Oklahoma Bill to Eliminate Straight-Ticket Device

On December 6, Oklahoma State Senator J. J. Dossett (D-Owasso) introduced SB 6, to abolish the straight-ticket device. Here is the bill. Thanks to Richard Prawdzienski for the news.


Oklahoma Bill to Eliminate Straight-Ticket Device — 5 Comments

  1. This is another tactic by the radical left to deceive voters. They want voters to be confused because the radical left knows people are on to the what the radical left Democratic party policies are all about. They do not want people to distinguish between who is a democrat or republican. The radical left or democratic party has already published election material without stating their party affiliation . They are frauds .

  2. Brian, if you think the Democratic Party are radical left, I want some of whatever hard drugs you’re on. They’re center-left at best, and many are centrist. Instead of attacking every non-conservative as “hard-left”, maybe you should have a conversation or two with REAL socialists and communists. You might learn a thing or two.

    Straight ticket just makes voters lazy. It’s suppose to be your civic duty to vote, not something you do in two minutes, checking a Straight Ticket box without even knowing every candidate you’re voting for, and walking away. I’m sorry you think wanting voters to be educated is somehow a radical leftist policy.

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