On October 9, a Missouri state trial court enjoined the new law that requires voters to show a photo ID at the polls. Priorities USA v State of Missouri, 18AC-cc226, Circuit Court of Cole County. Even though the photo ID law is a new part of the State Constitution, the basis for the opinion is the State Constitution’s older voting rights language. Here is the six-page opinion. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link.
Having won the Libertarian Missouri State primary for US President in 2012 with 52.7%, the State primary in 2012 that placed Libertarian POTUS candidates on the ballot in an election before the national Libertarian Party convention (Gary Johnson was on the same ballot as a Republican), the United Coalition USA is connected to Missouri.
Our team will be turning our focus back to the bridge that united the states of California and Missouri that year.
There are many areas of election law and voting rights, with applications to all state elections from voter ID to voting equality, and the laws affect multiple states and Federal levels simultaneously.
The United Coalition USA has been coordinating since 1995 and now we’ve elected the top items on national Unity Platform, one of which asks for a single definition of Electors in the US Constitution.
Libertarian and Green Party candidates for US President Mark Herd [Libertarian] and James Ogle [Green] have been working together closely everyday to strengthen the bridges by competing for the same seat as Vice President of the US.