American Psychological Association Finds 52% of Americans are Somewhat or Very Stressed by 2016 Election

The American Psychological Association, which constantly monitors the level of stress in the United States, finds that 52% of Americans are “somewhat” or “very” stressed by the upcoming election and the campaign. Thanks to Gerald Pechenuk for the link.


American Psychological Association Finds 52% of Americans are Somewhat or Very Stressed by 2016 Election — 6 Comments

  1. Wait until the stress on Election night and the day after — esp. in the various stock markets and foreign exchange markets.

    The communist Donkeys (headed by the Horrible Rotted Communist) are playing for TOTAL permanent CONTROL of the U.S.A. — via SCOTUS.

  2. Mostly this is the voter’s own fault. Too many people vote out of fear. Voters themselves ratchet up the rhetoric about what apocalypse will ensue if their candidate does not win. They view the voting process as deciding who is going to bully whom for the next few years. Too many want the supporters of the opposition to suffer after the results of the election – not dragged into the street and burned alive, but in the back of their mind they want some kind of cosmic justice served up to their opponents. It’s projection on their part to imagine what would happen if they were on the losing side.

    Far too often around election time I hear comments from people I know, and I consider mentally stable, but they go and say things like “I hope their child gets cancer and they lose their house because they can’t afford the medical bills. That will teach them for not supporting the ACA.” Or “They’ll regret not supporting gun ownership when the burglar breaks into their home and shoots their wife and kids and they have no way to defend themselves. That will teach them.” What sick mind wants a child to get cancer or shot dead?

    This type of mentality reminds me of a quote from the British Philosopher and Statesman Edmund Burke who said something along the lines of Men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters.

  3. If they are stressed out then I would suggest they stop watching television news and reading the Newspapers.

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