable 365-days a year; all of these traits are advanced systems for continually self-improving an upbeat, dynamic and energetic team.

    Team=together everyone achieves more.

    When you’re on a team and you’re ignoring team psychology, that severely harms the moral and trust needed in synchronization and coordination among the varying units.

  9. It is a WAR regarding the ANTI-Democracy gerrymander MONSTERS
    — who are much more entrenched than the old divine right of kings (around for thousands of years)
    — all MONSTERS from political Hell.

    i.e. every gerrymander hack is an ENEMY of Democracy – think Stalin, Hitler, Hirohito, Saddam, etc. etc. etc.
    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

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