Bloomberg Politics Carries Analysis of How Democrats Might be Eliminated from November 2016 Ballot for California U.S. Senate Race

Dave Weigel has this analysis at Bloomberg Politics on the California U.S. Senate race for 2016. Because incumbent Democrat Barbara Boxer won’t run for re-election, it is likely that four or five prominent Democrats might run for the seat. The analysis says if there are two strong Republicans, it is possible the two Republicans might place first and second in the primary, eliminating all Democrats from the November ballot due to California’s top-two system.

Of course, Democrats understand this, and the party is virtually certain to pre-select no more than three leading Democratic candidates and to use every possible device to squeeze out any other prominent Democrats. This is why top-two systems actually create less competition than normal systems do for the members of the two major parties. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link.

UPDATE: here is a second article, by Jonathan Bernstein, making many of the same points. The title of this article is “California Faces Insane Senate Race in 2016.”


Bloomberg Politics Carries Analysis of How Democrats Might be Eliminated from November 2016 Ballot for California U.S. Senate Race — 2 Comments

  1. Top 2 = a mere 2 robot party hack extremists in each election area in general elections.

    The brain washing stuff about getting *moderate* nominees via top 2 is one more EVIL distraction from the ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander MONSTERS in ALL States.

    How many of the general election gerrymander winners in CA, WA, LA have been *moderate* ???
    NO primaries
    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  2. Which gang can create the larger number of fake / fraud candidates — the robot Donkeys or the robot Elephants ??? —

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