
Washington Post Writer Jennifer Rubin Speculates that Both Major Parties May Break Up — 12 Comments

  1. Wishful thinking from a Zionist Never Trumper. The two parties are just as firmly in control of the electoral process and the hearts and minds of the little people as they have been for the last 100 years.

  2. As much as I’d love the two parties to die out, I don’t think it’ll happen, because it seems no matter what the DNC does to push the leftists and progressives out of the Democratic Party, so many still will vote for them and shame third-party voters if they speak out against the party. Until that stops happening, no matter how corporatist the Democrats get, they’ll still be in the nominal power they’re in.

    As for Republicans, Trump was their nominee, and so few spoke out in the party. That really says all you need to hear about that side.

  3. Political Schism from both sides are feeling possible but propaganda from supposedly neutral mainstream media, this oldest voting system has been part of predominantly mor… people’s minds as part of American political culture and blindly accepting voting third party will let other side win even realistic reality and better information said otherwise for them even other countries like Canada, United Kingdom, and India is possible to vote the third party as means to replacing/returning old/former second party to beat current party in power. And that current “Anti”-Establishment figures like Sanders is refused to created or join the third party is in their view “Political suicide” for not just their future job but for his relevancy by so-called “Left-wing” mainstream news outlets that mainstream media lovers will be propagated not vote him again.

    But the only way to end all this if people to just electoral reform the nation with includes changing the voting system that isn’t plurality-based and all constitutions that have “Plurality” as official way to vote.

  4. It’s a structural problem. Single member districts with plurality voting pretty much protects a two party system. I’m waiting to see if the Supreme Court comes out with a major ruling against gerrymandering, but I’m not holding my breath. Both factions on the court know how reliant they are on the current system.

  5. Actually, we have to thank the election of Trump for producing this sort of speculation. The Republicans are torn deciding whether to support or challenge him. and the Democrats are torn trying to decide whether they ought to be more moderate or radical in opposition. If Clinton had been elected, both major parties would have reverted to “normalcy.”

  6. Birth -> Growth -> Maturity -> Death

    Applies to people, political parties, countries, and just about everything else. The Rs and Ds won’t be around forever. Nor will the U.S. Something, someday, is going to kill the Republican party. It might end up being Trump.

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