Election Law Professor Edward Foley Imagines that Republican Party Might Ask its Presidential Electors to Vote for Mike Pence for President

Election law professor Edward Foley here writes about the possibility that the Republican National Committee might ask all its presidential electors to vote for Michael Pence for President, even if Donald Trump remains the Republican presidential nominee. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link.


Election Law Professor Edward Foley Imagines that Republican Party Might Ask its Presidential Electors to Vote for Mike Pence for President — 18 Comments

  1. Would this not then cause a void in the VP position which would send the VP vote to the Senate, so Kaine would be VP? Should Pence get the 270 votes anyway.

  2. One more possible machination involving the super time bomb Electoral College.

    Will there be THE ALL TIME CRISIS in American political history on the night of 8 Nov 2016 ???

    ABOLISH the E.C. NOW — to save Democracy in the U.S.A.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  3. To AMC — the E.C. robot hacks would be instructed to vote for some other hack for VP —

    BUT complications in States where E.C. robot hacks are supposed to vote for the Prez/VP hacks on the ballots.

    ALL sorts of machinations possible from Election Day to when the Congress hacks meet according to the 12th Amdt.

  4. At this point I do not think the Republican establishment thinks that winning the WH is even vaguely possible. I think they are more worried abt blowback against their down ballot candidates. Even incumbents.

  5. Look at his comments as his opinion.It is nothing but an opinion . Political analyst and political scientist only give opinions .So they could wrong in there predictions and projections . Different professors have different opinions .Look at the political science Journals .

  6. The Governor of Utah dropped his support for Donald Trump .I haven’t seen this before .Politicians of a major political party dropping there support and endorsement of a Presidential candidate on there party ticket .Mike Pence should drop out and leave the ticket .Mitch Daniels should encourage him to leave .

  7. Donald Trump is no Ronald Reagan .Critics of The Late President Ronald Reagan should recognize this. Dwight Eisenhower is probably turning over in his grave .Barry Gold to .

  8. The Senate picks the VP from the top 2 finishers, so it would be Kaine against whichever Republican got the largest number.

    For example, let’s say the Trump-Pence ticket gets 275 electoral votes, and the Republican electors vote for Pence for President. Let’s say they scatter their VP votes among former candidates, such as Cruz, Rubio, Walker, and so forth.

    If Cruz, for example, got the largest number of those scattered votes, the Senate would choose from Kaine or Cruz.

    I don’t think the party will do that, at lest publicly, but I suspect that enough electors might be “faithless” that if Trump were to achieve a narrow majority in the Electoral College, they might just throw it into the House (which chooses from the top 3, each state having one vote.)

    Since Republicans are almost certain to retain the House and likely to retain the Senate, if present numbers are to be believed, both houses could be expected to choose Republicans, if perhaps not the official Republican nominees.

  9. Tim… “scatter their VP votes among former candidates, such as Cruz, Rubio, Walker”… It’s my understanding they can’t do that; they have to vote for a candidate that is at least on the ballot in November.

    And according to FiveThirtyEight the Senate is expected to flip or come out 50-50. And RealClearPolitics has the generic congressional poll with the Dems at plus 2 to plus 6.

  10. Who are the electors for Donald Trump? Generally, you just find descriptions of electors in terms such as “local party officials”. Are they truly dedicated Trump supporters or are they more like the Cruz loyalists who got chosen to be Trump delegates to the convention? What will an offended elector who was really a Bush person do when the time comes? Will they put what they see as the good of the nation over some fine they may get hit with for being a faithless elector? In fact, if its only a fine will their fines be covered by some loaded anybody-but-Trump donor? In the past, electors have followed their directive but this candidate and the arguments that he may threaten the economy, national security, etc could be enough to have electors put what they see as the country’s well-being before candidate loyalty/fines to have an affect on the outcome.

  11. Is Perot still alive ??? — with his UN-hinging of USA politics in 1992.

    i.e. both Clinton and Trump are obviously power mad LUNATICS (due in major part to the chaos in the 1960s) — who love extremist plurality politics.

    Will the Elephant hacks get *democratic* in their Prez nomination systems or be wiped out like the Whigs in the 1850s ???

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  12. The Republican party is not Barry Goldwater’s Republican party .The New York Republican party should drop Donald Trump .Does believe any of the story’s on info wars.com A well known conspiracy theories site .

  13. Does any believe Info wars.com and Alex Jones .He’s like to agitate .

  14. @AMcCarrick: Other than the Indiana electors, the electors could vote for Mike Pence for both president and VP (except, possibly, to the extent prohibited by state law).

    In 2004, one Minnesota elector voted for John Edwards for both president and VP (the ballot was misspelled as “John Ewards” for president, but it was counted as a vote for Edwards).

  15. how on earth can trump or especially Clinton be our only choice. how did we get here? a nation that is or maybe was a super power should be lead by leaders with sanity, real experience not just a title, political insight, knowledge of world affairs and how the decisions of the USA helps our allies as well as ourselves and lastly BUT not least integrity ( or is that word just a joke these days. GOD PLEASE!!!! help us all.

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