On September 1, all the full-time judges of the Sixth Circuit released an order concerning Michigan’s straight-ticket device and whether it should be on the ballot this year. By 9-6, the judges voted not to disturb the device this year. Michigan State A. Philip Randolph Institute v Johnson, 16-2115. Thanks to Bill Hall and Rick Hasen for this news. The case is still alive and will get further along after the election is over.
Are the States now totally DEAD or what ??? — Unable to enact ANY law about ANY thing ???
I.E. What law does NOT have some sort of discriminatory impact / effect / result — esp. on MORON citizens and non-citizens ???
Thus — attacks coming on having ANY election day (Tuesday – a workday) and/or using written ballots ???
— since lots of MORON voters (due to the nonstop rotted publik skoooools) can NOT read such ballots, can NOT fill out a registration form, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
The top Donkeys obviously are A-L-L hardcore COMMUNISTS (one result of the ROT since 1933) and want TOTAL control of the USA —
i.e. DEAD States and ALL power in nonstop Donkeys Prezs via 5 SCOTUS Donkey robot hacks.
What second did Civil WAR II start ??? The 1912 election of Prez Wilson ??? The 1960 stolen election for Prez JFK ???
2 stories about the machinations —