Democratic Party Likely to Change Rules so that Superdelegates Can’t Vote for President on First Ballot at National Conventions

According to this Politico story, the Democratic Party is likely to change its rules this week, and provide that superdelegates can’t vote for president on the first ballot, at national presidential conventions. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link. Superdelegates are persons who did not get elected in a presidential primary or caucus, but who in the past are still entitled to be voting delegates at national conventions.


Democratic Party Likely to Change Rules so that Superdelegates Can’t Vote for President on First Ballot at National Conventions — 7 Comments

  1. *super-delegates* = the EVIL top party OLIGARCHS – now for centuries.

    Donkeys have been doing SLOW motion reforms

    — since the infamous 1968 Donkey RIOT Convention in Chicago during the un-declared Vietnam WAR (after the murders of M.L. King and R. Kennedy).

    — esp in 1968-1988 — producing Bill Clinton in 1992.

    NO primaries, caucuses and conventions.

    PR and AppV

  2. This, plus the facts that California moved up its primary, and that there is no clear leader yet, should make for a crowded field of Democratic candidates in 2020, like the Republicans had at the start of 2016. But, unlike the Republicans, who weighted the early primaries, the Democrats provide for proportional voting all the way up to the convention, which means that the field of candidates will probably stay large, and that the first ballot will be inconclusive, allowing the power brokers to make the final decision, anyway.

  3. The super-delegate hacks (esp the gerrymander hacks in Congress) will simply do whatever (bribes/threats) and be at the top of the *politically correct* candidate delegate lists.

  4. The really rotted gerrymander hacks will try to be at the top of 2 or more candidate lists.

    The Donkey mess is akin to the Roman Civil Wars in 120 BC – 27 BC —

    pick a wannabee tyrant and be on his list.

  5. Ironically, the reason the Democrats gave for having the “Superdelegates” was to prevent another McGovern/1972 takeover. They overlook the fact they have nominated McGovern clones since that time.

  6. Gee —

    What percent of the *super-delegates* have been McGovern clones

    — aka Marx- Lenin- Stalin- Mao- Castro clones ???

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