Poll Says 20% of Likely California Voters Will Leave U.S. Senate Blank

On July 26, the Public Policy Institute of California released a poll for various offices and issues. The poll asked about the U.S. Senate race. In November, two Democrats are the only candidates listed, and there is no write-in space. Among likely voters, 20% volunteered that they will leave their ballot blank for U.S. Senate (the pollster did not suggest this idea). Here are the results. Scroll down to page eight for the U.S. Senate race.

In November 2016, when there were also just two Democrats on the ballot for U.S. Senate, 16% of the voters left U.S. Senate blank.


Poll Says 20% of Likely California Voters Will Leave U.S. Senate Blank — 13 Comments

  1. The party bosses’ censorship, bullying and foul divisive policies are to blame for the voters being turned off.

    That’s because the bosses who set policy alone are responsible for the lack of unity and the perpetuation of negative messages by the concieted egomaniacs, usually males, who bring the divisive political policies.

    Then they can only cry about the situation.

    Are you ready for a new message, one of working together to find solutions for the whole and by the whole?

    Forget about the past because the future is bright.

    You may be interested in pure proportional representation (PPR). The United Coalition USA has been bringing PPR into the conversation for more than twenty-three consecutive years and PPR works very well.

    Despite the pluralists’ efforts to snuff us out while telling us how they are better than everyone else and that they don’t need the mathematics of PPR, our team’s policies of 100% unity remain an option.

    It’s OK to worry, but keep your nose to the ground, do your job, work hard and build the team.


  2. At least, in the old Soviet Union, you could cast a “disapproval” vote by crossing out the name of a candidate. We need something like that to let voters express their disapproval of any or all candidates.

  3. That is not precisely what the responses indicated.

    Some voters when asked whether they would vote for Feinstein or DeLeon, said neither. They might have given the same response in 2010 when asked if they intended to vote for Boxer or Fiorina.

    Curiously, Republicans slightly favor DeLeon over Feinstein.

  4. WZ — how many voters (esp absentee voters) have knives and scissors to cut the hacks off the ballots ???

    — likely illegal — illegal *marking* of ballots.

  5. WZ,

    Great idea, and to improve upon it, I would propose that any such “disapproval” votes be tabulated and deducted from the candidate’s overall vote total. They would serve as a “negative” vote.

  6. @WZ, TomP

    We can assume voters who don’t vote also disapprove of all candidates. If no candidate gets a majority, hold a new election a month later.

  7. Standard court stuff —

    a majority of the voters VOTING ON A QUESTION determine the result —

    nonvotes do NOT count — the nonvoters are deemed NOT to care —

    related to quorem math and voting math in legislative bodies.

    IE- would need to put the nonvotes/disapproval stuff into consts — as one more *reform*.

  8. Should anyone out there be interested in collaboration under pure proportional representation (PPR), the All Party System Co. has a volunteer signup page and we need coaches for our members to learn about “majority coalition” votes for the guidelines and “votes of confidence” for our executives elections.

    Sign up to be a volunteer here:


  9. Who is doing the deeming, Demo?

    We no non-voters did not approve of the measure enough to actually get out and vote for it. Imagine what it would do for GOTV efforts and cleaning up the voting rolls.

  10. JR asks —

    Who is doing the deeming, Demo?

    SCOTUS did the deeming long ago.

  11. Back to the DEFECTIVE Poll —

    Failure to list ALL options —

    Vote zero
    Vote 1
    Vote 2
    Deface ballot – rotted choices

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