Some Cities Don’t Want to Host Republican 2020 Presidential Convention

According to this article in The Hill, these cities have decided they don’t want to bid on the Republican presidential convention for 2020: Philadelphia, Nashville, San Antonio, and Las Vegas. Thanks to Political Wire for the link.


Some Cities Don’t Want to Host Republican 2020 Presidential Convention — 7 Comments

  1. Perhaps the burgs want to avoid quite possible MAJOR riots / civil war battles ??? —

    see Chicago 1968 Donkey Convention.

    NO primaries/conventions.

    PR and AppV

  2. Conventions certainly could be removed from the official process to get on the ballot, but you can’t prevent an organization from having a convention and declaring an individual to be their candidate.

    By the by, did you get my letter?

  3. The party hacks can have a zillion PRIVATE clubby hack meetings.

    PUBLIC ballot access only via PUBLIC equal nominating petitions or filing fees.

    letter – not as of thurs 10 May

  4. Unless the cities get full reimbursement of the additional costs involved – especially for security – then they should be reluctant to bid. Holding a convention like this is not the same as the annual meeting of the American Association of whatever.

    Yes there may be an economic boost – lots of people attending that spend lots of money on hotels and food etc but little of that actually gets into city coffers via sales and other taxes and what does basically pays for the cost of police etc so there is no public gain.

    Where I live here in the UK we have a large conference centre and I very rarely see additional security for conferences. Even when the political parties are here there is minimal disruption – a few road diversions and bollards to prevent a truck attach but it really is for a small area – but more importantly central government pays for the additional security costs. The parties have to pay for everything else.

    Though I do think that a decision not to bid should be based on economic issues rather than political as that simply entrenches the political divide. Generally if an organisation is going to spend money in your city then you should welcome them with open arms..

  5. So it seems like the only course of action would be to increase the level of violent protests at the Democrat convention to even the economic playing field and make it “fair”. That’s what Dems want right, “fairness” and “economic equality”. BTW I hate the GOP too.

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