Startling Reversal in Arizona U.S. Senate Vote

On Wednesday, Arizona election returns showed that the Republican nominee was winning. But as of the evening of Thursday, November 8, the Democratic nominee is 9,610 votes ahead. Here is a link to the Arizona Secretary of State’s web page for that race.


Startling Reversal in Arizona U.S. Senate Vote — 14 Comments

  1. Why is this “startling”? Arizona and Nevada are being infected by California demographics that make anything but a progressive unelectable.

  2. How many ballots per hour per scanner vote machines ???

    Absentee ballots counted first or last ???

    Oregon survives — ALL paper mail absentee ballots
    — NO election day voting in polling places.

    Local State regime — NO interim partial *results*.

    BAAAAD olde Felony days — if interim results baaaad, then stuff more ballot boxes.

  3. That half sucks, because Sinema is a centrist at best, but I’ll keep my fingers crossed that it’ll cause the blind Democratic partisans to shut up and stop complaining about the Green Party for once, even though Angela Green went as far as withdraw from the race and endorse Sinema, which of course the Arizona Green Party disavowed.

  4. Paper ballots only. Voters can record their paper ballots by scanning them and using this record for emergency purposes.

  5. No surprise. This is being done by Democrat officials in Democrat counties. They’ll find however many votes they need.

    To them, a legitimate election is one they win and an election they lose is illegitimate.

  6. How many States are RED communist and BLUE/Black fascist States ???

    — due to the type of MONSTER HACKS in CONTROL ???

    What would 4 July 1776 folks be doing ???

    PR and AppV

  7. “What would 4 July 1776 folks be doing ???” – Demo Rep

    Answer: nothing they’re ALL dead!!!!!!!!!!

  8. CL is a living genius — qualified to be a hair-splitting SCOTUS HACK.

    What would 4 July 1776 folks be doing — IF they were still ALIVE ???

    Same with the April 1865 Union Army folks — smashing the last Confed slavery forces to bits.

    Same with the May 1945 [VE Day] and Aug 1945 [VJ Day] Allies — smashing the last Axis death/slavery forces to bits — some still alive.

    PR and AppV

  9. How many new election law cases since 2018 Election Day —

    on top of the many cases pending before 2018 Election Day ???

    Need more HACK judges in all States for the added cases ???

  10. 1776 era American folks did more than vote in 1775-1784.

    For all moron history dummies —

    The 2nd Amdt was due to 19 April 1775 in Mass —

    Battles of Lexington and Concord.

    Church alarm bells all night in eastern Mass.

    Fighting sunrise to sunset
    — multiple Mass militia units and lots of folks NOT in units
    — counter-attacking the Brit army units
    — who had been sent to Concord with orders to capture/destroy militia arms/ammo and arrest various Mass folks.

    Perhaps 60 percent of American military land forces in 1775-1784 was in the State militias

    – esp. after *regular* USA Army forces often got beat by Brits.

    Some Am Rev War pensions into the 1860s — lots of American young teens in fighting.

    Later CRISIS volunteer armed USA army regiments formed in April-July 1861 to defend D.C. and railroads to north and west. See Stat. vol for 1861-1862.

    See later Resistance in France and *partisans* in Yugoslavia in 1941-1945 in WW II.

    IE – the top folks in ANY regime may become LAWLESS killer tyrant MONSTERS —

    see later MONSTERS like Lenin, Mussolini, Hirohito, Hitler, Mao, etc.

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