Outside the Beltway Story on Whether Centrism Could Ever Become a Viable Third Force

Doug Mataconis, senior editor of Outside the Beltway, has this essay on whether centrism could ever become a third force in U.S. elections.


Outside the Beltway Story on Whether Centrism Could Ever Become a Viable Third Force — 13 Comments

  1. Wow this guy is a moron. He proves that the parties are moving further to the left and right, but the public is looking for centrists positions, and he’s stating a centrist party wouldn’t be able to pull the vast majority of the country that is centrist? His conclusion directly contradicts his observation. This guy couldn’t be any more retarded.

  2. AJ and SG – for a look at the morons, have a look in the mirror. The possibility of a third party gaining any power, regardless of its political philosophy, a single winner first past the post elections is essentially zero. And to say that the Ds are centrists is simply the most ignorant post I’ve ever seen here at BAN.

  3. Centrist STATIST ??? or Statist Centrist ???

    A political mutation in the last 6,000 plus years ???

    PR and AppV

  4. Don, how is it ignorant when the Democratic party LOATHE progressives and leftists, and are obviously corporatist to the core nationwide? Two can play at that game, I’d call it ignorant to say in this day and age that overall the Democratic Party aren’t a good facsimile of centrist.

  5. The notion of “centrism” is based on a two-dimensional political spectrum that doesn’t reflect all political outlooks. The reasons that we are stuck with a two-dimensional system are plurality voting and single member districts.

  6. “Centrism” is *one*-dimensional . . . all on one infinitely narrow, infinitely long line. The “mini-quiz” at some Libertarian sites is *two*-dimensional. We need a language of more dimensions than even two.

  7. One day when we realize that pure proportional representation is the only tool available for uniting diverse people, and then we get behind, support and utilize the tool, then a third force can take root.

    The 10th USA Parliament has been using pure proportional representation correctly, has been uniting diverse people and has been the potential third force for more than twenty-two consecutive years and it works fine.

    That’s why so many people, including Sergie Brin who copied my traits as an artist and an activist and my personal logo joogle in October of 1997 and tried to claim that his search engine company is a democratic entity.

    The USA Parliament is the oldest and most successful political unity and functioning virtual parliament in the world.

  8. @ John Antony:

    You are right – I stand corrected. The contemporary political spectrum is ONE dimensional.

  9. To the people talking about how the democrats are moving toward the center, they aren’t. The are moving down and to the right toward authoritarian, not toward the “center” area.

  10. @Brandon Lyon Some us like me are saying they are already centrist on social issues but center-right on economic and foreign issues. But yea authoritarian centrism.

    @Don Wills In recent Democrat Party history that they are mostly centrist with Bill Clinton promoting “Third-way” with centre-right military issues and later Obama promoting Neoliberalism with Social Liberal issues to distract real issues.

    @Aiden Thats implied to you, other true centrist Hillary supporters and Republicans. But you refering Democratic Party members are slowly moving left ever since Trump won, while it’s older and sellout politicans are still toward centre-right or downright right.

  11. Wow – Now this is a touchy issue apparently. I certainly hope a Centrist or Moderate movement can come together. I’ve seen the extreme ends of both left and right – Its ugly. Moderation will be key to reconciling the peoples of America. After all, its very hard to get anything done when each side spends all their time calling the other one evil. All that amounts to is fundamental attribution bias.

  12. Any changes in brains from age 18 to age 68-78-88 ???

    IE — what was so swell when young is lunatic when older.

    See the infamous mass murder purge of the old 1917 Bolsheviks by Stalin in the late 1930s — about 20 more years until killed off.

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