Link to Alabama Election Returns

The Alabama Secretary of State webpage has election returns for the special U.S. Senate election. See here. By a very slight margin, the number of write-ins is greater than the margin between the two candidates named on the ballot. According to the Alabama Secretary of State’s earlier ruling, this means all write-ins will be tallied not only by the counties, but by the state. This will be the first time in history that the Alabama Secretary of State will have tallied up the number of write-ins in a statewide race, for all write-in votes. Alabama does not have a write-in filing procedure, so all write-ins are equally valid and all will be tallied.

However, Doug Jones is exceedingly close to having 50% of the total vote cast, and if he reaches that margin in the final count, then there won’t be a state write-in tally (however, the counties will have the information).


Link to Alabama Election Returns — 27 Comments

  1. I can’t get excited for a conservative Democrat like Jones winning, no matter who his opponent is. I voted third-party when it was Donnelly against “Rape is a Gift from God” Mourdock here in Indiana, so I probably would have tried to find a good write-in vote here. Two conservatives were the main candidates, and the moderate conservative beat the extreme conservative. I see nothing for celebration.

  2. Doug Jones is a “conservative Democrat”? That’s Doublethink.

    Jones favors expanding ObamaCare, saying “healthcare is a right”.

    Jones favors implementing a national “Living Wage” that would cause jobs to be replaced by robots or simply sent overseas.

    Jones favors destroying our economy by regulating coal out of existence and spending more taxpayer money on ethanol and other renewable energy production facilities.

    Jones favors more federal control of education.

    Jones favors higher taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals.

    Jones’s position on abortion is best described as absolutist pro-choice.

    A “conservative Democrat” he’s not.

  3. Don, ObamaCare is a Republican healthcare plan that is a giveaway to the insurance agencies. It is nothing close to the kind of Medicare-for-All plan we actually need in this country. He is a capitalist for one, which automatically puts him at best center left. He supports a bigger military, which is the last thing we should spend money on right now. He is a staunch supporter of Israel, has not come out against the unconstitutional spying of the NSA, or support of whistle-blowers like Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning.

    He is a complete, establishment Democrat. Supporting things like abortion rights and “more federal control on education” do not automatically make someone a raging leftist. He is a conservative Democrat, or at best an establishment Democrat, certainly not someone I’d happily vote for.

  4. One more minority rule blowhard HACK from a below average small State.

    Abolish the USA gerrymander Senate.

    PR and AppV in ALL regimes.

  5. Well Don, when you run someone as divisive as Roy Moore; you’ll get people like Doug Jones elected -regardless of how red a state is :3

  6. Well, to be fair, the people of Alabama re-elected him to the state Supreme Court after he’d been tossed off the first time — so their not electing him to the US Senate wasn’t a foregone conclusion.

  7. The genius morons who wrote the 17th Amdt (elect USA Senators), the 19th Amdt (women vote) and the 26 Amdt (18 age vote) failed to update 14 Amdt, Sec. 2.

    How many write-ins in 1866-1868 ???

  8. Professor Rick Hasen has read the Alabama law carefully and has discovered that Moore can’t get a recount unless the margin is less than one-half of 1%. Candidates for state and local office can get a recount even if the margin is greater, but by an oddity, candidates for federal office cannot.

  9. James Mahoney IV–Like 22,000 plus people in Alabama, I also would have cast a write-in vote, probably for another pro-life conservative, in yesterday’s election. However, you got it wrong. Richard Mourdock never said “Rape is a gift from God”. He said that the baby who is conceived from rape is part of God’s plan just like with all other children. Websites on the subject are Choices4Life, Savethe1, and Hope After Rape Conception.

  10. Hmmm– Every killer monster has been s part of God’s plan ??? —

    Cain – first evil jealous killer in the Bible
    Augustus Caesar – chief killer in Rome in 1 BC-1 AD
    Genghis Khan – almost wiped out Europe
    King George III in 1775-1783
    Napoleon in 1799-1815
    Kaiser Bill in 1914-1918
    Hitler-Mussolini-Hirohito in 1931-1945

    PR and AppV

  11. It comes down to the same. To me there is zero actual difference in the statements. If the product of something is part of a plan, the thing it’s a product of also has to be a part of that plan. As it is, his Democratic opponent in the race was also anti-choice, as was the Libertarian candidate, so I didn’t even vote in that election. But your statement, I feel, is a distinction without a difference, especially when we should have a secular government that doesn’t wast time trying to obey some god’s supposed plan.

  12. Demo Rep–which ones were conceived from a rape? James–there’s very much a difference.

  13. Likely ALL the killer-monsters were conceived by the Devil with their reptile / spider *brains* ???

  14. @Richard Winger – So, you mean to say that because the spread between Jones and Moore exceeds 1/2%, Moore cannot get a recount? I guess that those write-in votes weren’t wasted after all.

  15. WZ
    The 1 BC-1 AD was a reference to the birth of J.C. in the Bible.

    Augustus Caesar was the killer in charge (KIC) aka de facto emperor in Rome 27 BC to 14 AD
    — succeeded by other killers to 476 AD
    — destruction of the Western Roman Empire.

    What day did Cain kill Abel ???

  16. “What day did Cain kill Abel ???”- Demo Rep

    It was a Tuesday, I think. 😉

  17. @Richard: Thank you! Hmm . . . Section 17-16-20 governs the automatic recount, and allows that (if the margin is close enough) for elections for any office . . . while 17-16-21 allows for any voter to ask for one (leading to a potential contest of the election) per 17-16-40 and -47 . . . but -40 lists the offices to which it applies, and no Federal offices are there. Not even President. (Not even if the margin of the popular vote in Alabama were more than the nationwide margin.)

  18. Wishful thinking Michael. Even with a recount, a 20,000+ vote margin of victory isn’t going to be reversed to the point of unexpectedly giving Moore the election.

  19. Demo Rep, the Mongol Empire didn’t even reach Europe before Ghenghis Khan had died, and even when it did didn’t come anywhere close conquering it entirely. You may be thinking of the casualties that he inflicted while taking over much of asia. Though in most cases, the casualties produced his conquests of areas didn’t exceed 10% of the prewar population of the area.

  20. Just great to have lots of hair splitting historians on BAN.

    To generalize – the Mongol killers almost wiped out Europe in the 1200s.

    One result – the Mongol killer *brains* in the ex-USSR regime and in the current Russia regime.


    See the map color expansion of the ME.

    Good luck in finding any ballot access stuff in the wiki.

    The ME killers did MAJOR damage to the Arab regimes in the Middle East

    — ie killed off most Arabs with any human brain cells in the main cities — aka mounds of skulls

    — result the Arab reptile / spider monarchs/oligarchs in the ME for 700 plus years.

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