SurveyUSA California Poll Asks Extra Question of Voters who Favor Gary Johnson and Jill Stein

On October 17, SurveyUSA released a poll taken in California. For respondents who say they favor Gary Johnson or Jill Stein, an additional question was added. It asks if the voter considers his or her vote more of a vote in favor of that candidate, or a vote against one of the major party candidates. Here is the poll. Scroll down to questions seven (for Johnson) and eight (for Stein).


SurveyUSA California Poll Asks Extra Question of Voters who Favor Gary Johnson and Jill Stein — 5 Comments

  1. An interesting poll item is that BOTH Clinton and Trump are DOWN 3 points. This is a good sign for third party candidates. Usually, support for the majors firms up, and for the minors slumps the closer to the election we get.

  2. Does any the price is right know Drew Carey is a Libertarian and supporting Gary Johnson or are they A political or have no interest in politics or the future of the United States .I have a relative she likes watching those game shows and has no interest .One time she said whatever it is iam interested in I should find something else to be interested in .Another relative ignorant about Libertarianism or anything political

  3. I meant any price is right viewers .We know Pat Sajak of wheel of fortune is supporting Donald Trump .Maybe Gary Johnson could possibly win Sandiego county and Orange county .Problem is the people live a fast pace life in those county’s that probably don’t have time to keep up with Presidential elections or Candidates.Its to nice to be inside at night in Southern California.

  4. Interesting that they asked those questions and lovely to study the results until you look at the margin of errors of 18.3 and 25.4 percent for Johnson and Stein respectively. You have no way to reasonably say that these numbers reflect reality. I was an auditor and frequently used statistical sampling – even occasionally testifying in court on my statistical work. I would have been laughed out of the court if I had based my findings on a stat sample with a margin of error of 18.3 percent.

  5. @Eric I was looking at the sample size of 30 for Johnson and 16 for Stein and had the same reaction. These are not statistically significant findings, and even less so when broken down by demographic group. I am surprised that they reported such meaningless numbers.

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