
HarrisX Poll Asks How Voters Would Vote if they Could Re-Do 2016 — 7 Comments

  1. How about 1800, 1860, 1912, 1932, 1960, 1992, 2000, 2008, 2012, etc. Prez elections ???

    Jump into time machines now !!!???

    PR and AppV

  2. The party bosses think exactly like this two-party, single-winner district POTUS poll and that’s exactly how the party bosses made sure we kept a two-party system in place since 1993 when the As Hoc United Coalition first started campaigning under pure proportional representation (PPR) in the CA CD #17, all parties working together for the good of the whole.

    The party bosses don’t want their perspective parties to know about PPR because to them only one party and their candidates are better than everyone so they must kick everyone in the balls who doesn’t self categorise which the bosses party. The boss is the chair who is expected to build their own gloriously above and exclusive of all others.

    Are you ready to see candidates from all parties (and independents) and genders working together for the good of the whole where the best team players are rewarded with votes?

    The United Coalition USA has been using PPR correctly like in Cambridge Massachusetts for more than twenty-three consecutive years and PPR works fine.

    Not like the 2016 Hillery Clinton and Jill Stein efforts and not like Gary Johnson and Donald Trump campaigns.

    Like the Roseanne Barr and James Ogle ticket who won Missouri with 52.7% in 2012 because the Roseannearchist and Libertarian Party were working across party lines under pure proportional representation.

  3. I voted Jill in 2016, and would vote for her again now, or another leftist candidate, but my vote would certainly not gravitate to one of the major party candidates.

  4. I voted for Johnson and it was probably the best vote I’ve ever made. Trump has followed through on everything I feared and gone back on everything I’d hoped for. Clinton is just as corrupt and sleazy as she was 2 years ago and the Libertarian party is growing leaps and bounds.

  5. I wrote in Jill Stein, but if I could go back, I’d probably write in Monica Moorehead (Worker’s World Party). Either way, there’s no universe in which either Trump or Clinton would have received my vote.

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