South Dakota’s Largest Newspaper Carries Comprehensive Article on Ballot Access in South Dakota

The Sioux Falls daily newspaper Argus Leader, the largest paper in South Dakota, has this detailed look at ballot access for minor parties and independents in South Dakota.


South Dakota’s Largest Newspaper Carries Comprehensive Article on Ballot Access in South Dakota — 8 Comments

  1. One voter each 6 to 10 miles in SD ???

    Electronic daily newspapers in SD ???

    EQUAL ballot access tests — even in LOW voter population States.

  2. The United Coalition has been striving for attention to the the cause of the pure proportional representation for five years in Usenet starting in Santa Cruz, California in 1992 when a programmer capitalized on our success.

    Here is the story about how the United Coalition was imitated by a program but the psychopath does’t want the truth to be known.

    How Google got its name;

  3. The first Green Party candidate to access the ballot in California was my best friend Kevin Clark in the 1993 special election for CA CD 17.

    Clark and I were also part of the 1992 United Coalition; a Green, Peace and Freedom, Democratic and Environmentalist team, four candidates for Santa Cruz City Council.

    Green Party bosses Cameron Spritzer, Mike Feinstein and others fought tooth and nail to deem the United Coalition which is elected under the pure proportional representation voting system as not acceptable to the Green Party.

    The reality is that pure proportional representation is the only legitimate voting system and the United Coalition has been correct for more than twenty-three consecutive years.

  4. Who owns a ballot paper as a tangible thing? Who owns the symbolic content which appears on a ballot paper? Are ballots exempt from government copyright law or does government claim control and ownership of the symbolic content of a ballot paper once it has been cast or transferred or “sent”? How does ballot content differ from the content of a private letter? Is ballot content a publication to all like a newspaper editorial? Is compelling anonymity on the author of a ballot content a violation of a fundamental right of expression and also a “taking” without just compensation?
    Upon what “right” does a state derive the authority to seize and monopolize the physical paper and the content and the publication of ballots symbolic contents created by a class of persons, i.e., “voters”?
    Who has written about and debated these questions?
    What is the relevance of the First Amendment and other provisions of the U S Constitution to these questions?

  5. @DFR, Isn’t it equivalent to other forms submitted to the government, such as a tax form, or a job, or welfare application?


    Elected UCC Candidates

    Candidate for State Assembly, California, USA (November 2020)
    Mark Herd [Libertarian]

    Candidates for Governor of California, USA (November 2018)
    Nickolas Wildstar [Libertarian]
    Stasyi Barth [Republican]

    Candidates for Lt. Governor of California, USA (November 2018)
    Gail McLaughlin [Independent]
    Tim Ferreira [Libertarian]

    Candidates for USA Congress (November 2018)
    California CD 2 Andy Caffrey [Ecotopian Democratic]
    Louisiana CD 3 Verone Thomas [Noble People of Conscious]
    California CD 36 Doug Hassett [Republican]

    Candidates for (POTUS) President of the United States (November 2020)
    Donald Trump [Republican]
    Miss Joy Waymire [Anarchist]
    Adam Kokesh [Libertarian]

    Candidate for Vice President of the United States (November 2020)
    BJ Jordan [Dallas Cowboys]

    Candidate for Mendocino County Board Of Supervisors, California, USA (November 2018)
    Pamela Elizondo [Green]

    Candidate for Chairman of National Patriot Party of Ghana, Africa (2018)
    Alhaji Abubakari Abdul Rahaman [NPP]

    Candidate for Prime Minister of Canada (October 21st, 2019)
    Raphael Louis [National Coalition Party of Canada (NCPC)]
    * * *

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