Hillary Clinton Receives Approximately 64% of Vote in Puerto Rico Democratic Presidential Primary

On Sunday, June 5, Puerto Rico held a Democratic presidential primary. This article says Hillary Clinton won approximately 64% of the vote.


Hillary Clinton Receives Approximately 64% of Vote in Puerto Rico Democratic Presidential Primary — 6 Comments

  1. Actually, the article says Clinton was ahead by that much when the networks called the race for her. This more official site (found via GreenPapers):

    http://democratas2016.ceepur.org/Island-Wide.htm [English-language page]

    puts it a little closer as of 1 am:

    36,026 59.38% HILLARY CLINTON
    22,768 37.53% BERNIE SANDERS
    227 0.37% “ROCKY” ROQUE DE LA FUENTE
    1,650 2.72% OTHERS


  2. CBS is reporting that the results will be a while yet in coming — because the election commission in Puerto Rico took today off(!):


    It also mentions a major cut in the primary budget vs. 2008. OTOH, it’s also continuing to report superdelegate tallies despite this indication from the DNC’s own communications director that the media really shouldn’t be doing that:


  3. According to Roberto Prats, head of the Democratic Party of Puerto Rico, due to unexpected numbers of new Democratic voter registrations the number of voters was estimated by them to be approx. 700,000. At the time the election was called for Clinton by the networks the total count was in the 20K range and the percentage of the vote was stated as 20%. That would have meant that approx. 140,000K would have voted, if the vote had not been suppressed.

    I became suspicious when the count stayed at 1% for more than 3 hours after the polls had closed and started checking online for on-the-ground reports. People were hysterical saying that voters were waiting in line, when they could even find what they thought was their polling place, but weren’t able to cast their votes. Many were said they were not on the rolls even though they had been voting as Democrats for years, others were told they were in the wrong place and told to go somewhere else, only to be sent back to the original polling place to stand in line again. In some places there were over 1,000 voters per available machine. The usual stuff.

    Then, MSNBC contacted the Democratic Party’s office in San Juan and said they were told that the Sanders campaign had asked for the number of polling places to be reduced from over 2,000 to about 430. That was a lie that could be disproved by checking the Democratic Party of Puerto Rico’s timeline for their decisions on election procedures. Needless to say, the MSM didn’t fact check anything so this line was then published by The Hill and picked up by other media.

    Same old, same old election theft that we have seen everywhere else, except here there seems to be more suppression and less fraud in the count.

  4. Sorry, forgot to specify that the 20% estimate would have meant 140K would have voted if the estimate of 700,000 anticipated voters was correct.

    Also the Party said that the Sanders campaign had asked for the number of polling places should be reduced, as stated above, on June 3rd. but the timeline showed that the decisions were made by the Party no later than May 27th.

  5. Nothing quite like having the colonies partially nominating Prez/VP candidates when such colonies can NOT vote in the general election for Prez/VP ???

    Abolish the EVIL timebomb Electoral College.

    Uniform definition of Elector-Voter in ALL of the USA (including the colonies).

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