Constitution Party Qualifies for North Carolina Ballot for 2018 and 2020

North Carolina county election officials have determined that the Constitution Party petition for party status has enough valid signatures. There will be five parties on the ballot in 2018: Republican, Democratic, Libertarian, Green, and Constitution. That is the largest number of parties in North Carolina since 1980, when there were six parties on the ballot. Back in 1980, exactly 10,000 signatures were required for party status.

The 2018 requirement is 11,778. This is the most difficult petition drive that the Constitution Party has met in any state since 2012, when it completed the New York requirement of 15,000.

In North Carolina, when a party qualifies in a midterm year, it is also on the ballot in the following presidential year. The Constitution Party has never before been on the ballot in North Carolina.


Constitution Party Qualifies for North Carolina Ballot for 2018 and 2020 — 4 Comments

  1. Which of the smaller parties can have the Donkeys/Elephants divide and conquer the most/worst ???

    ie — more and more plurality/minority extremist winners.

    See Trump 46.1 percent in 2016.

  2. Plurality politics are all about division and not about unity.

    Unity in politics can only happen under the mathematical equation of pure proportional representation (PPR).

    Some groups like the California Green Party and CoFOE claim to use PPR while the fact is that they have done, and continue to do, severe harm to candidates who are united under PPR and they have cemented racist voting systems in SF, Oakland, Maine, Santa Clara and these liars want to make the entire country like SF – a one-party system.

    The United Coalition has been demonstrating the unifying phenomena of PPR for more than twenty-three consecutive years and PPR works fine.

  3. Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Green, Constitution. A very good and representative group of parties. Any voter should be able to find a party that closely matches his or her views.

  4. Looks like North Carolina’s election system is becoming more free and fair, with five parties having ballot access statewide. Good to see. I just wish it were this easy here in IL, but we’ll keep trying where we can.

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