Voting in British Columbia Referendum on Proportional Representation Ends

The December 7 deadline for British Columbia voters to send in their mail ballots is about to pass.  Probably the results will be known on December 8.  See this story.


Voting in British Columbia Referendum on Proportional Representation Ends — 6 Comments

  1. CA results also done 7 Dec 2018.

    Remember 7 Dec 1941

    — 77 years and counting.

    Japan Killers/Enslavers surprise attack on USA Hawaii Territory — aka Pearl Harbor.

    USA Navy radio alarm message — Air Raid Pearl Harbor. This is NO drill.

    Wars with Axis killer regimes 7 Dec 1941-1950s [end via peace treaties].

    This list is NO drill — USA killers/tyrants have their minority rule gerrymander regimes

    — Fed-State-Local — more entrenched than 1942 Axis regimes.

    PR and AppV

  2. More delay —

    Voting closed on December 7, 2018. The interim ballot return report will continue to be updated the week of December 10 as ballots received at in person drop-off locations by the deadline are sent to Elections BC in Victoria.

  3. Numerous articles, including this one, say results of the referendum won’t be known for at least two weeks and possibly not until Christmas.

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