Larry Sanders, Brother of Bernie Sanders, Places Fourth as Green Party Nominee in Special British Election

On October 20, Larry Sanders, elder brother of Bernie Sanders, placed fourth in a British special House of Commons election. Larry Sanders was the Green Party nominee. See this story. It is not surprising that the Conservative Party won this special election, because it is a safe seat for the Conservative Party.


Larry Sanders, Brother of Bernie Sanders, Places Fourth as Green Party Nominee in Special British Election — 8 Comments

  1. An American is allowed to run for the British Parliament.He is a Britian citizen by choice .Did he move to Great Britian to avoid the war in Vietnam.Many Americans went to Sweden including Us soldiers in Germany who deserted .Some went to Great Britian .Yes Us soldiers were against the Vietnam war to .Is their a Vietnam veterans against the war chapter in Germany .

  2. James sure, mathematically perfect… but structurally perfect? No. In a pure proportional representation, who’s my representative? Who do I forward my grievances to? Who acts as my spokesperson when I wish to introduce a piece a legislation? Yes, citizens can write legislation, it just HAS to be sponsored and introduced by the citizen’s congressperson.

    Mixed-Member using Single-Transferable for the district races would be reasonable compromise that keeps district representation with in a proportional system. Plus, single-transferable is semi-proportional in and of itself. 3 seats per district coupled with a statewide proportional election, to adjust the final seat count to make it proportional would be the best compromise so not to completely make our legislature no longer representative of their constituents. Especially since a national (or even state-wide) pure proportional election would mean nobody actually has a specific of representative.

    I mean if I live in western Kentucky and all of the proportionally elected representatives come from central Kentucky (most likely they’ll all come from in or around Louisville), who out of any of those representatives is truly representative of western Kentucky or the suburbs or rural areas? None.

  3. William, Larry Sanders moved to Britain in the late 60s but I don’t believe it was anything to do with the Vietnam war but I can’t confirm that.

  4. Andrew, the great thing about pure proportional representation is that the calibrations go up and down with the number of seats in whole assembly. Low threshold. Don’t over-think the mathematcal calibrations always the same. You start mixing in non-proportional ideas, it’s no longest the lowest threshold for everyday independent people.

  5. James… sounds like a perfect way to have an unrepresentative oligarchy that only benefits the elite. There’s not a single country on the planet that uses pure proportional and there’s a reason why. It would lead to total tyranny by the elite.

  6. Someone should ask Larry Sanders about the Vietnam era.Donald Trump avoided Vietnam.

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